Village Voices
Network members' voices bring good news and share highlights from
around our community.
A Month of Celebrations, Reflections, and Learning
There is much to celebrate, reflect upon, and learn during the month of June. Among these include Pride, Immigrant Heritage, Men’s Mental Health, Juneteenth, and more.
This Saturday, June 19th is Juneteenth which is also known as Emancipation Day. It is the day that commemorates the last group of American slaves learning they were free on June 19th in 1865. This holiday is an opportunity to celebrate freedom in America, reflect upon our shared history, and continue learning from each other.
We invite you to check out leadership highlights, resources, and events in this newsletter related to Juneteeth and beyond from across the network.
Network Innovations and Inspirations
This week, we celebrated leaders at the June Network Connection Meeting: Innovations and Inspirations co-hosted by the Urban College of Boston - Community Advocacy and Leadership Fellows. The evening included motivational discussions led by Fellows on healing, resilience, financial coaching, tools for prioritizing self-care, communities of belonging and launching non-profits.
We also remembered, uplifted, and even joined in song to celebrate leaders young and old from across the network.
Seeking Input for Resources & CONtexts Logo
With the COVID-19 vaccine roll out and children starting to attend more in-person happenings, we’d like your feedback on resources that are important for families during this time. Additionally, please vote for a new CONtexts logo at the end of this form!
CONtexts aims to promote positive outcomes between caregivers and children by sharing weekly resources through a free text service. These resources are ideal for anyone working with or caregivers of children ages 0-5. If you want to subscribe for free, text KIDS to +1(844)-806-0616.
Network Events
Connect with Vital Village Network at these upcoming events. Click
event to RSVP or learn more.
June 23rd, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Every Thursday at 3:30pm-4:00pm
June 29th, 6:00pm-7:30pm
July 15th, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Community Events
Join Vital Village Network partners and other community organizations at these upcoming events. Click event to RSVP or learn more.
June 19th, Part I: 11am & 1pm, Part II: 4pm & 9pm
A virtual event with a keynote from a pivotal community leader, awards, historical readings, and musical performances. Presented by the Boston Juneteenth Committee and the Museum of National Center of Afro American Artists.
June 19th, 10am - 10pm
A day of activities and programs to celebrate Juneteenth and honor the contributions of Black artists, scholars, and creative voices to the City of Boston. All events and activities are free and take place in person on the MFA’s outdoor campus.
June 30th, 6-8pm
Join this virtual event to learn more about DSNI and explore becoming a member. DSNI empowers Dudley residents to organize, plan for, create and control a vibrant, diverse and high-quality neighborhood in collaboration with community partners.
Check out job, volunteer, and grant opportunities available in our
We have a new opportunities page! Please click the button below for a full list of job, volunteer, and grant opportunities with descriptions and links.
Resource Connector
Learn more about resources relevant to children and families in our community from our community.
VVN Wellness Bank Resource Guide
The Wellness Idea Bank is a comprehensive and community-driven guide for those in the Greater Boston Area that helps collect events, ideas, and resources for supporting wellness and social connections. Please check out the new June edition of our community-created Resource Guide, tailored to and focused on relevant and time-sensitive resources for residents of the Greater Boston Area.
Borrow from your local library or support a local book store by reading books about Juneteenth! One of our amazing local partners is a black-owned bookstore in Nubian Square Frugal Bookstore.
Juneteenth for Mazie by Floyd Cooper (free read aloud)
Freedom’s Gifts: A Juneteenth Story by Valerie Wesley
Juneteenth: A Children’s Story by Opal Lee
All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom by Angela Johnson (free read aloud)
Juneteenth Jamboree by Carole Boston Weatherford
Juneteenth by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson (free read aloud)
Talking with Children about Pride and LGBTQ+ identity
Gender-Diverse & Transgender Children: Article, definitions, and resources from Health Children, American Academy of Pediatrics.
Queer Kid Stuff: YouTube channel on topics ranging from race and gender identity to how to be a good ally.
Woke Kindergarten: A platform educating kids on racial and social justice.
The Conscious Kid: A research and policy organization dedicated to reducing bias and promoting positive identity development in youth.
Family Equality: A virtual support and education space for LGBTQ+ families.
COVID-19 Information and Resources
The City of Boston launched the Equity in Vaccine Access (EVA) Line to help Boston residents who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 get vaccinated. While the virus has affected every community, data have consistently shown that people of color and older adults face greater risk from COVID-19.
Scoop on the Stats
Explore data related to early childhood education and network initiatives!
"These Freedom Day celebrations are always commemorative of the suffering Black people experienced as it pertains to slavery. They mark important milestones in a much broader vision and aim of abolition. But they're always aspirational, right? Because while they're celebrating "freedom," there is a deep awareness that freedom for Black people continues to be incomplete. They’re commemorating the end of slavery, even as slavery is alive and well in the world in which they're living."
Sharing Technology
Explore technology related to child and family well-being.
We are excited to roll out our Abundance App 3.0.2! Location data sharing is no longer required in order to use the app and we have updated the Supermarkets layer. If you haven't downloaded Abundance yet, head over to the Google Play or App Store!
CONtexts aims to promote positive outcomes between caregivers and children by sharing weekly resources through a FREE text service and interactive resource sharing map. These resources are ideal for anyone working with or caregivers of children ages 0-5.
To subscribe, text KIDS to 844-806-0616
Once you're subscribed you will receive 3 weekly FREE text messages:
Monday: Nearby community resources
Wednesday: Wellness tips
Friday: Family-fun events
Our Mission
Vital Village is a network of residents and agencies committed to maximizing child, family, and community wellbeing.
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Share with Us
Have an event, job opportunity, or resource to share with the network?
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