CBI Newsletter                  June 2019
If you do not want to receive information for CBI coordinators and project managers please contact Mary Jewett ( mary@mainelakes.org) to unsubscribe from this list. If you click unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any information about milfoil and other invasive aquatic species in Maine, this includes grant announcements.
In This Issue
Training Documents and Links
  May 2018  
 April 2017  
July 2015 
May 2015 
I hope everyone is having a great season so far. I have included information about an Excel workaround for folks doing data entry. Feel free to respond to this email if you have any questions.  
Mary Jewett - Milfoil Coordinator
Data Entry Troubleshooting
Some people have been having trouble saving their Excel data sheets using the file naming protocol outlined by DEP. If you aren't able to copy and paste the file name generated by the template into the "Save as" box, read on. 

When you copy the file name it is automatically saved on the "Clipboard". When you open the clipboard within Excel the filename will be there. All you have to do is click on the filename and then go to Save As and it will paste. I created a super high tech video showing the process:

Important App Update

If you are using the Survey123 app please make sure you have updated to Version 2019_1.3.3. It is important that you use the most recent version. To download the newest version you must first delete the existing survey from the Survey123 app. Then you can click on this link and follow instructions.

Viewing your Data
If you have inspectors using the app your data is automatically uploaded to the ArcGIS website. You can access this page and look at data that has been submitted via Survey123 this summer. Excel forms submitted to the DEP will be uploaded to this system later in the season, the timing is yet to be determined. Take a look at the data and encourage inspectors to use the app so you can see inspection data in real time! Click here to access the page. If you have any questions about the app or data page please email Becky.Schaffner@maine.gov.

Reminder: Clean, Drain, Dry
Invasive small-bodied organisms, such as  spiny waterflea and Asian clam, can survive in standing water. 
Other New England states require boaters to drain their boats between water bodies.

Please make sure that inspectors are familiar with the clean, drain, dry message. The procedure is outlined on page 1&2 in the CBI handbook . Here's a short video from Alberta that shows the steps:

Clean Drain Dry
Clean Drain Dry

Lakes Environmental Association | 207-647-8580 | mary@mainelakes.org | http://mainelakes.org
230 Main Street
Bridgton, ME 04009