June 25, 2024

In this edition of ENews:

  • The Rev. Deacon Bob Scott appointed Dean of Russian River Deanery
  • Stewardship Conference scheduled for Saturday, August 24
  • Diocesan Convention Registration is Now Open
  • Youth from San Francisco visit and work at St. Francis Fortuna
  • Images of Pride around the Diocese
  • Incarnation, Santa Rosa hosts presentation on the History of the Middle East

General Convention

Scenes from Today in Louisville

Top: Lay Deputies Miriam Casey and Jay Elmquist address House of Deputies during debate.

Middle, left: Pamela Dolan with Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement,

Right: Clergy Deputies Jim Richardson and Daniel London with The Rt. Rev. Betsy Monnot

Bottom: Our deputation at dinner after a long day.

You can find full, regularly updated ENS coverage of General Convention here. The ENS primer, for everything you need to follow the 81st General Convention, is here.

Office of the Bishop

The Rev. Deacon Bob Scott appointed Dean of Russian River Deanery

We are pleased to announce that The Rev. Deacon Bob Scott has accepted Bishop Megan's appointment as the new Dean of the Russian River Deanery. He serves at Good Shepherd Cloverdale and has the heart and organizational skills to be a strong addition to our team.  


The Rev. Ed Howell is stepping back from that role after having assumed a wide variety of ministry responsibilities for the Diocese. This included the long term revitalization of Good Shepherd and serving as Interim at St Patrick’s in Kenwood. He will now have some more time in caring for his wife, Terri, who has recently undergone a complicated heart surgery and is in early stages of her recovery.  


We are very grateful to Ed for all he has done and are grateful in advance to Bob for his new ministry. We know he will be a strong partner in the care and keeping of our churches in his area.


Please join us in thanking Ed for his ministry and welcoming Bob Scott to his new role.

Stewardship Congregational Leadership Conference 

Saturday, August 24, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Please join us for this year’s Stewardship Congregational Leadership Conference on Saturday, August 24 from 9:00 am–10:00 am. This year’s session will have a special focus on every member canvass resources for your annual stewardship campaigns. We’ll discuss the basics, share resources, and talk about why you should consider an every member canvass

to achieve not only your stewardship goals, but how an every member canvass can support your pastoral care efforts as well as help in identifying future goals for your congregation.

To register, go to: https://form.jotform.com/240366571427155

Diocesan Convention Registration is Open

Links to the following documents may be found here:

  • Call of Convention
  • Convention Schedule at-a-Glance
  • House Rules
  • Governance Nomination Instructions
  • Resolution Instructions
  • Keynote Speaker Info
  • 2024 Congregational Range Sheet
  • Important Convention Dates and Deadlines
  • Filing Alternate to Delegate Form
  • Filing Alternate Vacancies Form

St. Nicholas Paradise to do a Congregational Restart

Last November, the leaders of St. Nicholas, Paradise petitioned the 2023 Diocesan Convention to change their status from a Special-Focus Parish to an Organized Mission. This was in response to a dramatic decrease in membership and attendance due to the November 2018 Campfire that destroyed much of the town of Paradise.

Despite the valiant efforts of many, the congregation has struggled to grow. After prayerful consideration, Bishop Megan, in consultation with the Standing Committee and The Very Rev. Tammy Smith-Firestone, Dean of the Alta California Deanery, has decided to suspend worship and fellowship at St. Nicholas for the time being. This process — known as a Congregational Restart, will allow the congregation to regroup and heal. It is the Bishop's intent to bring in a Church Planter to reimagine St. Nicholas.

This decision was shared with the leadership of St. Nicholas in a recent meeting, and in a letter shared with congregants. Bishop Megan will preside at a closing service on Sunday July 14.

To read the letter that was sent to the congregation of St. Nicholas, click here.

Around the Diocese

Images of Pride around the Diocese

Top Left to right: Good Shepherd, Cloverdale, St. Stephens Sebastopol, St. Martin's Davis

Middle, Left to right: Sassy the Sasquatch at General Convention, Russian River Deanery gathered for the Santa Rosa Pride parade

Bottom: Tranity Cathedral Dean Matthew Woodward with members of Trinity Cathedral and st. Paul's Sacramento

Thank you to all who shared photos from Pride events around the Diocese!

Disaster Resilience at Pride Event in Chico

Last Saturday, clergy and members of St. John's Chico spent the day at the Pride Celebration in Downtown Chico. Nearly 100 folks stopped by their booth to learn more about the Episcopal Church and our Disaster Resilience programs.

Incarnation, Santa Rosa hosts presentation on the History of the Middle East

On Wednesday, May 29 more than 80 members of the Church of the Incarnation gathered to learn more of the history of the Middle East. As the devastating war in Palestine and Israel continues the evening was designed to help us understand the long history of conflict and the myriad of influential complexities that have played a role shaping the conflicts. The main speaker was Dr. Lisa Pollard, a recently retired professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of North Carolina. Lisa grew up in Santa Rosa and has been connected with Incarnation since childhood. Her presentation was filled with humor along with relevant historical information. In this session, she explained the history up to World War I. 

The evening included a potluck dinner and much conversation with one another. We are all waiting for the next session to learn more about the complicated history of this area and how it affects the world today. 

Dr. Pollard is the co-author of the book, History, Women and Gender in the Modern Middle East. 

