All about discounts - per order or percentage?

Tell us if a Help Desk post is old and may be out of date

We are open off hours for emergencies, but what is an emergency?

Please use the authorized phone numbers and emails for support

How many ways can you offer an exciting discount?

Everyone loves to get a deal and there are several kinds of discounts you can offer in Wintix

  • A percentage discount
  • A per ticket discount
  • A per order discount

You can learn more about how to set up and manage these at the following Help Desk posts. You can even have discounts that are only available for a limited time.

Pay attention to the dates on Help Desk posts!

Did you know that there are 1,346 posts on our Help Desk? We constantly add new and update current posts but it's a big job to keep track of all of them.

Please let us know if you read an old post that hasn't been updated in awhile, so we can review it!

In the example above, you can see it was originally posted on July 26, 2019 (which was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away). But you can also see it was updated just a few months ago.

We are always making improvements or discovering new and better ways of doing things so we want to keep the Help Desk current and useful to you!

We are open before and after weekday business hours

and on the weekends for ticketing emergencies.

So what exactly IS an emergency?

An emergency means:

  • You cannot sell or print tickets
  • You cannot access Wintix
  • Your Webtix online ticketing site is down
  • You can't scan tickets at the time of your performance

What Center Stage Software phone numbers and emails do you have?

Please use our support number 831-920-1254, not any personal numbers you may have in your phone, for our staff and support members.

  • Here are the support phone extensions:
  • David ext. 1
  • DJ ext. 2
  • Peggy ext. 3

  • We've had our phone system for quite awhile now but you may have personal mobile numbers stored in your contact list from before that time.

  • Center Stage Software has removed all former email addresses with @gmail.com. If you have saved any of our former email addresses with @gmail.com, please delete these from your contact list.


Thank you for being considerate regarding our hours and contact information!