Advances in Global Health: Call for Research Articles
Advances in Global Health seeks manuscripts by students* and traineesto better understand the epidemiology and public and global health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on outcomes related to the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (good health and well-being).
*students/trainees must be the first author, faculty may be co-authors
On May 24th the GloCal Health Fellowship held its first Site PI Council meeting. The Site PI Council is meant to improve communication between GloCal's 21 partner institutions.
Rx One Health Field Institute 2022 Kicks Off This Month
The Rx One Health Field Institute program's 27 participants from 14 countries (and five continents) will explore One Health concepts and learn how to apply their unique skill sets to solve complex planetary health challenges while exploring California biomes from the Sierra Mountains to the Monterey Bay.
UCGHI Board member and Director and Founding Dean of the UC Irvine Public Health Program, Bernadette Boden-Albala, MPH, DrPH was quoted in a recent Good Housekeeping article on COVID-19 recovery timelines.
The GloCal Health Fellowship provides aspiring global health researchers with outstanding interdisciplinary education and training in innovative research designed to improve health for populations around the world. The GloCal Health Fellowship Assistant will provide administrative and programmatic support to the GloCal program. Learn about the position >>