Houston Intergroup Association, Inc.
The Link News Letter
June 2022

Vol 35, No 3
BOT & Delegates Monthly Meeting
June 16, 2022

BOT Meeting @ 7pm
IG Delegates Meeting @8pm

The Board of Trustees meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm.

The Intergroup Delegates meet every other month beginning in February at 8pm.

  • December BOT and IG Delegates is on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Both meetings are Hybrid (in person and on Zoom). Details will be sent to Trustees and Delegates prior to the meeting.

Please consider being an Intergroup Delegate for your group.

Bookstore will be open late for your shopping Convenience.

Welcome New Delegates! Please Complete Form.

Bookstore Hours

Monday - Friday
10:00am to 4:00pm

For large quantity purchases, please call the Bookstore for stock status, prior to your visit. Our Vendors, including AAWS have been hit with the current supply/demand shortage.

Meeting Directory Update

As we make progress with the meeting directory, we have attached a partial list of groups’ whose schedule we have not been able to verify. Please click on the link below to check if your group is on the list. 

If you are unsure if you group has or has not been verified, please feel free to call Libby or Kelli in the office at 713-686-6300 during normal business hours. We would love to hear from you!

Click button below to submit updates for meeting changes. It should be noted that the Meeting Guide App is updated from our Website Meeting Finder.
Visit aa-seta.org for Area 67 website and information.

SETA Assembly July 9 -10 Info Click Here

Image imported from Mailchimp

The 2025 International Convention will be held in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Click below for more info

As of June 1, 2022 there are

  • 1989 Meetings
  • 302 Groups
  • 563 Locations

In the Houston Metropolitan Area
12 & 12, Step 6, page 63
Step Six
"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."

"THIS is the Step that separates the men from the boys." So declares a well-loved clergyman who happens to be one of A.A.'s greatest friends. He goes on to explain that any person capable of enough willingness and honesty to try repeatedly Step Six on all his faults - without any reservations whatever - has indeed come a long way spiritually, and is therefore entitled to be called a man who is sincerely trying to grow in the image and likeness of his own Creator

Reprinted with permission from A.A.W.S
Image imported from Mailchimp
We are so grateful for your continuous support to the Houston Intergroup Office.

We could not continue to provide the essential services needed to carry the message without the continual support of the Groups, the Area (including the Districts and Committees), and the Individual A.A members.