Hello. You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in the City of Burlington, Ward 6 or contacted Councillor Angelo Bentivegna. Please add angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca to your address book so our correspondence will be sure to land in your inbox.
You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.
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News from Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna
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Whats in this issue......
Dear Friends and Neighbours
Ward 6 Drop-In Dates….Have Your Say
2023 Property Tax Increase
Ward 6 News
4375 Millcroft Park Drive Construction Update
2154 Walkers Line Update
Rural Burlington Internet Project Update
City News
Burn Ban in place for Burlington Effective Immediately
2023 Tree Pruning Program
Driveway Widening Permit
Canada Day presented by Bunzl
City looking for Feedback on the types of Recreation Programs Offered
Reserved weekend parking in effect at Lowville Park starting May 20
Paid Parking at Burlington Beachway Park
No reservations needed for Summer Rec and Lap Swims at Outdoor Pools
June is the Month of Play
Adult Summer Programs Registration
Royal Botanical Gardens Engagement Survey
Halton Region News
Automated Collection Demonstration Project in Ward 6
Community Events & Programs
Rural Ward 6 Summer Social
Live at the Appollo 2023 Summer Event Schedule
Breakfast at the Bistro
Concerts in the Park
Movies Under the Stars
Service Burlington is Ready to Help!
Pre-Building Approval Process Online Tool
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Dear Friends and Neighbours | |
As always I trust that you will find this newsletter helpful and informative.
I will be continuing my outdoor park Drop-in Sessions this summer, so please check the dates below and drop by or make an appointment.
My family and I hope to see you throughout the summer when we are out and about in Ward 6 and throughout the City.
Wishing you and your family best wishes, good health and happiness. Have a great summer!
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Ward 6 Drop-In Sessions….Have Your Say | |
I invite residents to drop by for a coffee and chat about what’s on your mind. I welcome your input and feedback on what is important to you.
Drop-in schedule:
Sat. June 10, 10:00 - 11:30 am – Ireland Park (splash pad area under shelter)
Wed. June 14, 6:00 – 7:30 pm – Millcroft Park (under the shelter area)
Tues. June 20, 10:00 - 11:30 am - Starbucks, 3051 Walkers Line (Farmboy plaza)
Tues. July 4, 12 noon – 1:30 pm – Haber Park (skateboard park area)
If you are not available to attend a drop-in, you are welcome to email your questions or concerns to me at angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca or call me at 905-335-7600 ext. 7592.
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2023 Property Tax Increase
I have been receiving several emails and phone calls from residents regarding their 2023 Property Tax increase now that residents are received their tax statements.
Committee and Council approved the 2023 budget in February 2023. The result of those discussions was an approved City of Burlington Tax increase of 7.4%. The outcome was publicized throughout many media channels in February including news articles, CHCH, social media and the Ward 6 February newsletter.
Here are the articles that were published in my February newsletter:
Budget 2023
It has been a very busy few weeks, meeting with residents, staff and colleagues, discussing budget numbers for the 2023 calendar year.
Last week, Committee and Council spent almost 10 hours reviewing motions to amend the staff recommended business cases by department/services. Although not the outcome we want to hear, the result of those discussions was an approved City of Burlington Tax increase of 7.4%. The details of this outcome is in the article below.
If you missed the meeting, I have provided you a link to the Post Committee minutes to view the results of those motions.
I have also provided the full video of the discussions for those who may be interested in watching.
City Council approves 2023 budget focused on improving and protecting the future of our growing and changing city
Burlington City Council has approved the city’s 2023 budget, focused on planning ahead and protecting our city’s future.
As Burlington continues to grow, the 2023 budget will make key investments to ensure our City services, amenities and infrastructure keep pace with the changing needs of the community and address the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key investment priorities include:
· Enhancing frontline service delivery with additional transit operators, firefighters, and bylaw and animal services staff to respond to your concerns
· Funding for two new community centres – Skyway Community Centre located at 129 Kenwood Ave. and the former Robert Bateman High School at 5151 New St.
· $72.6 million of capital investment in 2023 to keep our infrastructure assets like buildings, roads and parks in a state of good repair.
