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This Leadership Team Newsletter is published every two weeks by the Dean's Office in the College of Health at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

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The UAA College of Health advances the health and well being of people and communities
June 25, 2015
Dietetics and Nutrition is Moving to the College of Health!








Effective July 1, 2015, the Dietetics and Nutrition Programs will be part of the College of Health. Please welcome the Dietetics and Nutrition team:

  • Dr. Carrie King, Associate Professor
  • Kendra Sticka, Assistant Professor
  • Amanda Walch, Term Assistant Professor
  • Brenda Levesque, Administrative Coordinator
This move follows the University mission alignment of providing students with more access to all health-related academic resources and research on campus. COH Dean William Hogan stated, "Our aim is to develop professionals who help foster the well-being of all Alaskans, and dietetics and nutrition professionals play an important role in that effort." The transition will be relatively seamless since the program, curriculum, and registration process will remain the same.

Unit Updates
Alaska Center for Rural Health - Alaska's AHEC

Alaska's AHEC, the UAA School of Allied Health, WWAMI, and Simulation Staff Partner with ANSEP     


The first of 4 sessions of high school and middle school outreach came to a close on June 12th as staff from UAA Health Programs partnered to provide outreach and hands-on activities in health career exploration. Partnering with ANSEP's youth programming, the Alaska AHEC coordinated a joint effort of outreach to 48 middle school and 20 high school students over the course of the past month. Two more sessions are slated to take place in late July through early August. Alaska AHEC Director Gloria Burnett provided the bulk of the instruction, with assistance from UAA School of Medicine faculty Jamie Elswick and Interprofessional Health Sciences Simulation Center staff.   


Alaska's AHEC is always looking for ways to collaborate. For more information about promoting healthcare career programming to youth throughout Alaska, please contact Gloria Burnett at or 907-786-6705. 

Department of Health Sciences - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MPH Program Receives Maximum Term for CEPH Accreditation!


It's official! The UAA MPH program received the maximum term of re-accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) - through July 1, 2022! Read the result letter to Chancellor Case confirming this re-accreditation. Visit the CEPH site to learn more about the many benefits of accreditation:


Dr. Hodges Snyder and Colleagues Participate in Conference Leadership Sessions


Liz Hodges Snyder (MPH Program), Janet Johnston (ICHS), Cindy Knall (WWAMI), and Kendra Sticka (Dietetics and Nutrition) recently attended the Clinical Translational Research Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. They participated in special leadership sessions, and Dr. Hodges Snyder presented her work on rainwater catchment and increased water access in rural Alaska.


MPH Alum Jen Jones Receives Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship


Congratulations to UAA MPH alum (and current doctoral student) Jen Jones who is one of just 16 Canadians selected for the prestigious Trudeau doctoral scholarship. Over their three-year doctoral scholarship, Trudeau scholars work with an engaged and

inspiring community of scholars, mentors, and fellows that accelerates their 

(l-r) Dr. Linda Chamberlain, UAA affiliate
faculty member and Fulbright recipient;
Dr. Helle Moeller; and Jen Jones

professional growth. 

Read more about the Trudeau scholarship and the 16 recipients.


Dr. Chamberlain Selected as Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholar


Congratulations to UAA MPH Affiliate Professor Dr. Linda Chamberlain! As a Fulbright Scholar, she will continue to expand her work on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Resilience in the Arctic. Dr. Chamberlain is currently teaching the course HS 690 ACES and Resilience in the North. Read about the Arctic Fulbright:


Dr. Rhonda Johnson Named Editor in Chief of IJCH


At the 16th International Congress of Circumpolar Health in Oulu, Dr. Rhonda Johnson was officially appointed Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Circumpolar Health (IJCH). Over the last several years, Dr. Johnson has served in a number of roles with the IJCH. "This will be a significant professional service role and leadership challenge over the next several years, and will help support our UAA MPH program mission," said Dr. Johnson. The mission of the MPH in Public Health Practice program at the University of Alaska Anchorage is to "enhance health in diverse communities across Alaska, the circumpolar north, the nation, and the world. This is accomplished through excellence in the education of public health practice leaders, scientific investigation of public health issues, and engaging communities in an organized effort to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate community health challenges." Read about the IJCH staff: 


UAA Featured in The Nation's Health for Role in National Public Health Week


The University of Alaska Anchorage was highlighted in the Nation's Health for National Public Health Week in April. National Public Health Week events were organized by Dr. Nancy Nix in the Department of Health Sciences. Read the article "National Public Health Week Celebrated Around the Nation" (pdf).



