Are you already registered to vote? Before you register, click below to check!
Your Voter Registration Form must be POSTMARKED by the 4th Wednesday before the election. For the upcoming Primary Election on August 2 the last day to register to ensure you can vote is July 6.
My son’s friends often ask me, “what do public works workers do?” My son then prepares for a long and complicated answer that he has heard a few dozen times. But, in all fairness, it is complicated. Sure, I could go with the standard answer for our Ozark responsibilities.
“We take care of Water, Sewer, Streets, Public Rights-of-Way, Stormwater and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).” But that doesn’t accurately describe all the ancillary activities that come along with working for Ozark Public Works (OPW). In this month’s newsletter, I want to tip my cap to all the OPW employees that consistently go above and beyond what is written in our job descriptions.
There are so many things that I need to thank the OPW crew for the late nights, the long hours, the river cleanup, their pride in the community, their willingness to go above and beyond, etc.
However, one of our key missions is to provide community outreach, so let’s focus on that in this newsletter. Community Outreach involves a nexus between communication, sound public policy, and education. These are critical components to understanding why we do things in a certain manner. It is sometimes very easy to just say, “because that is what the Missouri Department of Natural Resources wants us to do”. But at OPW we try to help people understand the science and reasoning behind our policies and procedures.
As you all know, the Finley River is a HUGE asset to our community. We owe it to our community to share management techniques that can help the Finley remain a sustainable centerpiece for our City. One of the outreach methods we use is a program called Adopt-A-Class. OPW works with Ozark Schools, James River Basin Partnership, Missouri Stream Team, Missouri Department of Conservation, Dickerson Park Zoo and Missouri Department of Natural Resources to facilitate and manage a yearly program that demonstrates the importance of protecting and preserving our natural environment. At this year’s Adopt-A-Class, we had between 120 -130, 6th graders. This experience provides the students with, in the field, training on how to become and remain good stewards of the beautiful Ozarks that we are so blessed to call home. It is a morning full of activities, including our annual proclamation by the Mayor that ensures that we remain “Tree City Certified”. It provides the kids with an opportunity to better understand how our streams, riparian corridors and rivers are, in fact, dynamic ecosystems that must be protected in order to remain a sustainable asset. We discuss the various plant species, wildlife, aquatic creatures, and even microorganisms that must be protected to ensure water quality. We share best management practices that these children can then pass on to their friends, families, and classmates. All of this is an effort to help them understand “why” we have certain policies in place.
I could go on and on, but bottom line is…It is a fun day! And we finish the action-packed morning with a good ole cookout at the OC pavilion. I mean, come one, a day out of the classroom, followed up by a hot dog lunch. Does it get any better than that if you are a 6th grader? Well, here is a secret, OPW loves it too. Our staff looks forward to this event every year. Yes, it is one of those “ancillary” things that we do, but that is what makes public works so unique.
So, the next time you see your public works crew out repairing a water main leak, helping resolve a sewer problem, or even patching a pothole; please know that they are also willing to cook you a gourmet hot dog and discuss the importance of water quality. So, a big thank you to Mr. Tim Auchtung, our MS4 Coordinator and Adopt-A-Class Organizer, all our Adopt-A-Class Partners and the whole OPW crew for all you do to Make Ozark Better Every Day!
Your Appreciative Fellow Employee & Public Works
Jeremy Parsons
June 6, 2022
Board of Aldermen Meeting
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
June 11, 2022
Community Engagement Session - Meeting with the Mayor
Time: 9 - 10:30 a.m.
June 20, 2022
Board of Aldermen Meeting
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
June 27, 2022
Planning & Zoning Meeting
Time: 7 - 9 p.m.
Cant make it to the meeting? Watch them live on our YouTube channel
Check out June's holidays to celebrate
June 3
National Donut Day
June 18
National Go Fishing Day
June 5 - 11
Pet Appreciation Week
Let us know how you're celebrating these holidays by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram!
