Welcome to the June-July edition of the VEBF newsletter!

For the month of June, the Village True Value Home Center has honored us as the non-profit organization of the month. They will be asking their customers to “round up” their bill to the next dollar as a donation to the VEBF. The Home Plate Café and Bakery will be doing the same for us in the month of July. I hope you will consider shopping or dining at these great local businesses, and “round up” your purchase for the VEBF!

The board recently completed an internal audit of our procedures and accounting. This is the first time the VEBF has undertaken such an exercise, and we were rewarded with an insightful and comprehensive report. My thanks to two of our newest board members, Lloyd Sherman and Bob Zellner, and outside volunteer Diana Podawiltz, for applying their expertise to the review. The executive committee will take some time to consider the report and devise a plan to incorporate the committee’s recommendations. When we have completed our review, we will publish a summary of the report and our conclusions on the VEBF website.

Finally, I will be collecting photos and stories from the POA department managers regarding our employees’ efforts in the aftermath of the March tornado. Many of their long hours were “above and beyond” their job descriptions, and we have much to be thankful for their response. You will be able to read their stories in upcoming newsletters.

Meanwhile, enjoy your summer! We will return with another edition of the VEBF newsletter in August. And remember...

“Nothing happens in Hot Springs Village, until a POA hourly employee comes to work”.

John Chapman, VEBF Board President

POA crew spreading cement as they complete the culvert repair on DeSoto Boulevard in early June.


Dawn Johnson

Dawn was a homemaker before coming to the POA 23 years ago and is now assistant to the Director of Golf. What she likes most about working for the POA is the people. In her spare time, shopping and spending time with her girlfriends is at the top of her list.  

Dave Dickenscheidt

After working in security and owning a painting company, Dave started with the POA 8 years ago and is currently working in maintenance at Balboa golf course. He enjoys meeting new people and has made many friends at the POA. He appreciates the POA making recent infrastructure upgrades and repairs and adding new equipment.  

Alena Stenerodden

Alena is a 23-year POA employee in Granada golf course maintenance. She hails from California, where she worked in her parent’s grocery store before moving to Arkansas. She enjoys meeting property owners when she can, and time on the Village lakes and golf courses. 


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Hot Springs Village Employees Benefit Fund was established on September 22, 1999, to receive and disburse appreciation funds contributed by the property owners of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas.

These funds are for the benefit and support of all qualified POA employees (excluding Top Management) as defined in the by-laws.

Our intent is to demonstrate the recognition, appreciation, and respect that our property owners and others have for all those who work to support and maintain Hot Springs Village.

The Village Employees Benefit Fund newsletters are sponsored by

Dannet Botkin, CEO & Owner of

Designs Group Consulting.

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