Affirmation of Welcome
Reformation, a congregation of Christ's Church, welcomes everyone to join with us in a journey of faith. We are committed to providing worship, programs, ministries and pastoral care to all, regardless of religious background, age, color, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or national origin. Everyone is welcome in this place, where the love of God is the foundation of all that we say and do!
The Reporter
Reformation Lutheran Church
ALL Are Welcome & Affirmed Here!
Worship Service Update
We have resumed the in-person worship service on Sundays at 10:00 AM. In addition to this, and in order to ensure the health and safety of our congregation, we will continue to broadcast the service online via Facebook Live. Please join us for worship online HERE.
Pastor's Perspective
Pentecost is just around the bend! We had a great traditional Easter Season, cautiously coming out of Covid, and now we head into Pentecost. There is something about Pentecost that pumps me up. Maybe it’s my Holiness background, which my professor from Wesleyan Seminary in DC reminded me, was just Pentecostal without tongues, but there is something of the Spiritual aspect of Pentecost that still stirs me.
4”All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
5Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 6And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 7Amazed and astonished, they asked, ‘Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 9Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.’ 12All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this mean?” 13But others sneered and said, “They are filled with new wine.’
14But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, ‘Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 15Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning.’”
Could you imagine the impact that Pentecost event had to have had! It was something new! A coming together, a reconciliation that took everyone by surprise. “And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language?”[Acts 2:8] Something that was unheard of since before the Tower of Babel. And I love their assumption, “They are filled with new wine.” I love Peter’s response, “Hey, it’s only 9:00 in the morning, they’re not drunk on wine.” They may not have been drunk on wine, but they were drunk on the Holy Spirit. Yes! It’s the Holy Spirit, the Holy Breath of God that begins breaking down barriers that were as old as civilization. But if you follow the Book of Acts, one quickly realizes that is the Spirit's M.O.. It doesn’t take long for that 1st century Church to realize the Holy Spirit was going to make it their M.O. too. The Spirit did not create that M.O. for the Church by force, but by presenting the opportunities and possibilities to live it out. I believe the same is true today.
I believe Christ Mission coming into Reformation’s faith life is the Holy Spirit moving in the same way for Pentecost today. Coming out of Covid has left the universal Church facing a new paradigm, the question that is before us is how will we seize the day? I believe one way to seize the day could be by combining Christ Mission’s voices with Reformation’s voices. I believe the fruition of the Spiritual combination can surprise the community just as the Pentecost event did during the 1st century. Christ Mission and Reformation can come together and speak of faith in a combined way so that all can hear and be drawn to the Word of God. We can learn how to speak together in a way that barriers — as they did with the 1st-century church — can be broken down.
So for this coming Pentecost Sunday as we join together with our more modern setting — you remember, which we worshipped with before Covid two and a half years ago — may we experience the Spirit moving us, and may the combined language of loving Christ Mission and Reformation offer together, surprise the community as they wonder if we too are drunk. May our Spiritual hangover draw them to Jesus’ love and righteousness!
In Christ,
Pastor Tim
Wear your Red on Pentecost
Sunday, June 5, is the Day of Pentecost. This is one of the three main Festival Days of the Church Year. The others are The Resurrection of our Lord (Easter Sunday), and the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas Day).
You are encouraged to wear Red to help celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
Red is a power color and is appropriate for use on Pentecost Sunday. On this day we remember the power and fire of “the Lord and Giver of Life,” who revealed himself as the promised one. The color red communicates the motif of strength-strength and power the Holy Spirit gives in order for God's people to call on the name of Jesus Christ and share that powerful name with others.
Prayers of the Church
Sick and Homebound: Tracy Hamiter; Connie Pool; Bobbie Black and Beth Mayer.
Health: Emmy Reeves; Bobbie Prosser; Sarah Trani; Lynn Black’s brother, Bill Black and Sue ZurSchmiede.
Worship & Music Update
From Worship Committee Chair, Julia Prater
With much prayer and anticipation, we plan to continue full worship (COVID cooperating!). With that in mind, we have much work for all able and willing hands. The opportunities for service are many. Please review the following "job descriptions" and prayerfully consider where/how/when you would like to serve. Training can be provided for all roles.
Ushers: Greet worship participants, make sure they get a bulletin, offer the opportunity to sign in if guests, guide folks to the altar for communion. Ushers will no longer pass the offering plates; offerings will be placed at the altar during communion.
Assisting Minister: read the Creed, the prayers and assist Pastor in serving communion.
Lector: Read the first and second lessons (also the Creed and prayers when assisting minister role not filled)
Acolyte: Light and extinguish the altar candles; process the cross.
Altar Guild: prepare the paraments and communion service; clean up after service
VOICES to sing a joyful noise! Any and all who would like to join the choir are welcome and encouraged to do so. Choir rehearsal is held on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.