· New funding dedicated to cycling infrastructure
· New automated speed reduction program to help address local traffic concerns
· Free transit for youth (ages 13-19) on evenings and weekends
The property tax bill is made up of three portions, the City of Burlington (48.9%), Halton Region (33.4%), and the Boards of Education (17.7%). The overall tax increase is 7.52 per cent.
Ontario’s property taxes are not a user-pay service. Taxes are paid by all property owners. We all share the cost of providing municipal services to the entire community – regardless of whether or not an individual taxpayer makes use of a certain city service. Taxes continue to remain competitive with other area municipalities.
Tax billing information:
- Taxpayers enrolled in the 10-month (Jan-Oct) pre-authorized payment plan were mailed a letter on May 12 to advise them of their June-Oct withdrawal amount.
o year over year increase (from 2022 to 2023) is captured in the final 5 withdrawals, June-Oct
o their Jan to May 2023 withdrawal was 50% of their 2022 taxes
o therefore, the taxpayer is paying all of the 2023 increase (7.4%) over June-Oct withdrawals
- Final tax bills for all taxpayers will be mailed by the end of May.
- Taxpayer information brochure will be included with the bills to explain how the taxes are calculated, how to pay and the various programs that are available.
- Installments are due June 21 and Sept 21
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4375 Millcroft Park Drive - Salotto Building Group - Construction Update
Salotto Building Group have obtained a Site Alteration Permit to begin earthworks within their property. They are planning to start work the week of June 12.
Salotto are also entering into a Pre-servicing Letter of Undertaking through the Engineering Department so that they can complete their servicing work since they do not yet have a Subdivision Agreement.
Tree Protection fencing has been installed within Taywood Park as approved by staff and it will be installed within their property, followed by the silt fence around the site perimeter.
They will be working through the school site in July and August, through a separate agreement with the School Board.
To view the full proposal visit: Salotto Building Group Inc. - 4375 Millcroft Park Dr. - City of Burlington
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2154 Walkers Line Update
You may recall that this development Application was to amend the Zoning By-law to nine (9) townhouse units of 2-storeys in height to be developed on a private road.
The demolition permit was received and demolition is complete. The property has been cleared and leveled. Activity will begin on the site soon as work crews will be starting to install the servicing infrastructure.
To view the full proposal visit: 2154 Walkers Line - Millington and Associates - City of Burlington
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Rural Burlington Internet Project Update
For several months, my office has been receiving inquiries from rural residents asking about the status of the rural Burlington internet project. Since the City completed their approvals over a year ago, the City has not been involved in the project for some time, however, we asked Standard Broadband to provide an update for the residents. Here is what has been posted on their website as of May 1, 2023:
With the continued efforts of our construction team, we are now ready to begin installing the fiber optic cables throughout the project area. Starting around May 15th, our team will begin installing the fiber optic cables that will serve as the backbone network for the project. The installation will begin on Derry Road, from Blue School Line to Walkers Line, then move to Walkers Line from Derry Road to Side Road 1, then to Britannia Rd from Walkers Line to Bell School, followed by Appleby Road from Derry Road to Side Road 1, Side Road 4, Side Road 2, Side Road 1, and finally Bell School Line.
In addition to the backbone fiber, our team will begin installing service wires starting from the first week of June. If you have subscribed to our service using our online signup form, the wire will be run up to the side of your home. If you haven’t yet signed up, please do so using our online signup form. For those properties that have not signed up a service wire will be brought to the property line and buried for future use.
Here are some key points regarding the project status:
- Construction is expected to be completed by June 30th.
- The backbone fiber network will be installed between May 15th and June 30th in the order mentioned above.
- Drop cables will be installed from late May in the order listed above.
- Installation and activations will begin in late June/early July, and our customer service team will contact those who have signed up to book/firm up installation times in June.
- All remaining restoration work, including the replacement of sod/seed and driveway repairs, will be completed in July/August.
We will keep you updated on our website as key items are started and completed. To ensure our service is connected to your home or business, please use our online signup form or click the “Sign Up Now” button at the top of this page.
If you have any questions related to our available services, our customer service team is happy to assist you. You can reach them via email at sales@standardbroadband.ca or telephone at 1-866-569-4147.
For any questions regarding the physical construction of the network, please contact our FTTH Construction Team via email at ftthconstruction@standardbroadband.ca or telephone at 1-866-304-9117.
