Step Six: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Spiritual Principal: Willingness
In OA, every day, whether it's via print, social media, or the sides of buses, we experience many commercials proclaiming weight loss and food solutions. Maybe even our family and friends tell us we HAVE to do something about our disease. The comments can come from a place of love and caring for our well-being, but can also come from a place of vanity and making money. Fortunately, we don't have to yield to pressure from outside the program or look for answers on TV or billboards. There is a solution, and it's in the steps. Step Six talks about readiness, or being prepared.

We know diets can come and go, and our feelings towards our program can wax and wane with the moon. At the core of all our actions must be a willingness...a willingness to accept our High Power's guidance...a willingness to take action when it goes against our comfort zone...a willingness to forgive others.
Willingness is an essential component of the all the OA promises. Are you willing?
* Note: Westerly, RI meeting is now hybrid!  Meeting takes place Sundays from 6 PM to 7 PM. In person at Grace United Methodist Church located at 10 Park Ave. in Westerly. Telephone option remains the same.
To access, dial 605-313-5857, Pin 658766# 
What about…? Anything You Need To Know To Navigate Ocean and Bay

Do you have a question?
For questions about anything related to the Overeaters Anonymous program, please contact Amber at
Amber has volunteered to give service for the Ocean and Bay Intergroup by answering questions and providing information.

Need to update your OA meeting?
Please email if you have updates or corrections to make for your local OA meeting – whether it is in-person, on Zoom or on the phone.

Service makes you strong!
Supercharge your recovery by giving service for the Ocean and Bay Intergroup. In addition to working the 12 steps, service is a key part of recovery from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors. Ocean and Bay Intergroup has several service positions open. 

The Ocean and Bay bylaws provide information about duties, abstinence requirements, and term limits for these positions. Nominations are in October, voting in November. You CAN nominate yourself or another member. The Literature and Public Information Professional Outreach (PIPO) committees also provide opportunities for service and lots of teamwork! Find out more at the next Intergroup meeting: Tuesday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. See you there!

Make your earbuds your best buds!
Perhaps it’s the middle of the night and you can’t sleep. Or you're on vacation and traveling by train. Maybe you're out for a walk or a run. Why not listen to an OA podcast or watch an OA video? It’s easy to do on the Ocean and Bay website. You will hear just what you need. Explore the OA list of podcasts and videos today.

Check for Prints
Service suggestion: If you attend face to face meetings, AND have the ability to print out a meeting list AND want to offer service, why not print out some lists and bring them to your next meeting?
Coming Together....

Weddings celebrate the growing of two families who will be stronger together, becoming one. Well, at Ocean and Bay we ARE THRILLED to announce and welcome our OA members from the Southeastern Connecticut Intergroup whom have officially joined Ocean and Bay. The level of service and commitment from our expanded members will make our Intergroup better and stronger!
Mission & Vision Ocean & Bay Intergroup is dedicated to supporting individuals in need of recovery from compulsive eating (e.g.: overeating, bulimia, anorexia) through carrying the OA message and empowering all meetings within the Intergroup. 
Strategic Goals 
1. Help members strengthen their personal recovery 
2. Increase the number of sponsors 
3. Increase the number of newcomers 
4. Increase the retention of newcomers 
5. Help those in relapse 
6. Inspire people to give more service 
7. Increase outreach activities, including outreach to members and healthcare professionals 
Please note that every effort has been made to adhere to OA's policy for newsletter publications. Opinions and experiences expressed within are those of the individual writer and not OA as a whole. 

SUBMISSIONS: This is your newsletter! We welcome your contributions of news items or commentary.* Deadline: 1st of each month. Example: Deadline 6/1 for June newsletter.

You are also invited to be one of the members who provides answers for a Q&A.
Again, just send us a note to:

*May be edited as space allows.