In This Issue
FY2021 HAF Counseling Program Application
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has opened the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Housing Assistance Fund (HAF) Counseling Program application.

The FY2021 HAF Counseling manual, application, and capacity scorecard are available on KHC's website, under Resources, Partners, Housing Counselors. Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. ET Friday, June 18, 2020, to be considered for funding. No exceptions.

Applicants must meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) minimum requirements to become an approved housing counseling agency, including local housing counseling agencies or agencies that are part of larger intermediaries or multi-state organizations (including those agencies that have sub-grantee relationships with KHC).  Applicants must score at least a medium on KHC's Agency Capacity Scorecard.
KHC will not approve requests for waivers of the thresholds.  Funds available will be awarded based on the total HAF funds purposed for housing education and counseling; on agency's score on the Capacity Scorecard; on past performance; and on projected future performance.
RFP Available
KHC is requesting proposals for a Ginnie Mae (GNMA) Document Custodian. Proposals received after 5 p.m. ET Monday, June 15, 2020, will not be accepted. More information about KHC's Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are available on the Request For page of KHC's website.
Applications Accepted
KHC's Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) are accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, as of June 1, 2020. T he Section 8 online application will be available within the  Applicant RENTCafĂ©  by creating an account; persons may call into KHC's Customer Service at 877-552-7368, extension 711, to complete by phone or; request an application via email at  and return via email. Hand delivered or mailed applications will  not  be accepted. Please visit KHC's website for the list of  counties served  by the KHC HCV program.

Please direct those interested in applying to  KHC's website , under Rental, HCV RENTCafĂ©,  Applicant RENTCafĂ© . We encourage everyone wanting assistance to register online. Applications are accepted in the order they are received.
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