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What is the FSS Program?
Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.
Learn more about a special, voluntary program for eligible participants to take charge of their future by learning employment skills, money management tips, and homeownership education to become economically independent and live a better life.  

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program administered by Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), is a five-year, self-paced, voluntary program designed to assist Housing Choice Voucher participants achieve economic independence. Participation requires a personal commitment by each individual to develop goals that will lead to self-sufficiency. In exchange, participants will receive supportive services and the opportunity to earn an escrow savings account.
Needs Assessment for FSS
What are your goals in life? Do you know how to get there?
Do you want to achieve financial independence or own your own home?
Your dreams are attainable and we can help you take action!

Through the FSS program, it is important to determine what services are needed and what comes first in each individual plan. Goals for each participating family member are set in individual training and services plans attached to the FSS participation contract. Case workers help program participants achieve goals!

Example Goals
  • Education
  • Specialized Training
  • Job Readiness and Placement
  • Mentoring
  • Budget/Credit Repair
  • Home Buyer Education
  • Soft Skills
  • GED
  • Success
  • Self- Sufficiency
  • Money
Final Requirements 
  1. Welfare free for one year prior to expiration of the contract.
  2. Seek and maintain suitable employment (Must be employed six months prior to expiration of contract).
  3. Work closely with a case manager to develope and carry out personal goals individualized by the participant.
Stay Connected in FSS
It is important to stay connected during the FSS Program, even after employment is obtained to provide support to the entire family where necessary.

Participants must report all changes to KHC's rental housing coordinator, Brianne Fint toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-9946, extension 734; TTY 711; or email

In addition to receiving the quarterly FSS newsletter via email is a great way to get immediate notice of events,  job opportunities, and update appointments. If you are already participating, please be sure you are checking your email for messages from your case manager and FSS administrator.

If you have any questions regarding FSS participation, escrow, or case management, please contact Renee Christian toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 271; TTY 711; or email
FSS Graduate Autumn Powell
In January 2017, Autumn Powell was able to graduate from the FSS  Program. This program strengthened
Autumn's life in many ways; with commitment and hard work she was able to improve her credit and pay off debt. Autumn said, "With this program I was able to get a decent car, which allows me to keep my job and provide for my family." She tells her friends and family to contact KHC for more information about the FSS Program.

Would you like to graduate and receive your escrow money too? Talk to your FSS administrator to see if you are on track for completing your contract. We would love to showcase your success! 
KHC Offices Closed for Independence Day 
KHC offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, 2017, in honor of Independence Day. KHC offices will re-open on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at 8 a.m. ET. Please have a safe and happy holiday.