What's Going On - June 2023     

From The Desk of the Executive Director

Summer – what a delicious time to curl up with a good book. And this is when I select my books

for fun. If you want some truly eclectic choices, may I point out we run the gamut. I just found

Peyton Place on the shelves. Yes! And Valley of the Dolls. These are exquisite little snapshots of

another era, so very much before #MeToo. And, for something unusual, how about Script and

Scribble: The Rise and Fall of Handwriting (by formerly local writer Kitty Burns Florey!) or Upper State Street: New Haven at the Height of

its Decline, which has the most amazing photos of State Street before it transitioned into tres hip.

One that is on my list is Butts: A Backstory by Heather Radke. As reviewed in Esquire’s Best Books of 2022:

“This crackling cultural history melds scholarship and pop culture to arrive at a comprehensive

taxonomy of the female bottom. … Radke leaves no stone unturned… Lively and

thorough, Butts is the best kind of nonfiction—the kind that forces you to see something ordinary

through completely new eyes.” Ask Eva, our incredible human interface to the candy box

assortment that is our collection, for more suggestions.

We have a new Upstairs Gallery show opening party on June 7th. It will be the usual (or unusual)

beverages, snacks, and marvelously creative works of art from the New Haven community and further afield.

Come see, snack, and schmooze. The Social Justice Reader program students will be presenting their projects on Saturday June 24th – alas, not at the Institute Library -- at a nearby location. Add in our regular programs and it's a full month here!

See you in June!


An Important Note about Driving on Chapel Street:

The east bound side of Chapel Street (across from the Library) is closed to traffic for the next 12-15 months. Traffic detours around the block (along Church Street to Elm to Orange to Chapel). This is for the two residential and street level retail buildings currently under construction. The west bound side of Chapel remains open. The building on the corner of Orange and Chapel will be done early 2024, the building across from the Library will be finished in the summer of 2024. Regardless: We are open! There are many parking garages, including two on State Street, one and a half blocks from the library. Please call us if you have any concerns.

Programs and Events


End of year presentations for this year's Social Justice Reader Program students will be held on Saturday, June 24th.

This year's presentation event will be held at the

Ives (downtown) branch of the New Haven Free Public Library, at

133 Elm Street. Please join us in the Program Room from 2:00 to 4:30 to witness the achievements of this year's cohort. Light fare and soft drinks will be provided to those attending the event, which is open to all.


The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Bridge Game at

847 Chapel Street

If you'd like to be added to the email list of players (because sometimes the schedule has to change), please reach out to

Eva Geertz: [email protected]

The secret population of closet bridge players

and aspiring bridge players in our midst

now meet Second Mondays

(but there is talk of a second night maybe?)

Folks who haven't played in years, folks who are just starting to learn to play, and expert old hands --

all are welcome!

Hoping to see you here - we are organizing now for: 

Monday, June 12 at 7:00 p.m.

(subject to change; please reach out to us for schedule confirmation)

The evenings will start at 7:00 and run about 90 minutes. We've got a couple of tables available, and decks of cards. 

Jazz Room.jpg

Friday Happy Hour Jazz | Fridays in June | 5:30-7:00 p.m.

  • Friday, June 2 & 9 -- Ear Stretching Time
  • Friday, June 16 -- Henry Threadgill
  • Friday, June 23 -- American Jazz & the World's Musics, Pt. 1
  • Friday, June 30 -- The Afro-Semitic Experience

Join a congenial little group up on the third floor of the Institute Library to listen to recordings you forgot about or never knew about and stick around a bit to discuss the music! BYOB beverage and treat 

Friday Happy Hour Jazz is presented in concert with and support from Jazz Haven. 

Please consider making a $5 donation when you come to Friday Happy Hour Jazz. 

Story Sharing @

the Institute Library

June 8th

7:00-9:00 p.m.

We meet in-person on the second Thursday of every month,

from 7:00-9:00 P.M.

We will have a Zoom-only meeting from 7:00-9:00 P.M.

on the third Thursday of

every OTHER month,

beginning in May.

This makes for twelve in-person and six Zoom meetings per year.

Anyone may join at any time; no experience is required. People share stories at any

stage of development; from maybe-this-is-a-story first tries to polished pieces. The

stories may be about personal experiences, folk tales, or any other genre. Those who

wish it get feedback from the group. People may also come just to listen. 

The meetings are very informal, friendly, and fun.

Announcing a podcast

from the people @

Caravan Theater Company

Think you know your Marlowe?

Think again.

A new podcast on Christopher Marlowe by Peter Hodges and Julian Ng, available streaming May 30th, 2023. Famed Elizabethan poet and dramatist Christopher Marlowe allegedly died in a brawl over a dinner bill in Deptford in 1593, with a knife above his eye. 

Or did he?

What If He Lived?

Eight 30 minute episodes explore the trail of clues hidden in plain sight for centuries.

Sign up on the mailing list to be kept informed of each weekly episode before it is released.

Please note that on June 28th, the Biography Room will be closed to the public to accommodate a private rental of that space.

We expect the front and third floor reading rooms

to be available for use as usual.

Back at the circulation desk...

One of my favorite acquisitions here of recent months is this collection of photographs by Karen Klugman. Some of you may have seen the exhibit at City Gallery last summer, but if you missed it: come sit down with this remarkable book.

Those of us who hang out at 847 Chapel Street have spent a lot of time lately watching the space across the street, which was Kresge's when I was a kid. It's going to be snazzy new apartments. The new building will make that side of the street close to unrecognizable to old-timers. In a kind of reverse play, Karen Klugman's photos of Upper State Street, taken in 1978, will be a shock to people who were not around then and have no memory of what the area was like in the bad old days. What's now chic bars and cafes and gallery space used to be junk shops and kind of grungy bodegas and more junk shops. Plus a Greek restaurant (Basel's), which I remember going to. I still go there now, twice a year, with my daughter: it's a pediatric dentistry office. No stuffed grape leaves to be found, just trial size tubes of toothpaste and lots of stickers shaped like teeth.

The transformation of city blocks in New Haven is always going to be upsetting to people who've been around a long time, but it's also often an improvement over the status quo. The burnt-out Kresge building became a surface parking lot, which I know a lot of people appreciated, but it wasn't the best possible use of that lot (even though I loved our view of the old Water Company building from our second floor windows here!). Surface parking lots in downtown? on Chapel Street? We can and will do better. And State Street isn't just a long stretch of broken-down looking cars and long spans empty storefronts anymore. Yes, businesses come and go, but overall, the neighborhood is thriving. Still: it's important to remember what it was. These photographs are beautiful and the detail captured in them stupendous. Satan's Pool Hall: come back! I'll shoot pool if you'll come back.

Our copy of Upper State Street at the Height of Its Decline is on display near the circulation desk, right near a copy Elizabeth Mills Brown's New Haven: A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design, which is a great book to have in hand as you go on walks around the city this summer. Not forcing it on you or anything. Just saying.

Eva Geertz

Operations Mgr.

If you have any questions, about membership, programs, or the collection, please drop a line ([email protected]) or phone us (203-562-4045). You can read about day-to-day antics at the Library by looking us up on Facebook, and to a lesser degree Twitter and Instagram. These social media feeds can be seen by the general public: you don't need an account to find our posts, but if you do have an account, you might find it worthwhile to follow us.

Hours of Operation 

Closed Sunday & Monday | Tuesday-Friday: 11:00-5:00 | Saturday: 12:00-2:00


The Institute Library, 847 Chapel St, New Haven, CT 06510

(203) 562-4045