Ozark Police would like to extend a big welcome to the newest members of our team.
K9 Ollie, a Belgian Malinois, is a dual-purpose Police K9, certified in illegal drug detection, tracking, obedience, detention, and apprehension. He was born in the Netherlands in August 2018. Prior to joining the Ozark Police Department, K9 Ollie received over 320 hours of police training in Alabama, with his handler Officer Jeremy Watson.
K9 Dex, a Dutch Shephard, is a dual-purpose Police K9, certified in illegal drug detection, tracking, obedience, detention, and apprehension. He was born in the Netherlands in April 2019. Prior to joining the Ozark Police Department, K9 Dex received over 320 hours of police training in Alabama, with his handler Officer Blake Anderson.
The Community Joined us Wednesday, May 25, to meet and learn valuable information about these incredible service animals, for a Police Service Dog demonstration, and to get an inside look at what K9 officers add to our department
We invite Ozark residents to have lunch with Ozark Police Chief Justin Arnold and Jarett Metheny, Fire Chief for the Ozark Fire Protection District.
Date: June 10
Location: TBA
Follow the Ozark Police Department on Facebook to find out the location.
If you are interested in hosting the monthly Lunch with the Chiefs, please reach out to Chief Justin Arnold at
How to register your dog with the City
Why Register your dog?
- The City of Ozark requires that all dogs be registered within city limits.
- Registering your dogs helps prevent the spread of Rabies in our area.
- As a way to ensure your dog gets back to you if they get out.
How much does it cost?
$2.50 for spayed or neutered dogs and
$4.00 for intact pets.
The City of Ozark does require citizens to have an updated rabies vaccination to obtain a city license and to bring in proof of current rabies vaccination.
The Ozark Police Department is Hiring!
Summer 2022 Jobs!
Apply on our website at
Finley River Movie Nights
Join us for our favorite Summer Tradition, Finley River Movie Nights! All movies are held at the Finley River Park at the north end of the park on the ball field, begin at dusk, and are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets.
Date(s): June 11
Movie: Jurassic World
Rating: PG-13
Time: at Dusk ( Sunset is at approximately at 8:30 pm)
Summer Night Swim
Your Ozark Parks & Recreation team would like you to join us as we swim into the Night at our Neal & Betty Grubaugh Pool! Come and enjoy swimming under the stars. *Concessions will be available for purchase.
June 17 | July 1 | July 15 | July 29
2yr. & under : FREE
3yr. & up: $3
If you have any questions, reach out to the Ozark Community Center at 417-581-7002
On the Road Again
New Season Luncheon
Date(s): July 12
Meeting Location:
Time: Noon
Cost: $10
Home School P.E.
Date(s): Tuesdays and/or Thursdays
Time: 1 - 3 pm
Tuesdays or Thursdays:
Annual Family Members: $93
Non-Members: $113
Tuesdays & Thursdays:
Annual Family Members: $123
Non-Members: $163
Afternoon Kids Club
Registration is now open for The OC's after-school program, Afternoon Kids Club! Swim, craft, run, play, and more every day here at The OC! Transportation is provided from Ozark North, West, East, South, and Middle School.
Tuition is paid on a monthly basis, but averages out to about $5.75 per day ($115 per month) for members, and $6.75 for non members ($135 per month). To register, there is no enrollment fee - just fill out the online registration form, and pay the first month tuition (prorated as August is a short month).
Neal & Betty Outdoor Pool
Location: 907 E Parkview St.
May 25 - August 22
Monday - Saturday:
Noon - 6 p.m.
1 - 5 p.m.
Weather Policy:
Lightning 20 min. delay for up to an hour- OC Pool Passes are given after an hour
Please call 471-581-SWIM when temperatures outside are under 70 degrees, the Neal & Betty pool may be closed.
Coming Soon to the Neal & Betty Grubaugh Park
Summer 2022!
