
The first month or so of shelter in place or “safer at home”, as it was called in Wisconsin, seemed to drag on and on. I am sure you saw some of the silly memes about March and April being 100s of days or years long. Maybe it is just me but May seemed to fly by and I am having a hard time believing it is June already. I am not sure why that is since there were not many places to go or things to do in Wisconsin until recently when our safer at home was lifted. But here we are, May is gone, and it is June. 

Late April and early May was supposed to be very busy for CVSA with plans to attend 2 medical conferences in 2 weeks as well as the first in person meeting for the pediatric guidelines meeting.  All our plans were altered of course by the COVID-19 pandemic. That being said the pediatric guidelines committee still spent a whole day in May meeting via zoom. Even with the meeting being held virtually, there was still energy and excitement to get this project off the ground. There is definitely a commitment to working hard and efficiently to finish the pediatric guidelines update as quickly as possible. We want to thank all our committee members for making the time to work on this project over the next couple of years.  

We also held a virtual fundraiser in May, called “Not a Spa Week” where people could donate their unused spa or salon visits to the project of their choice. Hair Because You Care went to the B Li Fund, Pedicures for the Pediatric Guidelines went to the update project, and Manicures for the Mission went directly to the incredible work that CVSA does. We want to thank everyone who donated to these various causes during “Not a Spa Week” and remind everyone that all these projects are ongoing. For more information, visit our website.    
As we move into June, we are learning to navigate, adapt, and expand the ability to offer events and gatherings virtually. Please watch your inbox for these new and exciting opportunities.     

As many states are reopening and lifting safer at home precautions, we hope you have a safe, healthy, and fun summer! Our friends at Mitoaction have a great article about staying safe in the summer heat; check it out

Debbie Conklyn
CVSA Program Director
Did you miss the t-shirt sale for International Awareness Day? CVSA now has a year round store! We added a new design and more style options!

Join Blynda, along with other CVS Sufferers and Caregivers on Monday, June 8 th , for the monthly support call.
Thank you to all that set up fundraisers on Facebook with Facebook Donations!

Please note that due to Facebook's algorithms and privacy restrictions, CVSA is unable to determine the dates that fundraisers take place.
If your CVSA fundraiser raised more than $200 please send a screenshot to the CVSA office to receive your complimentary 1 year membership, please email  [email protected] .