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Burn Ban in place for Burlington Effective Immediately
The Burlington Fire Department has issued a city-wide fire ban, prohibiting all open-air burning effective immediately. This city-wide ban includes properties with approved burn permits.
The decision to issue a burn ban comes after particularly dry weather conditions in the Burlington area and limited rainfall along with air quality warnings for the region due to smoke from wildfires in Ontario and Quebec.
People failing to comply with open-air burning regulations in the Ontario Fire Code and Burlington’s Open-air Burning Bylaw may be fined. Open air burning such as fire pits, chimineas and campfires can be a high-risk activity and is not permitted in urban areas in Burlington.
Burlington residents are encouraged to help local fire prevention efforts by keeping lawns cut and well-watered and moving brush, wood and yard waste away from structures and heat sources. Fire officials are also asking people to use extreme caution when cooking on barbecues during this time.
To report any open-air burning contact Burlington Fire at firedepartment@burlington.ca or the 24 hour non-emergency dispatch number is 905-637-8253.
For more information, please visit burlington.ca/openairburning.
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2023 Tree Pruning Program
The city’s 2023 street tree pruning program is well underway which is an essential preventative maintenance practice that ensures safe clearance for emergency response and utility vehicles on roads and sidewalks, enables visibility of traffic signs and clear site lines around intersections, and reviews structural integrity for resilience to significant weather events.
The focus for this year’s program is in the Orchard, Millcroft, and Alton Village communities, and a portion of the commercial area south of Upper Middle, between Appleby Line and Burloak Drive, inclusive of Regional roads. This is the first time Alton Village is being pruned as part of our program.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this program that may be taking place in your neighbourhood, please contact Service Burlington at city@burlington.ca or 905-335-7777.
We ask for everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to perform this important work.
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Driveway Widening Permit
Are you aware that if you are wanting to widen your driveway or to install a walkway in a front yard (such as from the driveway to the front door) you will need a Driveway Widening Permit.
Widening a driveway can have negative impacts on storm water management (contribute to flooding), on-street parking, trees, utilities and the overall look of the neighbourhood.
Any changes to the curb or sidewalk can only be done by the City’s contractors. Homeowners who widen their driveway or add a walkway without a permit could fined or have the driveway or walkway removed at the homeowner’s expense.
To apply for a Driveway Widening Permit, email engpermitrequests@burlington.ca for a Driveway Permit Application Form or if you have any questions.
For more information, visit www.burlington.ca/drivewaysandcurbs.
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Canada Day presented by Bunzl
The City is excited to celebrate Burlington 150 and Canada Day at Spencer Smith Park next month!
Vendors and food trucks will be at the park during the day and the Burlington Teen Tour Band will kick off the event at 4 p.m. along with the Mayor’s opening remarks.
This year, we'll host surprise performances by local Burlington musicians! They will be announced when the concert starts; you don’t want to miss it!
Last, but not least, make sure to watch the fireworks at 10 p.m!
Learn more at burlington.ca/canadaday.
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City looking for feedback on the types of Recreation Programs Offered
The City is looking for resident feedback on City-run recreation programs. Feedback is welcome from the community as a whole - past and current participants and those that haven’t registered in our programs. Feedback from everyone will help to understand the needs of the entire community.
The survey will ask questions about what City-run recreation programs you have participated in, what programs you would be interested in and would like to see offered. This review will help the City understand the recreation needs of our growing community. It will also help align the programs the City offers to serve all residents and visitors for aquatics, skating, inclusion, sport, camps, adults, older adults 55+ and programming in general for years to come.
The results of the survey is open until Sept 1, 2023 will be shared in a report to Council in Fall 2023.
Complete the survey
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Reserved weekend parking in effect at Lowville Park
The City is reminding visitors to Lowville Park to reserve their free parking spot for park visits.
Advanced reservations can be made online using Park Pass as of May 20 until Oct. 9, 2023.
Reservations are needed on weekends and holidays between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and are free.
Visitors may book one spot per day since there are a limited number of parking spots available. This will help allow others the chance to enjoy the park. Reservations are available in three-hour time slots.
Here's how it works:
- One vehicle per reservation.
- Those walking or biking into the park don’t need a reservation.
- Visits are three hours long and include in and out privileges.