The City of Ozark is excited to announce a new inclusive playground coming to our Neal and Betty Grubaugh Park at 907 East Parkview, Ozark, MO, in Summer 2022. We are excited about having a place here in Ozark where “Everybody Can Play.”
The playground will have an ADA-accessible Swing, specially engineered to secure children with mobility limitations safely. A large portion of the Play Structure is wheelchair accessible, with inclusive activities that a child can use both in sitting & standing positions. The Play area flooring was designed with mobility devices in mind making maneuvering the area easy for everyone.
A special thank you to all of our sponsors who have been vital in making this dream a reality! CC Links, The Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions Club of Ozark, Utopia Club, Cosmopolitan Club, 4C Sertoma, Equilibrium Therapy, Mo-Yak Fishing, and Impact 100 Ozark
Upcoming Community Events
‘Ozark Trash Bashers’ rebrands to ‘Clean Green Ozark’
Ozark Trash Bashers, an organized group of volunteers working together to help clean up Ozark streets, has been rebranded to Clean Green Ozark. This group began in March of 2021 and has since picked up over 500 bags of litter. Clean Green Ozark is part of Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s leading community improvement organization, educating and activating millions of individuals across the country to end littering, improve recycling and beautify communities.
Clean Green Ozark is looking for individuals, groups, or businesses to help pick up litter in Ozark. Trash bags and vests will be provided. Interested individuals should email Stay up to date on keeping the Ozarks beautiful by joining the Clean Green Ozark group on Facebook.
Blood Drive
When: Tuesday, July 5
Time: 8 am-Noon
Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, B - or A - donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.
Come to give June 30-July 10 and get an exclusive Red Cross recycled cotton tote bag, while supplies last! By donating, you're helping patients celebrate summer with loved ones. It’s an act of kindness you can carry with you!
16th Annual Glow
June 17, 2022
at dusk
Through generous corporate sponsors, GLOW raises financial support for the Children's Smile Center. Children's Smile center operates non-profit dental clinics in the Ozarks for children covered by Medicaid.
Several Hot hair balloons will be inflated and GLOW for about 60-90 Min. between 8:00 - 10:30 pm.
This event is highly dependent on wind spend, weather in the area and ground conditions.
Sertoma Duck Race
Friday & Saturday
June 17 & 18
Fireworks on the Finley
Saturday, June 18 at 10:15 pm
Cornhole Tournament
Saturday, June 18 at Noon
Registration at 11 am
Duck Waddle 5k
Saturday, June 18
Give blood get a duck!
Ozark Community Blood Drive
Thursday, June 9
9 - 3 pm
Appointments are strongly encouraged. To schedule your appointment call
or go to
June 16
River Swim | Scenic Bike | Nature Run
Sporting Clays Competition
Cosmopolitan Club of Ozark
July 16
Cost: $85
- 100 Sporting Clays
- Lunch Included
- Raffle
- Prizes
Awards by Lewis Class
Ammo Available for purchase day of event
Register by phone:
Ozark Chamber of Commerce
Rachael Salveter
Ozark, MO- June 1, 2022 — For 95 years, the state bird of Missouri has been the Eastern Bluebird. While that’s not officially changing, the citizens of Ozark may very well think that it has. Over the next two months, locals and passers-through will see much more of a different bird species – the most common yard bird, the pink flamingo.
The Ozark Chamber of Commerce will kick off a membership drive Friday, June 3rd, running through Friday, August 5th. This very colorful recruiting effort will push flocks of flamingos into the green space surrounding local businesses. Current Chamber members will be asked to nominate future members for flocking. All in good fun, the nominated business can either accept the opportunity to join at a discounted rate, nominate 3 other businesses, or make a small donation to a local charitable organization and the birds will be quickly removed. It is the Chamber’s hope that this campaign will strengthen the connection between individual businesses and assist in efforts to redevelop the Ozark Chamber as a member-driven organization.
For more information:
Rachael Salveter
Here is a copy of the Holiday Calendar for 2022 from Republic Recycling and Waste Services.