June Lector, Assisting Minister & Usher Schedule
June 5 Lynn Barley
June 12 Daisy Ritchie
June 19 Matt Klopfenstein
June 26. Gloria Preslar
Assisting Minister:
June 5 - Ben Bullock
June 12- Leroy Cannon
June 19- Colleen Clark
June 26 - Jim Prater
June 5 - Gary Parish
June 12 - Alecia Perry & Jim Prater
June 19-
June 26- Sam Ruff & Raymond Cook
Worship participants are needed for the worship service. Can you volunteer? If you cannot volunteer on the scheduled day, please inform Julia Prater, so that a substitute can receive the worship materials in advance of the worship service. Contact Julia Prater - 803.360.7583 for more details on how you can serve. If you won't be able to make it to church on the Sunday you are scheduled, please coordinate a swap/coverage with someone else from the team.
Join us for Story Time on June 12-14 in Charleston for our annual South Carolina Synod Assembly.
We pray safe travels for Reformation and Christ Mission delegates.
June Celebrations
Parker McLean Hasinger, June 6
Julie Young, June 12
Sharon Turner Baldwin, June 13
Nell Orscheln, June 15
H.B. Eleazer, June 16
Benjamin Bullock, June 17
Keating Clark, June 18
Mary McCrary-Baylor, June 19
Brad Crain, June 23
Ross Jolly, June 26
Julia Prater, June 27
RaeVen Kelly DinWoodie, June 28
Ron Heater & Patrick George, June 10
Helen & Jerry Huber, June 19
Glenn & Shirley Derriso, June 21
Perrine & Richard Hernandez, June 25
Upcoming Events
Washington Street United Methodist Invitation
All are welcome and invited to attend the intergenerational conversation on LGBTQ+ issues and the church on Wednesday, June 8 at Washington Street United Methodist Church, 1401 Washington Street Columbia, SC 29201. See Gary Parish with any questions regarding this event.
Poor People's Campaign Movement
#MeetUsinDC Join the Poor People's Campaign in DC on June 18th for the Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, a national gathering of the movement to upset the status quo and force our elected leaders to address #poverty in this nation. Contact for details.
Thank you
We give thanks to God for Fred Mansperger purchasing a brand new push lawnmower for Reformation Lutheran Church. Levi Boyd, the church sexton, recently celebrated 37 years with Reformation and appreciates this wonderful contribution. The tractor mower and push mower will continue to beautify the grounds of Reformation.
Quote of the month
"Peace if possible; truth at all costs."
Martin Luther
Response to the School
Shooting in Uvalde, Texas
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid" (John 14:27).
Gracious God, news of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, has ripped our hearts and torn our souls. We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. In the depths of pain and anger, we come before you, O God, our rock and our refuge. You are our only comfort. You are our only hope. Merciful God, you know the depth of our suffering. We have only begun to mourn those we have lost.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America grieves with the families of the 19 students and two teachers killed in Tuesday's mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Mass shootings in this country over the past two weeks have deepened the wounds of grief and sorrow. This follows the racially motivated shooting of 10 people in Buffalo, N.Y.; the shooting in Laguna Woods, Calif.; and the 27 other school shootings that have occurred in 2022. Many of the shooters have targeted children and older adults — some of the most vulnerable in our society.
Read the entire message
The 2022 schedule and listing of Zoom meetings and ID numbers are on the RLC website and updated as necessary.
Announcements and Reminders
Calendar Updates
Check the calendar on the church's web page ( for the latest updates, changes, cancellations, and postponements in church activities and meetings.
Adult Forum Update
Dear RLC family,
Due to a lack of attendance this year at Sunday morning Adult Forum sessions, the decision has been made to cancel Adult Forum (Sunday School) until August 2022, at which time the Adult Education committee plans to regroup and invite any interested RLC attendees or virtual attendees to fill out a survey suggesting ideas, meeting times, meeting frequencies, and a vision for impacting the lives of our church family members.
Please note that weekly Wednesday night Wired Word sessions will still be ongoing. The Zoom session link is available in the newsletter, and please feel free to contact me via e-mail if you'd like more information on these sessions.
Steven Asbill
Adult Education Committee Chair 2022-2023
Keep in Touch with Your Church Family
Do you need a Reformation Lutheran Church Membership Directory? To request a copy, please contact Mikita at the Church Office at (803.252.1507) or via e-mail at
Updating Our Records
Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date with the church office. Our records include your birthdate and anniversary date (if applicable), mailing address, email address(s), phone(s), and family members. If there is any change, be sure the church office knows. If you want to check to be sure the records are up to date,
Reformation Lutheran Church Newsletter
The Reporter is published monthly at Reformation Lutheran Church and is sent electronically or mailed to members and friends who wish to have a copy. A link to The Reporter newsletter is also posted on the church website: and on Reformation's Facebook page. A mid-month newsletter is also published and sent electronically with timely information and updates.
The deadline to submit articles or items to be updated, announced, or published is the eighteenth of the month. If you have news to share, please send it to the church office. Please email to
1118 Union St. Columbia, SC 29201
Tim Bupp, Pastor