The past 12+ months has been a wild ride. We’ve seen that our community is resilient and can take on whatever challenges are thrown our way. However, one of the greatest lessons we’ve learned from COVID-19 is how important it is to stay flexible and open to new opportunities. Your business will survive and thrive if
you can adapt quickly and embrace new technologies or perhaps apply for grant opportunities that are available. At AEDC we were able to help our clients by obtaining PPP loans for them, and for our SBA borrowers, arranging to have their monthly payments paid for up to 10 months. AEDC made over one hundred 1st & 2nd round PPP loans totaling $6.8 million this past year. This loan volume helped AEDC qualify for our largest grant in our history from the US Department of the Treasury. This grant will allow us to continue and expand our support to businesses in our region.

-- Ross