- Visitors will get an access code to enter the park at the automated entrance gates. Stop on the line so that the camera can take a clear scan of your license plate or use the bar code or numeric code on the keypad. This will open the gate. The gates will be left in the up/open position during weekdays when advanced reservations are not required.
- Vehicles must park in a designated parking spot.
- All other areas are strictly enforced tow away zones. Violators will be tagged and towed.
Please be aware:
- Vehicles parked in the lot exceeding the 3-hour limit will be ticketed.
- Reservations should be done before leaving for the park. There are no Parking Ambassadors this year to help with reservations on-site.
- Those who do not have a reservation can scan the QR code on the park signage to try to make one if any spots are available for reservations. Drivers are asked to move away from the entrance to complete their reservation and be mindful not to block the entrance gates or traffic.
- Vehicles with damaged, bent or flaking license plates can use the bar code or numeric code on their reservation for entry.
- Changes/cancellations can be made up to 48 hours before the reserved arrival time; the date, name, license plate and number of people may be changed.
- Late grace period: The City understands unexpected things happen. It’s ok to be a few minutes late.
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Paid Parking at Beachway Park
The city has implemented paid parking at Beachway Park on weekends and holidays to manage traffic flow and ensure safety of the area. The beach is a hot spot when the weather is warm and there's been an increase in illegally parked vehicles.
Halton residents are given 10 free days of parking per year at Beachway Park and you will be required to complete an online parking exemption form when you arrive at the beach and are parked in a legal spot. The exemption doesn’t guarantee a spot, but it does give you free parking for the day.
Once the 10 free days are used up, the parking rate is $2.50 per hour or a daily flat rate of $20. There is a transaction fee of $0.35 for each payment. Dashboard tickets are not needed as every payment is linked to a license plate number.
Fees will be charged from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends and holidays until the last weekend in September, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023. Parking fees can be paid using the HONK mobile app or by scanning the QR code on the parking lot sign to pay for parking.
Parking is free in Downtown Burlington on weekends and holidays. You're encouraged to extend your walk or use the drop-off zone, park for free in the downtown and meet household members at the beach. For parking downtown, visit burlington.ca/downtownparking.
Other options to get to the beach are Burlington Transit, cycling, walking or rolling and leaving your car at home.
Illegally parked vehicles will be issued tickets and/or towed. Residents are reminded not to park illegally, especially on Lakeshore Road shoulders and the grass boulevard over the pipeline as they will be towed.
For more information about parking at Beachway Park, visit burlington.ca/paypark
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No reservations needed for Summer Rec and Lap swims at Outdoor Pools
This summer, swimming at Burlington outdoor pools will be walk-in only based on first come, first served where larger capacities can accommodate many of our residents. With the exception of Aquafit, online reservation is no longer needed or available for outdoor pools. This is a welcome return to pre-Covid service to our outdoor pools.
This summer there will be a return to normal programming hours at all pool facilities. This includes longer swim times for Fun Swims and additional Lap Swim opportunities at the outdoor pools.
Payment for walk-ins will be taken at time of entry.
During warmer weather days, free swims or holidays, outdoor pools may reach maximum capacities which may result in wait times to enter the pool.
Online reservations for all swims except Leisure and Fun swims can be done seven days plus two hours in advance. Leisure and Fun swims can be reserved seven days in advance.
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Swim Schedules
For all swim schedules and to reserve online where applicable, visit burlington.ca/dropinandplay.
Swim Passes
Yearly recreational swim and lap swim passes are back in addition to our affordable summer passes. There are different recreational pass options available to provide the best value for swimmers looking to participate regularly.
To view and purchase the passes, visit burlington.ca/passes.
Outdoor Pools
Nelson Pool (4235 New St.) is open as of June 3 with a modified schedule of select weekday morning and weekends until daily programming starts on July 1. The Nelson Splash Park will be available Monday to Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. from June 5 to June 30.
Splash Park users can enter through the side gate off the parking lot. The building will be open for washroom use and use of the lobby.
LaSalle Wading Pool and Splash Park (50 North Shore Blvd.) will be opening on June 17, with modified hours of 12:30 to 4 p.m. until June 30 when daily programming begins.
Mountainside Pool and Splash Park’s (2205 Mount Forest Dr.) revitalization will be completed in time for the summer. Reopening plans will be announced soon.
For more information on all the City’s swimming programs, pools and splashpads, visit burlington.ca/swimming.