With Great Energy and Servant Hearts…

Left to Right: Riley Haggin (Assistant Youth Minister, St. Mary), Nox, Gloria, Cecelia, Caroline, Jude, Harry. Mike Stafford (Youth Minister, St. Mary), Mother Geri Cunningham (Priest-in-Charge, St. Francis), and John Lucas (Junior Warden, St. Francis)

St. Francis, Fortuna was blessed by a visit from the Youth Group of St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, San Francisco. Led by Youth Minister Mike Stafford and Assistant Youth Minister Riley Haggin, the youth completed a landscaping project in the backyard of Ferguson House. They weeded, cut out grass, laid down a brick border and mulched the Rhododendron and Azalea bed. They weeded other areas and mulched Pamela's Rose Garden. Congregational members provided the food to keep this hungry crew going. 

The next day. the group visited Shakefork Community Farm for a tour from farmers Kevin, Melanie and Clyde Cunningham and did some weeding in the onion bed. After a hearty lunch, they went to Swimmers Delight for a much-needed cooldown. They will spend two days working with Food for People in Eureka, and some time river rafting before heading home.

Did You Know? 

A Series about Voting by members of Trinity Cathedral’s Public Policy Advocacy Group 

We won’t tell you HOW to vote but we will answer simple questions and give you tools to encourage all your friends and family members to fully participate in the election in the weeks leading up to November 5. Our ideas come from “Vote Faithfully: An Election Engagement Toolkit,” from the Office of Government Relations of the Episcopal Church.

https://www.episcopalchurch.org/wp content/uploads/sites/2/2024/01/Vote-Faithfully-2024-OGR-Election-Engagement-Toolkit.pdf

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Is Your Congregation Ready for a Disaster?

Last week, our members in Sonoma County were reminded that disaster can strike at any time and anywhere. The Point Fire moved quickly and threatened our congregation of St. Paul’s, Healdsburg. One of my job functions is to contact impacted congregations and help to guide, resource, and support them in the face of disaster.


St. Paul’s, Healdsburg, made my job easy. I contacted their Senior Warden, Doug, and asked how the people were and if I could guide them in any way. Imagine my joy when he said that they had already activated their disaster pre-plan and had tagged items for removal from the church in case of evacuation!


Let’s all give a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the people of St. Paul’s, Healdsburg, for being ready before the evacuation warnings started!


What can you do to make certain your church can be as calm as they were in the face of disaster?

  • Ask about a disaster pre-plan
  • Be part of a team to update the plan, or to put one in place
  • Help to identify and mark the items in church that need to be evacuated
  • Build emergency kits for the church, yourself, and members who might not be able to do it themselves
  • Create a disaster fund in your church
  • Donate to the Bishop’s Disaster Fund (special offering, plate offering, or stewardship challenge)
  • Contact the Mission for Disaster Resilience and let us know you are feeling overwhelmed and could use some help pre-planning

For a practical place to start preparing for disasters check out this guide on How-To: Build a Church Preparedness Team.


"The only time it's too late to start planning for a disaster is when it's time to evacuate."

 - Caldor Fire Survivor

Give to Disaster Resilience

Missioner for Church Life


For various reasons, we’re not able to have a summer 2024 Pathways Youth Pilgrimage. We were able to have a great youth gathering at Trinity Cathedral as part of our Fearless Faith Revival, so my hope is that we will have a similar type of gathering this Fall. If you’re interested in helping plan our 2025 pilgrimage, please email me at: Mack@norcalepiscopal.org

We’re excited to announce that we will have a diocesan-wide New Camino training on September 27 & 28, 2024 at St. John’s, Chico. The Rev. Anthony Guillen, the Episcopal Church’s Missioner for Latino/Hispanic ministries will be here to help us explore opportunities for Latino/Hispanic ministry in our diocese. This training is suitable for individuals as well as church teams. 

Please go to: https://form.jotform.com/232965467198170  to indicate your interest in attending and to receive updates regarding lodging and expenses. 

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

Now Accepting Applications!

Apply for grant funds today!

The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue their Foundation Grant Program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2024. Supporting the Diocesan mission of making disciples, raising up saints, and transforming communities for Christ, the Foundation will endeavor to enhance ministry and outreach in the Diocese in the following four categories: Creation Care, Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, and Community Outreach.

Apply for a Grant today!

Here's a link to helpful grant-writing resources


Upcoming Events around the Diocese

Film Screening - The Philadelphia Eleven 

July 13th, 2 – 4 pm, Trinity Cathedral

2620 Capitol Ave, Sacramento

Donations on a sliding scale of $5 - $10 are welcome - no one will be turned away for lack of funds

In an act of civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property. In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution, and challenges the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom.

Following the screening, there will be a reception in the Lexis Gallery, featuring an exhibit comprised of some 20 art pieces by seven women artists, all of whom attend Trinity Cathedral. To help us plan the reception, please register!

Register for Summer Camp at St. Dorothy's Rest

It's not too late to register for Summer Camp at St. Dorothy's Rest. No matter your age or stage in life, there's an offering for every individual. Visit www.stdorothysrest.org/camp to learn more about our sessions or click the button above. All sessions are OPEN and we are pleased to offer tiered pricing, payment plan options, and Camperships.


Questions? We're here to help! Contact us at camp@stdorothysrest.org.

We cannot wait to welcome you to St. Dorothy's Rest!

Camp Living Waters

Sunday, July 21 - Friday, July 26 | Cookson Ranch

Camp Living Waters is set for Sunday, July 21 through Friday, July 26 at Cookson Ranch in Redwood Valley. The Camp is open to youth ages 9- 15 and youth ages 16-17 serve as counselors. Join us this year for a week of Real Super Heroes, full of madcap cape adventures, identifying our God-given super powers and discovering the real superheroes all around us.

Read more.

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

St. John the Evangelist | Chico is seeking a Full-time Rector

View Job Description here.

St. Michael’s | Carmichael is seeking a Full-Time Interim Priest

View Job Description here. Receiving Names until July 31

For job descriptions or questions, please contact

transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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