May Hearings- May 13, 2021:
1202 Hunt Seat Drive: A-Residential District; Applicant seeks relief to facilitate construction of a two-car detached garage, outdoor patio and related improvements accessory to a single-family dwelling. Decision pending.
820 Bethlehem Pike: Lower Pike Overlay & D-Business District; Applicant seeks relief necessary to permit a daycare center (Goddard School) and medical office. Decision pending.
June Hearings-June 10, 2021:
1612 N Bethlehem Pike (Corner of Welsh Road & Bethlehem Pike): PO-Professional Office District; Applicant seeks variances for use, height, and setbacks to permit a luxury watch retail building in this location.
730 Meadowcreek Circle: A-1 Residential District; Applicant seeks a special exception to permit an in-law suite.