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June is the Month of Play
It is a great time to get out and enjoy all the outdoor activities and visit the City’s vibrant cultural areas, lush parks, beautiful trails, and refreshing outdoor pools. There are programs and activities for everyone from registered programs to parks, pools and nature.
We are also recognizing June as Seniors’ Month and our Adult 55+ programs provide activities paced and designed with the interests of this age group in mind. Participants can meet new friends, keep active and explore your interests in one of our Adult Programs.
For more information on all recreation programs and services, visit burlington.ca/recreation.
Trivia Challenge
This month, the City will host a weekly trivia challenge on social media. Be the first one to comment with the correct answer to win exciting prizes, including one $50 Live & Play gift card, one picnic site booking of your choice and a Live & Play prize pack.
Trivia rules:
- Prizes must be claimed and used in the 2023 season
- The picnic site is subject to availability
- Prizes are not transferable and have no cash value
- Only one prize per household
- Open to Burlington residents only
Join our exciting weekly trivia challenge for an opportunity to win amazing prizes that encourage outdoor play! So be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to participate.
International Picnic Day
International Picnic Day on June 18 is the perfect opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you're looking to relax, enjoy some delicious food, or engage in fun activities, a picnic is an excellent way to do so. Book your picnic site and pack your picnic basket today. Visit burlington.ca/picnics for more information.
Longest Day of Play
June 21 is the longest day of the year which makes it the longest day of play. Why not take advantage of the day and book our Play Equipment Lending Library? We have over 55 unique pieces of play equipment are available to borrow. Book online today at burlington.ca/playlending.
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Adult Summer Programs Registration
Online registration for summer 2023 adult recreation programs are open as of May 27.
Choose from:
• In-person indoor and outdoor opportunities.
• Sports, games, fitness, creative activities, social events, discussion and learning programs for adults of all ages and abilities.
Programs are open for viewing now. Non-resident registration opened June 2.
Learn more at burlington.ca/registration
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Royal Botanical Gardens Engagement Survey
The RBG are currently developing a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report for three sites at RBG.
As part of our study, they are seeking community input on the use, history and cultural heritage value of RBG, including peoples’ experiences, activities and favourite places on site. They have developed a very brief survey that they are circulating to many local stakeholders.
The survey will run until June 16, 2023.
Take the survey at: http://bit.ly/RBGEngagementSurvey
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Automated Collection Demonstration Project in Ward 6
The Automated Collection Demonstration Project for the Collection of Recycling Material and Garbage was approved by Council in March 2023 (PW-07-23). In the report, the Region identified eight (8) Demonstration Areas, representing approximately 1,850 households across Halton Region, including a Demonstration Area in Ward 6.
As part of the Demonstration Project, households in the demonstration area will receive two wheeled carts - a 240 litre cart for recyclable material and a 120 litre cart for household garbage. Wheeled carts are a two-wheel durable, plastic, lidded container suitable for curbside automated waste collection.
Starting this week, households will receive a letter informing them of their participation in the upcoming Demonstration Project and encouraging them to complete an online survey to gauge their initial willingness and identify any concerns they might have about the wheeled carts.
Halton Region will also be providing general information on the Demonstration Project for all residents in Halton on the Curbside Collection page.
The wheeled carts will be delivered to selected households September 26 to 30, 2023, with the first collection of material from the wheeled carts being the week of October 9, 2023.
Halton will monitor the project and review feedback from residents for approximately one year. The findings will be reported to Halton Regional Council in 2024 along with recommended next steps based on the results.
I will continue to keep residents informed on this project through my newsletter when updates are available.
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Community Events & Programs | |
Rural Ward 6 Summer Social
Rural Ward 6 residents are invited to attend the 5th annual neighbourhood social. Bring the family for a fun event with light refreshments, prizes and socializing! Friendly dogs welcome (on leash)
Sunday, June 11 from 1-3pm
6101 Walkers Line, Burlington
Bring your own chair and mug/beverage container.
Please bring food donations for Food for Life
(fresh or non-perishable items & monetary donations accepted)
RSVP/Information: Sheilagh at 905.699.1921 or info.ruralward6@gmail.com. Kindly respond by Sunday, June 8, 2023
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Live at the Appollo 2023 Summer Event Schedule
Mark your calendars….it is back again this summer. Live music from 7 to 8:30 pm at the corner of Appollo and Wentworth. This is a free family event. Bring your lawn chairs and join your neighbours. Bands play for tips.
