June 5, 2020 | View as Webpage
Dear Cary Library Community,

This week’s Cary News is filled with information for us to read/watch/listen to as we think about our own calls to action in the ongoing battle for racial justice. I would like to thank India Winslow, one of the library’s Youth Services Librarians, for curating this content and her graciousness in sharing some of her personal experience. She and I both hope you will feel encouraged to reach beyond the authors, musicians, artists, and intellectuals you know and discover (and hear) different voices - not all of it is easy to hear. 

The staff of Cary Library stand together in support of our black family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues and their right to equality, equity, safety, and justice. I yield the floor to India.

Koren Stembridge
Library Director
Dear Cary Library Patrons,

I am sending you my love. Things feel rather bleak right now, don't they? We, as a nation, are on a path that has the ability to truly change our nation. The death of George Floyd was not a singular event. It was the tipping point in a series of injustices that have gone on for too long. Many of us are grasping to make sense, to understand, to take action, and to educate ourselves for a brighter future, and I believe that we can do it. The future, however distant, has the ability to outshine all of the heartaches of our present.

As a Southern Black woman living in New England, I have had many conversations around race and I know that many believe that issues of racism are predominately relegated to the south. I want to tell you that this is not true. I have experienced various forms of racism in Massachusetts from small microaggressions about my hair/clothing/way of speaking to larger moments of blatant aggression meant to intimidate me. Some of which happened here in Lexington as well.

I tell you this only to remind you that no single part of our country is unaffected by the stories being told today. It is also important for me to tell you that is just my story, and not the story of all black people. It may ring true of many in our community, but the beauty of our world is that our stories are as varied as our people. Seek out as many Black voices as you are able. As Angela Davis said, "it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist." We all have the ability to educate ourselves and make the world brighter for future generations, myself included! I look forward to doing this work together. It won't be easy, and we will make mistakes. That's okay! Making mistakes is how we learn and grow.

Wondering how to get started? An easy first step is to pay attention to the media that you intake. How much of it is created by people of color? If the none or few, this is a great time to start adding more!

Together with fellow Cary librarians, we've curated a few lists of things to help get you thinking and acting on this journey. Things for you to read, watch, listen to, and act upon. Making change starts early so don't be afraid to have these conversations with your children as well. Know that we are here to help you find new resources to better bring us forward to that brighter future we all dream of.

Wishing you peace and hope,

India Winslow
Youth Services Librarian
The following lists are separated by age group, but please feel free to bounce around. Adults can learn so much from the books recommended for children and teens. Work together as a family, share with your friends, and again, don't be afraid of making a few mistakes along the way!
For Children
Books available on Hoopla/Overdrive
Start the conversation with these insightful videos from across the internet
*graphic from @pretty_good_design
A few resources to help you further the conversation with your child:
For Teens
Books are available on Hoopla/Overdrive
*graphic from @nicstone
*Photo courtesy of Umcolisi Terrell
Social Media rehaul:
Look at all of the people that you're following on Instagram, TikTok, etc.
How many of them are people of color?
Take some time to seek out a new content and truly engage with it.
A few suggestions:
  1. Mxolisi: Photographer
  2. Morgan Harper Nichols: Artist
  3. Patience: Book Blogger

For Adults
Books are available on Hoopla/Overdrive

*graphic from Lexington Fundraiser for Racial Justice facebook page


Further viewing:

A Final Note:
I know that this work is difficult. It is forcing all of us to reexamine some hard learned truths, and that is never easy, but there is always hope. I want to leave you all with a recording of Jason Reynold's beautiful poem For Everyone. It is a song for a brighter tomorrow.
Virtual Programs
Coming up in a programming newsletter on Monday June 8th
Contact the Programming Department
at [email protected] or (781) 862-6288 x84450