Welcome to the June 2023

CIRCLE NARCH newsletter!

Welcome to the Center for Indigenous Research Collaboration Learning & Excellence (CIRCLE) NARCH June 2023 newsletter!

xaʔtu̓s (pronounced hah-toos) training will be coming to the Colville Confederated Tribes, Spokane Tribe of Indians, Kalispel Tribe, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Nez Perce Tribe, Kootenai Tribe, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation starting in the summer of 2023. xaʔtu̓s (First Face) for Mental Health training prepares peers, teachers, coaches, and other community members to be the "First Face" supporting someone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. Anyone can serve as a First Face-including you! To sign up for updates about xaʔtu̓s training in your area, click on the link.

Here's what we've been up to this month!

  • We sent our annual reports for NIH for NARCH funding.
  • We welcomed a new Research & Training Coordinator to our team! Look for a brief bio about our colleague, Jennifer Folayan, in our upcoming newsletter.
  • On June 14th, Research & Training Coordinators Hannah Tomeo and Donell Barlow facilitated a mock xaʔtu̓s (First Face) training for selected Healing Lodge staff in preparation for the upcoming Tribal Community trainings.
  • On June 15th, Working Group members met with the NARCH team at the Healing Lodge for collaborative discussions, including a discussion of our ongoing strategic planning.
  • The picture shown on the right is a basket-weaving activity done at the mock training

We are Hiring!

Research & Training Coordinator

 CIRCLE-NARCH is hiring a Research & Training Coordinator! This person will have a variety of responsibilities, including, but not limited to, assisting the CIRCLE-NARCH Principal Investigators and other project staff. Training activities will include co-creating, promoting, planning, and delivering Tribal mental health emergency response training. Research activities will include assisting with drafting Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocols and applications; recruiting study participants; administering informed consent procedures; administering research surveys; engaging in participant retention activities; complying with IRB protocols; processing research subject reimbursements; entering data; conducting literature searches; and conducting research-related record keeping. The Research & Training Coordinator also will attend multiple weekly NARCH XII team meetings. To review the qualifications and apply, click here.

Meet the Team

The CIRCLE-NARCH team is excited to introduce our new Colville Confederated Working Group member, Ashley Atkins. Throughout the duration of the First Face project, we have worked with at least two representatives from each of the seven nations that support the Healing Lodge. Ashley is a citizen of the Apsaalooke Nation of Montana, Crow Tribe. She is the Indian Education Director at Grand Coulee Dam School District (Lake Roosevelt School) in Coulee Dam, WA. She first heard about First Face when she was contacted by a dear friend of hers, who asked her if she would be interested in participating in a survey. Reading the information, she immediately recognized the Healing Lodge. Ashley passionately states, “Mental health in our youth and communities is near and dear to me. I'm a strong advocate for sobriety and taking care of our mental health. I believe our identity as Indian people is the most important thing. Our cultures, clan systems, our language, and teachings are what guide us to lead healthy lives. My hopes are to service more youth who are struggling with their addictions and to combat the stigma associated with having an addiction/mental health issue. To reach more of our community members and galvanize more involvement. And to provide a space for our youth to grow and learn their culture without any judgment.”

Ashley Atkins

Citizen of the Apsaalooke Nation of Montana & Crow Tribe

Prevention Corner

Untitled Design
Untitled Design

Nature Supports Postive Mental Health

More and more research suggests that simply spending more quality time out in nature improves our mental health and cognitive function. Children who live near or attend schools close to green spaces show enhanced cognitive development. In addition, students are able to focus while improving on daily tasks through listening to natural sounds while in the classroom. Learn more about the physical and psychological benefits of spending more time in nature by clicking here

Culture Connections

In this interview, A:shiwi(Zuni) Nation Tribal member Monica Tsethlikai Ph.D., shares the importance of cultural connection in positive teen development. Working as an Associate Professor at Arizona State University in the School of Social and Family Dynamics, she addresses the impact of trauma on brain development and stresses the importance of embracing children with love and support. Dr. Tsethlikai shares her personal story that leads her into this field of work and states, “My culture gives me strength to stay on this journey of healing.” To read more about work with families and communities, click here.