Summer band line up:
June 9 - Billboard Nation
June 23 - The Killin’ Time Band
July 7 - Mike Branton Band
July 21 - The Dirty Pioneers
August 4 - Brisco’s Blues Review
August 18 - Freedom Train
We are excited this summer present a new event in Ward 6. Mark your calendars for…
Music in the Park featuring “Sonny Boy Mick Band”
August 26, 2023
2 – 3:30 pm
Ireland Park, 2315 Headon Forest Dr.
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Breakfast at the Bistro 55+
The next Breakfast at the Bistro will take place on July 15 and August 12 at the Burlington Seniors’ Centre.
Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and tea service, breakfast will be served from 9 to 9:45 a.m., followed by musical entertainment 10 a.m.
Space is limited so please pre-register online under the “Adult Program” webpage, click on the “Social” tab for full menu, or call Customer Service at 905-335-7777 prior to the event.
Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2285 New St.
Cost: $6.90 plus tax for residents 55+ and $18.90 for non-residents 55+
Register ahead online (space is limited): Breakfast @ the Bistro 55+ (perfectmind.com)
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Concerts in the Park
Enjoy free music at Central Park Bandshell (2299 New St.) every Wednesday and Sunday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. starting on June 18 until Aug 27, 2023.
The lineup for June includes:
June 18 - Burlington Teen Tour Band
June 21 - Burlington Welsh Ladies Chorus
June 25 - Galt Kiltie Band
June 28 - Top Hat Marching Orchestra
We recommend you bring a chair or a blanket.
If there is bad weather, a cancellation message will be posted on 905-632-9590.
More information is available at: burlington.ca/concerts
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Movies Under the Stars
Join us for a free movie shown on a big outdoor screen in a park near you (weather permitting).
Things to note and bring:
· Bring your own lawn chairs and/or blanket and bug spray.
· Bring your own refreshments.
· Be sure to come early and reserve a spot.
· Parking and restroom facilities are available on site.
· Inclement weather may cause delays or cancellations. Please check the weather before heading out.
In the event of inclement weather visit our Twitter feed @Burl_parksrec. A cancellation tweet will be posted by 3 p.m.
All movies are presented on select Thursdays at 9 p.m.
July Schedule:
July 6 - Nelson Park
July 13 - Orchard Community Park
July 20 - Central Park Bandshell
July 27 - Kiwanis Park
August Schedule:
August 3 - Kilbride Park
August 10 - Ireland Park
For more information visit: Movies Under the Stars - City of Burlington
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Service Burlington is Ready to Help! | |
Speak to a live City of Burlington staff person weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.by calling (905) 335-7777.
Alternatively send an email with your request for service to city@burlington.ca with your city request.
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Pre-building Approval Process on-line Tool | |
The MyFiles tool lets applicants check on the status of their pre-building approval application in real time. It allows them to follow along as their application goes through each step in the review process.
While applicants are still welcome to contact staff with questions, they can now login to this new portal to access information they may need about their application, if they prefer. MyFiles can be used by residents who have applied for Pre-Building Approval after April 24, 2023.
Once an account has been created, applicants can check the status of their files for applications related to:
· decks,
· accessory building or structure like a shed or gazebo,
· renovations such as additions or
· build a new house.
Process Updates
The process has been updated by separating the review of the Zoning Bylaw, Grading and Drainage Bylaw, and Tree Bylaw so that:
· a Zoning Clearance Certificate is needed before applying for a Building Permit.
· a Grading and Drainage Clearance Certificate is needed before a Building Permit can be issued.
a Tree Permit is needed before construction can begin.
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In compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation, recipients of this newsletter may unsubscribe at any time. Many residents have contacted me or provided me with their email addresses during the campaign period and I thank you for signing up to receive updates. Please feel free to forward my newsletter to your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues so they can sign up as well.
As always, you may contact me through email, phone, social media or by attending Ward 6 public open house meetings or drop-in sessions.
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Angelo Bentivegna
City of Burlington & Region of Halton
Councillor, Ward Six
Ph: 905-335-7600 ext. 7592
Fax: 905-335-7881
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