June 6, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Russian River Deanery Parishes join for Pride Parade
  • Trinity Cathedral Hosts Press Conference of Faith Leaders in support of migrants dumped in Sacramento.
  • Stewardship For All Conference Registration Closes tomorrow

Around the Diocese

Russian River Deanery Shows Its Pride

Blue skies, rainbows, and smiles were plentiful as members of congregations throughout the Russian River Deanery represented the Episcopal Church at last weekend's Annual Pride Parade in Santa Rosa.

Many thanks to those who showed up to support our LGBTQ+ community and sent in photos of the event!

Cathedral Hosts Press Conference of Faith Leaders in support of migrants dumped in Sacramento.

Top Left: Sacramento mayor Darrel Steinberg speaks to reporters. Top Right: The Rev. Julie Wakelee, Canon to the Ordinary, delivers remarks on behalf of Bishop Megan. Middle left: Cathedral Dean Matthew Woodward leads the press conference. Middle Right: Trinity parishioner Shireen Miles has been deeply engaged with meeting the needs of the migrants. Bottom: The cathedral sanctuary was transformed with banners featuring scripture quotes and photos of clergy and volunteers of ACT Sacramento.

Earlier today (Tuesday), Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, in partnership with SacACT (Sacramento Area Congregations Together) https://www.sacact.org/ and PICO California https://picocalifornia.org/ held a press conference detailing the community's faith response to the plight of the migrants who were flown from Texas to Sacramento and abandoned.

The story has garnered international news coverage, and is similar to the events of last September, when migrants were flown to Martha's Vineyard.

36 migrants, from Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala, all asylum-seekers, were lured with promises of work and housing. They had no idea where they were being taken. Since their arrival, the faith community has banded together to house, feed, clothe, and care for these individuals.

To read a message from Bishop Megan about the Migrant situation, click here: https://conta.cc/42paLz9

To view a recording of the entire press conference, visit:


To view local news coverage of the story, click below:






Companions in Franciscan Spirituality

Ten-Day Residential Immersion Programs in Franciscan Spirituality offered by The Community of St. Francis at St. Francis House in San Francisco for women over 18. The program includes studying Franciscan spirituality and living out of that spirituality by sharing in our community life, worship and ministry in the church and wider community. Cost: free will donation.

July 14-23 (focus on Creation) or September 29-October 8 (focus on St. Francis Day).

For more information, contact Sr. Pamela Clare at pamelaclarecsf@aol.com.

Office of the Bishop

Best Skills, Best Churches Registration Now Open!

This exciting Continued Education program is designed to meet the professional needs of leaders of nonprofit and public organizations. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.

For information on cost, graduation requirements, and policies, click here.

Register Now

Registration Closes Tomorrow

Come learn about stewardship resources from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), ECF360 (a subscription-based service that includes customizable resources for annual giving campaigns, planned giving, and capital campaigns) and others. We will also have the chance to hear some success stories from other congregations around the diocese.

Saturday, June 10 | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Attendance is by Zoom Only, Cost is $10

Register Here

Missioner for Church Life

Evangelism Gatherings - Third Wednesdays at 5pm

Our monthly diocesan evangelism gathering is coming up soon on June 21 at 5pm on Zoom. We will spend time this month reviewing some resources from the Episcopal Church, share our evangelism success stories, and address evangelism challenges. Everyone is invited to attend, and if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our new Evangelism Resources webpage on our diocesan website.

Resources for Pride Month

Norcal Pride Events for just about every county in our diocese, so be sure to check out what’s happening near you and consider participating in some local events.

Pride Month Resources


If you and your congregation take part in any Pride events, be sure to use #EDNCPride in your social media posts!

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

$100,000 Foundation Grant Fund – Now Accepting Applications!

The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue our $100,000 Foundation Grant program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2023. Grants range from a few thousand dollars to over $10K. Size and number of grants awarded depends on the number of qualified applications.

Click here for application instructions!

Trinity Cathedral

The Trinity Cathedral Choir Schedules English Cathedral Pilgrimage for July

The Trinity Cathedral Choir of Sacramento is heading to England in July, to be "in residence" at Exeter Cathedral, while their regular choirs are on summer break. The choir will be singing the daily evensong services plus the Sunday morning Eucharist during their time at Exeter. The music to be sung for each of the seven services during the week must be different each day, so there is quite a lot of music for the choir to get through!

David Link, Canon Precentor & Director of Music at Trinity Cathedral says that this is the choir's sixth pilgrimage to England, having previously sung at Canterbury, Lincoln, Wells, Winchester, Chichester, Salisbury, Truro, and Norwich Cathedrals, and York Minster and Westminster Abbey. 

For more details about the choir's residency at Exeter Cathedral, see here:


From the Wider Church


Episcopal Church Women of Province VIII Annual Retreat and Business Meeting Wasatch Center at the Episcopal Church Center of Utah in Salt Lake City 

June 23 – 25, 2023.

All Episcopal Church Women in Province VIII are welcome and invited to attend. Earlybird Registration cost is $175 per person for both days and includes dinner on Friday and lunch and dinner on Saturday. Cost is $200 after June 6th. 

Event Registrationhttp://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=jigtbgbbb&oeidk=a07ejqf981be472feb9

Questions? Contact Christine at communications@ecwprovinceviii.org

Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am on Zoom

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin.

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85306478741pwd=SGZYcFFZZnVwRzVmOExJYnJTRGF4QT09

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

Explore Sacred Scotland

September 21- October 4, 2023

A pilgrimage with the Rev. Sally Hubbell and Joe Hattick through Scotland and Northumbria. Download more information here

*In Case You Missed it…

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Church | Folsom seeks a full-time Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries (Lay Position).

Read the Position Description Here.

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a Part-time Organist/Music Director. View job description here. | epiphanychurchvacaville.org

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Church | Folsom seeks a full-time Interim Rector. Trinity Folsom is an open and inclusive parish that cherishes traditional liturgy and classical Anglican music. We are Jesus-centered with fidelity to the Book of Common Prayer while maintaining inclusivity in our ministries. We anticipate this being a roughly 12-month position, ideally beginning late spring 2023.

Click here to read the full description. 

St. Clement's | Rancho Cordova is seeking a 3/4 time Priest-in-charge.

View the job description here. View St. Clement’s Parish Profile

Website: saint-clements.com

For job descriptions or questions, please contact transitions@norcalepiscopal.org or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email communications@norcalepiscopal.org by Wednesday of the prior week
Submit a Calendar Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ


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