JUNE 2019
Credit: Eli Burke
In honor of Pride Month, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tucson, AZ seized an opportunity to develop and offer meaningful arts programming for older adults in their community who identify as LGBTQIA+. We asked Eli Burke , Teaching Artist and Education Director, to talk with us about the social impact of “School of Drag,” an innovative, intergenerational arts workshop series.
“I think this [particular] program highlighted how little our 55+ LGBTQIA+ community is put in the spotlight and the intense need for programs that do provide this opportunity.

We focus so heavily on youth (which is also critical and crucial), however we forget that youth would not have the opportunities they have without the labor of our 55+ LGBTQIA+ community. This was an all-around enlightening experience for youth and 55+ participants alike.”

 - Eli Burke, MOCA Tucson
This workshop was funded through Aroha Philanthropies' Seeding Vitality Arts in Museums initiative for which Lifetime Arts provided professional development and technical support.

For more on Creative Aging programming for LGBTQIA+ adults, see the "Ed Talk" below titled, " Stories About Stories: Diversity and Complexity at Two Memorable Memoir Events ."
Credit: Annie Montgomery
In May and the beginning of June, Lifetime Arts conducted professional development workshops in New York and Minneapolis among other major cities. These training sessions were offered to NYC teaching artists, arts organizations and senior center providers as part of Creative Aging in NYC  sponsored by the  New York Community Trust , and U.S. arts organizations as part of Seeding Vitality Arts U.S. , sponsored by Aroha Philanthropies . In July, Lifetime Arts will facilitate the third in a series of teaching artist trainings for Minnesota teaching artists for Aroha Philanthropies and the Minnesota State Arts Board .

Credit: Ellen A. Michelson    
Pictured from left to right: William (Bill) Tramposch, Aroha Senior Fellow for Museums and Creative Aging; Ed Friedman, Executive Director, Lifetime Arts; Lindsay Lewis, Program Manager, Aroha Philanthropies; and Annie Montgomery, Director of Education, Lifetime Arts.
On May 20, the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) held a panel titled, " Artful Aging: What Museums and Arts Educators are Learning from Each Other about Creative Aging,” during their annual conference in New Orleans.

Moderated by Lifetime Arts' Executive Director, Ed Friedman , the panel featured: Annie Montgomery , Director of Education at Lifetime Arts; Lindsay Lewis , Program Manager at Aroha Philanthropies; and  Sonnet Takahisa , former Director of Strategic Education Initiatives at the Newark Museum.

“Museums are accustomed to running all sorts of programs, but specifically focusing on sequential Creative Aging programs is new to many. This was a real opportunity to plant seeds for future collaborations," said Annie Montgomery.

Credit: Hyphen Photography
On May 17, the Association of Teaching Artists held its 2019 Awards Ceremony in New York City to honor artist educators who have made a significant impact in the field of Teaching Artistry and to kick-off Teaching Artist Appreciation Week (May 20-27). Lifetime Arts co-founders,  Ed Friedman and Maura O’Malley, were honored with The Teaching Artist Ally Award in recognition for their support of teaching artists in the field of Creative Aging.  

Lifetime Arts’ Roster Teaching Artist and award winning storyteller,  Robin Bady , has been teaching theater, writing and storytelling for as long as she can remember.
Her career began with teaching children in schools and later branched out to teaching in libraries, theaters, parks and senior centers. She is currently a Master Teaching Artist for Lifetime Arts.

Credit: Jolie Olson
Many “senior theatres” around the country put on well-meaning productions that bring people together, build community, and draw an audience. All good stuff. By contrast, Theatre 55 is not hobbled by “age-appropriate” casting, nor do they stage self-deprecating comedies about the foibles of aging. The company finds vehicles already in the canon of popular theatre, and interprets them in a new way, with older actors.

This past year, our initiative, Creative Aging in Westchester County , supported by the Westchester Community Foundation , resulted in five new programs including two that focused on memoir writing. Both were successful as they served the participants’ needs for creative expression and reflected the communities in which they were set. Both surprised me with their depth, complexity and by the diversity of the participants and the stories they shared.

Credit: Mt. Kisco Senior Center
Nathan Majoros
Deputy Director
Lifetime Arts’ Deputy Director, Nathan Majoros , has been selected to join the 2019 class of the Community Arts Education Leadership Institute (CAELI) , a leadership program designed for individuals in the nonprofit arts education sector and run by the National Guild for Community Arts Education in collaboration with Partners in Performance, Inc. Nathan is one of 26 individuals representing arts organizations across the nation to participate in this year’s institute.

Lifetime Arts is dedicated to providing training, technical assistance and resources to teaching artists, arts and community organizations, senior center providers, public libraries, funders and government agencies to build the capacity of Creative Aging programming for older adults. For the latest news and updates of our work and others' across the United States in the field of Creative Aging, follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .
Credit: Jeremy Amar
Lifetime Arts is currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of Office Manager to support our growing team as we lead national initiatives in the emerging field of Creative Aging from our main office in New Rochelle, NY. Please click the "apply" link below for complete details. Apply by June 30 .
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