June | 2022
Monthly Focus
Active Play Everyday!
Take the opportunity to teach children about the importance of outside play and how getting out and about can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Make a plan to get outdoors and add active play to your daily routine.  
Start Small
Begin by introducing one new activity, adding more when everyone is ready.

Turn off the TV
Play an active family game, dance to favorite music, or go for a walk.

Plan and track your progress 
Let your kids help plan activities and write them down on your family calendar.
Take a healthy snack with you to keep you energized! This can be as simple as making your own trail mix! Just combine your favorite unsalted nut, cereal and dried fruit.
Breastfeeding Tips & Topics
Breastfeeding and Exercise
Is it safe to exercise while breastfeeding? The short answer is yes! Exercise is good for a breastfeeding mother, but some education can be helpful. There are countless health benefits of exercise from building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight, to producing endorphins and increasing self-confidence. There are also however, some things to keep in mind if you’re breastfeeding.
Hard exercise such as weightlifting, a spin class or distance running can change the taste of breastmilk from lactic acid buildup, making it bitter (Murry 2022). This may bother some babies and not others. This is easily overcome by pumping the first small bit of breastmilk post workout to get the lactic acid out or wait a little while post workout to feed if possible.

A study in 2020 found that only 35% of women maintain their pre-pregnancy physical activity post childbirth. The study found many women were concerned that exercise would negatively impact their milk supply (Snyder et al. 2020). This is not true. The author suggests healthcare providers work hard to overcome this misinformation given exercise while breastfeeding is safe and provides many benefits to breastfeeding women.
Reducing Food Waste
Reducing Food Waste: Get Organized! 
Food that is “out of sight, out of mind” equals food waste! A poorly organized refrigerator can lead to food waste. Perfectly good food may go uneaten just because you can’t see it. Avoid food spoilage by keeping your fridge clean and organized. 
How to organize your fridge: 
Where to store food: The top and middle shelves have the most consistent temperatures for storing milk and other perishables. The bottom shelf is the coldest area and is best for defrosted or fresh meat and eggs. The door is the warmest area and should be used for storing non-perishables like pickles and condiments.
Check your fridge often to keep track of what you have and what needs to be used. Designate and label and “Eat First” space in your fridge so everyone can easily identify the foods that need to be eaten soon to prevent spoiling.
Don’t overfill your fridge as this can prevent cold air from circulating properly.
More organizing ideas: Use clear plastic storage containers or bags for leftovers. This will allow them to be easily seen and more likely to be eaten first. Place restaurant leftovers in the “Eat First” space in your fridge.
Safety Topics
Summer Exercise Safety
It is essential to take the necessary precautions while exercising during the summer months. The average person can take from one to two weeks to adapt to warmer, more humid temperatures.
Click here to know what to do if you or a loved one shows signs of having a heat-related illness.
Tech Corner
Conduct a Poll in Microsoft Team Message
Need to ask for your opinions? Try to conduct a poll in Microsoft Team Chat.
  • Click on the Forms icon under the message box to create and send a poll in Microsoft Teams.
  • Create your poll by typing your question and the answer choices.
  • Allow multiple answers by clicking on the multiple answers toggle.
  • Click on check boxes for sharing results automatically after voting and keep responses anonymous.
  • Check if you're happy with the poll.
  • Click Send and watch the results roll in.

Watch the video below for more detailed instructions
Core Value Recognition
  • Possess determination to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of their goals.
  • Spread enthusiasm to everyone around them.
  • Feel worthy and valid and that helps them develop great self-confidence.
Congratulations to our winners for this month core value recognition,
Berna Nino and Emma Chavez!
Fun N Fit
Try the 10-Minute Home Workout

Boost your heart rate and brain power with this quick home workout. Do each exercise at your own pace for about 30 seconds with 30 seconds of cardio between exercises.

Read more
Challenge of the Month
Find Your Jam
Moving your body does not need to be dreadful. When we were children, we moved our bodies like crazy. It was called, “playing.” Rediscover the joy in movement by choosing a fun physical activities that you enjoy. 
Take a photo of you "finding your jam" and send it to [email protected] by Friday, July 8, 2022.
Thank you to all those who submitted pictures for May's
"Battle of the Elements" challenge.
Celebration Board
June Birthday

Happy Birthday to
Emily Rogers on June 10

Congratulations to Leni Espiritu and My Lien Nguyen
for their 15 years of service with the County of Orange.
Leni Espiritu
My Lien Nguyen
Emma Chavez, pictured here with her prize, is the winner of the Nutrition Services Spring Cleaning Challenge. Emma received 16 out of 28, or 57% of the votes submitted. Congratulations Emma for a great job in organizing your work station!
Matthew Scammahorn, son of Liza Scammahorn, just graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University California of San Diego with a B.A. in Political Science, minoring in History and Ethnic Studies. Aside from his academic pursuit, Matthew also served as the Vice President and President of College Democrats at UCSD. Matthew will be attending law school at UCI in the fall and is planning to pursue a career in public service. Congratulations to proud Mama Liza and her family!
We would like to celebrate with you! Please share your special achievements and events with your Fun N Fit representative so they can be featured in the next newsletter.
Nutrition Services Staff Say
Most Nutrition Services staff prefer to walk or dance as ways to remain active.
Other Questions
If you have other questions or suggestions, please send them to [email protected]

Orange County Health Care Agency Nutrition Services Program