In This Issue
HUD Issues Additional Waivers and Extensions for CoC, ESG, and HOPWA Programs
On May 22, 2020 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued additional waivers and the extension of some previously issued waivers for the Continuum of Care (CoC), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and provide additional supports to eligible individuals and families who are economically impacted by COVID-19. These waivers are in addition to the waivers previously issued by HUD on March 31, 2020. Please read the full HUD Memo for waiver details.

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) staff will contact each agency that requested waivers issued in the March 31, 2020 HUD Memo to see if these programs would like to request use of the additional waivers. In the meantime, if agencies would like to request the more immediate use of these additional waivers featured in the May 22, 2020 HUD Memo, please notify KHC via the Housing Contract Administration (HCA) Help Desk. The Help Desk has been updated to include COVID-19 Waiver Guidance tools that include the additional waivers and extensions granted in the May 22, 2020 Memo. These tools also include KHC's Emergency Record Keeping policy that details the required documentation for both the agency and, when applicable, client-level file documentation for all the waivers featured in both HUD Memos.  

If your agency has not yet requested waivers of certain regulatory requirements and are interested in learning a more about them, please visit HCA Help Desk. Agencies can read the waivers, watch KHC webinars covering waiver specifics for each of the above referenced programs, and learn about the KHC subrecipient COVID-19 waiver request process in the COVID-19 Section. Even if your agency does not anticipating needing all applicable program waivers, KHC encourages subrecipients to request all of them to ensure that your program retains maximum flexibility and continued compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please note: Agencies that are CoC program direct HUD grantees (not KHC subrecipients) must request waivers for those specific programs directly from the Louisville HUD Field Office at KHC requests that all Direct Grantees copy Jen Oberlin ( and Shaye Rabold ( when submitting waiver requests to HUD.
KYHMIS Annual Invoice Process Reminder 
On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 all agencies in Balance of State (BoS) CoC who use the KYHMIS database will receive an Annual Invoice for User Licenses from KHC. The Louisville CoC and Lexington CoC will process their own invoices for their member agencies. The KHC invoice will reflect the number of users currently activated in the system. All agencies are reminded of their responsibility to review the number of licenses and make any necessary adjustment recommendations to the KHC KYHMIS staff. Send a Help Desk ticket with details on the increase or decrease in the number of licenses needed for the upcoming Fiscal Year and the names of the persons holding the licenses. KHC will use the number of users in the system to generate the Annual Invoice.

Annual Invoices will be sent from the online PNC Payment System in an email to the designated agency contact person. All agencies are reminded of their responsibility to enroll in the PNC Payment System, to enter their banking information so electronic payment may be made, and to confirm the appropriate contact person who should receive the emailed Annual Invoice. Payment of the Annual Invoice must be made by electronic deposit through the PNC Payment System. Paper checks will not be accepted and, if received by KHC, will be returned to the agency uncashed.

Please contact the KYHMIS Help Desk with any questions or call 502-564-7630, extension 446.
KYHMIS Training Requirement
Every year, all KYHMIS users are required to complete the Annual Refresher Training. This year the training is via webinar with four options to attend. All four trainings will share the same content; therefore, you are only required to participate in one. Please use the links below to register for your preferred date and time.
If you have any questions, please contact the HCA Help Desk
DO NOT REPLY-This is an unmonitored email address. 
If you are already subscribed to KHC eGrams and need to update your preferences, please click on the "Update Profile" link at the bottom of every eGram.

To sign up for an eGram list, please visit  KHC's website and click on the eGram icon under Quick Links, or click on the "envelope" at the top of each page on KHC's website.