Department of Human Services - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Laura Kelley and Yvonne Chase Present at Two Conferences


Dr. Laura Kelley and Dr. Yvonne Chase presented at two conferences sponsored by the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS). Their research-based presentation at the 2014 National NOHS Conference was titled Training University Faculty Advisors to Become Trauma-Informed. In keeping with the conference theme "Strategic Action: Going Beyond the Gamble of Chance," the presentation focused on the increasing incidents of violence on university campuses and the need to have academic and faculty advisors across disciplines become "trauma aware and informed" in dealing with troubled students. The second presentation took place in March 2015 at the Mid West NOHS Regional Conference in Iowa. It focused on the merits of Council for Standards in Human Service (CHSHE) accreditation for postsecondary Human Service degree programs. 
Justice Center  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prof. Fortson Publishes Article in Alaska Law Review

Prof. Ryan Fortson, Legal Studies faculty in the Justice Center, published the article "Advancing Tribal Court Jurisdiction in Alaska" in the Alaska Law Review. For more information, and to read the article, visit:

Dr. Rosay and COH Dean Bill Hogan Named to Public Safety Subcommittee for Mayor-Elect's Transition Team

Two members of the UAA College of Health were appointed to the public safety subcommittee of Mayor-elect Berkowitz's transition team: Dean Bill Hogan, College of Health and Dr. Andr? Rosay, Justice Center Director. An article in the Alaska Dispatch News reported on the announcement. The public safety subcommittee is chaired by Carmen Gutierrez and Craig Goodrich. For more information, visit:

Dr. Blumenstein Publishes Article in Violence and Victims about Intimate Terrorism

Dr. Lindsey Blumensteinco authored the article "Testing Johnson's Typology: Is There Gender Symmetry in Intimate Terrorism," published in Violence and Victims 29(1), 2014. Her co-authors included Dr. Jana Jasinski and Dr. Rachel Morgan of the University of Central Florida. This study is a comparison of the female and male victims of intimate terrorism. For more information, and to read the article, visit:

Expungement Bill Envisioned by UAA Justice Grad is Signed into Vermont Law

Nessabeth Rooks
, Justice BA '14, is currently attending Vermont Law School. She and her classmate Karen Oelschlaeger are in the Accelerated JD program. Nessabeth and Karen originally created an expungement bill for Vermont while students in Professor Robert Sand's Criminal Law class. The bill was signed into law on May 26 by Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin. Nessabeth and Karen envisioned an earned expungement program to encourage ex-offenders to engage in prosocial activities and reconnect with their community. For more information, visit:

Governor Shumlin (center) signing the bill in Montpelier.

The Spring 2015 Issue of the Alaska Justice Forum is Out!

Spring 2015 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents articles on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and alcohol abuse in adulthood, limiting public access to criminal records, police-public contacts in Anchorage, and officer-involved shootings in Anchorage. For more information, visit: .
The Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center (AJSAC) Releases June 2015 Fact Sheet

The June 2015 issue of the AJSAC Fact Sheet presents data on admissions to, and confined populations in, the Alaska Department of Corrections (DOC) from 2004 to 2013. The report, Alaska Department of Corrections: Admissions and Population, 2004-2013," focuses on incarcerated populations and rates in both in-state and out-of-state facilities, as well as populations and rates in special supervision programs such as Community Residential Centers (CRCs) and electronic monitoring (EM). Data was compiled using the annual DOC Offender Profile publications for 2004 to 2013. The fact sheet is by Khristy Parker of AJSAC. The AJSAC is housed within the UAA Justice Center and publishes Fact Sheet. For more information, visit:

Justice Faculty Present at 2015 Law & Society Annual Conference 

In May, Dr. Cory R. Lepage, Prof. Kristin Knudsen, and Prof. Ryan Fortson presented in Seattle on the following topics: 
  • "The Effectiveness of Tribal Courts in Alaska in Reducing Recidivism: Researching the Potential and Efficacy of Alternate Forms of Adjudication and Sentencing"
    - Prof. Ryan Fortson and Dr. Cory R. Lepage
  • "The Role of Justices in Rural Courts: An
      (l-r) Dr. Lepage and Prof. Knudsen
    outside their session room
    Explanation of How the Self- Perception of Professionalism and Legitimacy Influences Their Future"
    - Dr. Cory R. Lepage
  • "Talking Judges: Framing a Political Debate Over a Judicial Nominating Commission"
    - Prof. Kristin Knudsen
    and Dr. Cory R. Lepage  

For more information, visit:



Upcoming Events/Deadlines

  • June 25 - Summer 2015, Second 5-week session, first day of classes
  • July 2-3 - Independence Day holiday
  • August 10-11 - New faculty orientation
  • August 24 - First day of classes, Fall Semester
  • September 7 - Labor Day holiday
  • October 9 - Faculty development day
  • November 26-27 - Thanksgiving Holiday