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June 30, 2017
Join us for Mass
5pm &  6:30pm (Sensory-Adapted Mass)

7:30am,  9:00am,  10:30am
12 Noon, &  6pm (Chant Mass)

Daily Mass
Monday - Friday
7am & 8:30am


"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,' but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?" (James 2:14-16)
Providing food and other critical household items to those who don't have enough to eat or who lack financial resources is a concrete way to fulfill one of the corporal works of mercy, Give Food to the Hungry.  St. Gregory the Great is partnering with St. Raphael - Holy Angels Parish to supply their food pantry with much needed food and household items for families in need.
Will you consider donating the Items of the Month this year? 

July 2017: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Iced Tea & Lemonade Mix
August 2017: Paper Products, Bar Soaps, Household Cleaning Supplies 
September 2017: Tomato Sauce, Spaghetti, Cake Mix
October 2017 : Stuffing, Instant Potatoes
November 2017: Cookies, Canned Soups, Coffee, Tea 
December 2017: Hot Cocoa, Oatmeal, Cereal
January 2018: Noodles, Rice, Beans, Mac & Cheese
February 2018: Hand Lotions, Shampoo
March 2018: Fruit, Tuna, SpaghettiOs
April 2018: Cake Mixes, Jell-O/Pudding Mix
May 2018: Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables

St. Gregory the Great Parish is happy to welcome Father "Lines" Leandro B. Dela Cruz to St. Gregory the Great, who joins our parish family on July 1 as a Parochial Vicar. 
Fr. Lines came to the Diocese of Trenton in March 2004 and worked at Resurrection Parish (formerly Holy Name in Delran). He was officially recognized as an Adjust Priest by the Diocese in May of 2004. Father then served at St. Mary of the Lake in Lakewood, St. Raphael in Hamilton, St. Mary of the Lakes in Medford, and finally at the twinned parishes of St. Jerome (West Long Branch)/St. Mary of the Assumption (Deal) before joining St. Gregory the Great.  
Fr. Lines was incardinated into the Diocese of Trenton in September 2010. Prior to coming to the United States, Fr. Lines served as a priest in the Philippines. Father adds, "My gratitude to my former diocese in the Philippines, the Diocese of Legazpi, is never diminished for it is there that my calling to the priesthood started and my vocation nurtured and it is through my former 3 consecutive local ordinaries (bishops) that I was able to come here."
In less than two years, on October 23, 2018 to be exact, Father will celebrate his 35th year in the priesthood!
Fr. Lines shares "God is good. He continually blesses me, as well as my huge family of 15 siblings. Would you believe I was the 13th among the siblings? Lucky number, huh!? Thanks to my parents, may they rest in peace, who gave birth to me, named me 'Leandro Leonardo' and offered me to the Lord to become FR. I got my nickname? Please don't ask!!"
At St. Gregory the Great we are blessed to have four priests, Fr. McClane, Fr. Al, Fr. Jay, and now Fr. Lines to serve our parish family. Welcome Fr. Lines!  


A sincere thank you to all the people who helped make the 2017 Annual Family Carnival a huge success!!

Thank you to our generous local sponsors who support the carnival and help make it possible!

This annual fundraiser for St. Gregory the Great  Academy wouldn't be possible without the many dedicated volunteers who work for months to plan the event, sell raffle tickets, prepare and cook the food, staff the food tents, and set up and break down the carnival, among many, many other jobs. Without our volunteers, there would be no Carnival. Thank you for your continued support and dedication. St. Gregory the Great volunteers are the best! Thanks as well to all our Carnival sponsors and attendees (as well as the fantastic weather!!) for making this year's Carnival a fun and memorable event. See you next year!

Congratulations to the St. Gregory the Great parishioner who was the lucky winner of $36,935 in the 50/50 Raffle!

Each year on December 25th we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For centuries the Church has also celebrated his conception on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. Our Respect Life Ministry invites you to follow the progress of the development of this most special child.
Mary now takes her place in village society as a married woman and expectant mother. Family and friends gather materials to wave the swaddling garment s in which her child is to be clothed. At four months, Jesus' organs are functioning and his heart is pumping 6 ½  gallons of blood each day. Approximately 6 inches in length, fine hair covers his body, eyelashes and brows are showing as well as unique fingerprints which will remain the same all his life. He is comforted by listening to his mother's heartbeat. Sadly, 160,000 abortions per year take place after the fourth month.
Pray for expectant mothers that they will find support to make life's realization possible.
Visit the Welcome Center in the church gathering space to view a beautiful image of the developing baby.


Congratulations to the new officers for the Altar Rosary Society.  Pictured from left to right are Mary Miller, Secretary; Joan Flesch, Treasurer; Ceil Wilson, President; Deacon Andy Sabados; Fr. McClane; and seated Stephanie Bossert, Vice President.


Our parishioners are encouraged to participate in the weekly prayer witnesses held every Saturday from 7am to 10am at the Princeton (American) Women's Center at the Hamilton Professional Center, 1345 Kuser Road in Hamilton and from 9:45am to 11:45 am on Saturdays at the Planned Parenthood facility at 437 E. State in Trenton.

