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June 2023 Newsletter

81st General Convention

June 23 - 28, 2024

Louisville, Kentucky

Submit Nominations by July 15th: 28th Presiding Bishop

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop has released the profile which will guide the nominations for electing our next Presiding Bishop. The Committee has surveyed church members, interviewed church leaders, and met extensively together to discuss and pray about what they have heard.

You are encouraged to read the profile and consider whether a bishop you know may be called to serve in this capacity. The nomination form is also available and it is expected that the bishop being nominated will be informed before the form is submitted. Names must be submitted by Saturday, July 15, 2023.

The profile and nomination form are available in English, Spanish, and French on the General Convention Website

GC 81 Schedule

As is the case with every General Convention, the published schedule is considered a draft

until formally adopted by the Convention.

Site Selection Made for the 82nd General Convention

We are pleased to announce that the city of Phoenix in the Diocese of Arizona has been selected as the site for the 82nd General Convention of The Episcopal Church slated for the summer of 2027. After hearing a report from the Executive Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, that committee voted to recommend Phoenix. Pittsburgh in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and and San Juan, in the Diocese of Puerto Rico, were also considered. That decision was confirmed through canonical consents as outlined in Canon I.1.13c.

“After many months of visits, discussion, and analysis – and with three outstanding cities in consideration – the Committee recommended Phoenix. The proximity of the hotels to the convention center, the cooperation from city and other local leaders, as well as favorable costs, were a part of the decision. We are pleased that we will meet in a diocese which has shown outstanding leadership in mission and witness for women’s health, LGBTQ protections, immigrant rights, and racial reconciliation. Bishop Reddall and the staff and volunteers of the Diocese of Arizona will be great partners as the church gathers in convention.” -Executive Officer Michael Barlowe

Data and Learning

Workshop Offerings at the "It's All About Love" Festival

“It’s All About Love” is a churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, July 9-12 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Everyone is welcome to join for revival worship, plenary speakers, and dozens of workshops, panels, and practice opportunities around the festival tent themes: Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Creation Care. Together with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris, and inspiring leaders across the church and beyond, we will be renewed, equipped, and connected to go forth and share the power of love!

If you are attending, be sure to check out the workshops being given by the Rev. Dr. Molly James. Come learn about all the data that is at your fingertips to learn about your parish, your community, your diocese, and The Episcopal Church as a whole. Below are the workshop titles and descriptions:

Evangelism in the Context of Church Analytics with Dr. Matthew Price

From trends in parochial report data to census data to trends in ordinations, retirements, and clergy demographics there are many resources available to leaders to more deeply engage with your neighborhoods and to learn how to make data-informed decisions for the future of your community. This workshop will share insights from recent trends in congregations and clergy, as well as walking through a variety of online tools available for strategic planning for congregations and dioceses. 


Data that Makes a Difference: Using Neighborhood Data to Inform Justice Work with Dr. Delia Heck

Learn to use the many resources available to leaders to inform social justice work, to more deeply engage with your neighborhoods, and to learn how to make data-informed decisions for the future of your community. This workshop will share insights from recent trends, as well as walking through a variety of online tools available for strategic planning and social justice work for congregations and dioceses. 


80th General Convention Journal is Now Available

The Journal of Convention has been completed and is available on the Publications section of the General Convention website. This comprehensive document contains a preface from the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Secretary of the General Convention and Executive Officer; a directory of the officers of General Convention, Executive Council members, and the officers of the Provinces; reports from Program, Budget, and Finance, the Registrar of General Convention and the Recorder of Ordinations; minutes from both houses as well as the full text of resolutions for each step of their journey; and minutes from the House of Bishops interim meetings.

The final text for all resolutions can also be found in the 2022 VBinder, available here.

Useful Links

News for Bishops and Deputies

Episcopal News Service

House of Deputies News

Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church

Canonical Publications

All current canonical publications, as well as some other publications, can be found on the publications page of the General Convention Website. Here are some shortcuts:

Blue Book Reports - Constitution and Canons - Journal of Convention - Summary of Actions

The Executive Office of the General Convention

The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, D.D., Secretary of the General Convention and Executive Officer

Ms. Betsey Bell, Executive Assistant to the Executive Officer

The Rev. Carrie Combs, Legislative Data Specialist

Ms. Iris DiLeonardo, Data Specialist and Meetings Assistant

Mr. Patrick Haizel, Deputy for Administration and Operations

The Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Officer of General Convention

Ms. Brittney Laws, Meeting Coordinator

Ms. Jennifer Mendez, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Brian Murray, Governance Technology Specialist

Ms. Fiona Nieman, CMP, Deputy for Convention and Meeting Planning

Ms. Twila Rios, Manager of Digital Information Systems

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