Please pray for
■Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger
■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California
■ Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center
■Lost and unchurched people
■Revival in SCBN churches
■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches
■Churches without pastors
■TV ministries of Cordele First, and Pinecrest churches
■Our schools, teachers and students
■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter
Church positions available
Byromville Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Youth/Children's Minister. Please contact Pastor Reed Benson- 404-886-6898
Morningside Baptist Church is seeking a Director of Family Ministries. This position will be a part-time position and will work closely with the pastor to lead and shepherd young children, youth, and their families. In addition, this role may grow over time to include other responsibilities based on gifting, experience, and ministry needs. Please contact Stan Bowen at 229-938-4022.
Please contact the SCBN Office at 229-273-4127 if you would like to feature an available church position in the monthly newsletter.