May 2nd - Daytime monitors, John and Morris, heard chorus frogs, spring peepers, and many birds.
May 14 - John, in addition to many frogs and birds, saw a gray treefrog and a dead watersnake on the path to his site.
May 15th - Meagan and Julianne heard 2 American bitterns duking it out through song. Stan and Sophie were also out monitoring on the 15th. Both teams heard full chorus spring peepers, as well as some gray treefrogs.
May 16th - Karen and Jane heard a few spring peepers, green frogs, and a bullfrog amid long-weekend fireworks, traffic, and trains.
May 19th - Kim and Lorelei heard spring peepers, a gray treefrog, green frog, and a wood frog on another night with fireworks.
May 20th - Janet and Aiesha saw a waved sphynx moth while monitoring
May 21st - Ellen and Lauren heard coyotes howling, and 4 different species of frogs