Hello Friends,

minutes approval for July 17, 2021 and approval for January 30, 2021
  • a more easily read and downloaded budget
  • a few lines about nominations in the agenda
  • and the Right Relations Team Charter
  • Any other changes will have to come at the meeting

Our Congregational Meeting is almost upon us! It will be Sunday, June 5th at 12:30 pm LIVE and via Zoom – hopefully, for the last time.
To give us time to say hello to each other, and to give you instructions on how to vote, etc., we will open up the meeting at 12:15, 15 minutes before our official start.

 A light lunch will be provided prior to the meeting in the social hall.
As you'll see from the agenda, in addition to appreciating a few of our hardworking volunteers (one of the best parts!), we have 2 important items: Next year's budget, and elections to both next year's Board of Trustees and filling out the remainder a term so we have the required minimum number of Board members for the rest of this year.
The links to everything you’ll need for the meeting, including these reports are below. If you have any questions or concerns about anything in any of these documents, please don’t hesitate to contact the appropriate person ahead of time.

The Zoom link (below) is different than the link for the Sunday service. (It needs to be so we can vote.) Please don't sign on to or stay on the Sunday Service meeting link!
What’s included in this packet:
*June Agenda
*January Minutes
*July 17, 2021 Minutes
*Director of Religious Education’s Report
*President’s Report
*2022-2023 Budget
*Nominating Committee Nominations
*Bylaw Revision Bylaw Revision Proposal
*Congregational Calendar Calendar
*Right Relations Team Charter Charter
The Zoom link is:


I am very much looking forward to seeing you all on the 5th!

In love and partnership,
Unitarian Universalist Congregation Santa Rosa | www.uusantarosa.org