Whether or not you attended our recent parish Mission, perhaps you are looking for ways to follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus. Or, maybe you are simply feeling that there must be more, something deeper in your spiritual life.  If so, you are invited to join the Emmanuel Prayer Group for a "Life in the Spirit Seminar" series to explore ways to more fully live your faith while growing closer to Jesus through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  The first full session of the series begins Tuesday, July 11th from 7 to 9 pm in the Academy Cafeteria and will feature a DVD presentation with Fr. David Pivonka, TOR, on "God's Love." 
Visit for the full schedule. 


In the absence of multiple Ordinary ministers (typically clergy), a parish with an assembly the size of St. Gregory's needs additional help from the People of God to distribute the sacred Body and precious Blood of Christ to our parishioners at Mass and also in care facilities and at home.  This ministry is a profound privilege and powerful witness, it is also one that can never be taken lightly.  It is open to all practicing Catholics in good standing who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation (14 years old and above).   We accept all eligible candidates, but are in particular need of extraordinary ministers at the 6:30PM Mass on Saturday Evenings and at both the 12:00 and 6:00PM Masses on Sunday.
Training is conducted in three sessions and the next sessions will be held on Friday July 21, July 28 and August 4 from 7:00pm-8:30pm in church.  Please contact Ed Parma if you are interested in this ministry: (609) 915-3502 or .  



Movie Night
at St. Gregory the Great!
July 8 at 7:30pm
Hosted by That Man is You Men's Ministry, St. Gregory the Great presents its first summer Movie Night. All parish ADULTS are welcome on July 8 at 7:30pm in Ferrante Hall.  Free admission plus free popcorn & drinks (or you can bring your own snacks)!
This week's feature is For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (rated R, adults only, for wartime violence).
The 2012 motion picture, For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada is raising awareness of a long-forgotten chapter in Catholic history that seems increasingly relevant for religious believers in America today. Few Americans-and amazingly few Mexicans-have been aware of the epic, three-year struggle to save the Catholic faith that convulsed Mexico in the 1920s, an almost mystical event that has come to be known by the faithful as "La Cristiada." 


The US Conference of Catholic Bishops' "Fortnight Night for Freedom" celebration concludes on July 4th.  The annual celebration highlights the importance of defending religious freedom. This year's theme is Freedom for Mission.  
Religious freedom is a fundamental right. It means that the government cannot coerce people into acting against their consciences. This is important for all people, not just people of faith. A government that makes one group choose obedience to the state over obedience to faith and conscience can force any group to submit to the state's demands. Religious freedom underlies all other freedoms for everyone.
Religious freedom is for everyone. The Church teaches that religious freedom is rooted in the nature of the human person, and therefore it is a fundamental human right. When we speak up for religious freedom, we do so not only for ourselves, but because we are called to defend the dignity of every individual and community that seeks the truth about God, including Muslims, Jews, and others who do not share our Catholic Christian faith.
We continue to proclaim the importance of our responsibility to pray and learn about the issues of our religious freedom.  Visit to learn more and sign up for a free newsletter.    
We pray that the Holy Spirit would give us the courage to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel, even in the face of social and legal pressure.
Our parish Adult Faith Formation Core Team (AFFCT) is planning to host Matt Franck, parishioner, scholar, and author, as a Tuesday Night Live speaker who will talk on religious freedom this coming year. Watch the bulletin for details. 



FRIDAY, June 30th
6:15am: Morning Prayer, Chapel

SATURDAY, July 1st 
6:30pm: Sensory-Adapted Mass with Golden Halo dogs in gathering space after Mass
SUNDAY, July 2nd  
9:00am:  Folk Mass, Church
MONDAY, July 3rd
Rectory Closed
TUESDAY, July 4th
Rectory Closed
One daily Mass at 9:00am
Adoration suspended for the Holiday
Bingo canceled
9:30am-10:30am: Confessions, Church (please note, change of confession time this week only)
THURSDAY, July 6th
6:15pm: Bingo, Ferrante Hall
FRIDAY, July 7th 
6:15am: Morning Prayer, Chapel
7:30pm: Stations of the Cross, Church

Effective Friday, June 30th through Friday, August 25th, the rectory office will be closing at 1:00pm on Fridays. 

Due to the observance of Independence Day, the rectory offices will be closed on Monday July 3rd and Tuesday July 4th. In addition, there will be one daily Mass at 9:00am on July 4th. Confessions will be offered immediately following Mass from 9:30am to 10:30am.  Adoration is suspended on July 4, 2017. 


Eternal God, stir our minds and stimulate our hearts 
with a high sense of patriotism on this Fourth of July. 
May all that this day symbolizes renew our faith in freedom, 
our devotion to democracy, 
and redouble our efforts to keep a government of the people, 
by the people, and for the people truly alive in our world.
Grant that we may highly resolve on this great day to dedicate ourselves anew 
to the task of ushering in an era when good will shall live in the hearts of a free people, justice shall be the light to guide their feet, and peace shall be the goal of humankind: to the glory of your holy name and the good of our Nation and of all mankind. Amen. 
Prayer offered in Congress by Rev. Edward G. Latch, D.D., 
Congressional Chaplain, July 1974

St. Gregory the Great Church
A Marriage-Building Parish
 Communications and Marketing Board
4620 Nottingham Way  Hamilton Square, NJ 08690