Hemp Alerts & Happenings
A monthly newsletter brought to you by the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Colorado Submitted State Hemp Management Plan
On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the Colorado Department of Agriculture submitted its Revised State Hemp Management Plan with Appendices to the USDA for approval. Those documents can be found here.
Soliciting Hemp Advisory Committee Members
The Department is seeking nominations for Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) members. Members of the HAC advise the Department and confer on all matters regarding the regulation of hemp. They assist the Commissioner and program staff in promulgating rules to carry out the Hemp Act, Title 35, Article 61. The committee provides advice to the Commissioner by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules, including rules that establish CDA’s inspection program to determine THC concentration. HAC members serve three-year terms. The HAC will be meeting quarterly (four times a year). The HAC is made up of 10 members. Currently there are six vacancies on the committee that expire on July 31, 2021, that need to be filled. The Ag Commission selects the HAC members.
These are:
1) One member with experience in industrial hemp regulation
2) One member representing the hemp manufacturing industry
3) One member representing small hemp businesses
4) One member who is a citizen advocate for industrial hemp
5) One member who is a representative from the cannabinoid industry
6) One member who represents certified seed growers
Refer to the Hemp Program Events page here for the nomination form and description of duties.
Revised Hemp Rules
On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, the Ag Commission approved the proposed changes to “Rules Pertaining to the Administration and Enforcement of the Industrial Hemp Regulatory Program Act” 8 CCR 1203-23.
The proposed changes to the Hemp Rules will be effective on July 30, 2021. Click here to view the proposed changes. There will be a second round of rulemaking in the fall of 2021 to further align the rules with the USDA Final Rule and the implementation of the State Plan.
Increase Compliance to the Hemp Rules
As a hemp producer, you are required to comply with all aspects of the Act (35-61-101 through 35-61-114, C.R.S.) and Rules (8 CCR 1203-23) which govern the hemp program. The following are a few key items to ensure your compliance with the Act and Hemp Rules:
A. Registration
Registrations are non-transferable
- All Registrations shall be valid for one year from date of issuance
- Registrations do not renew; you need to reapply
Any changes to contact information must be provided within 10 days of the change
B. Planting/Harvest Reports
- Submit your planting report within 10 days after planting
- Each strain/variety must have its own planting report and its own intended use
- Submit your harvest report at least 30 days prior to harvest
- Effective July 30, 2021, Registrants shall maintain records of all cannabis plants acquired, grown, produced, handled or disposed of, including THC test results, of all cannabis lots grown within all Registered Land Area(s)
- Registrants shall retain such records and reports for three years
- All records pertaining to Part 3.8 [of the Rules] shall be made available for inspection by CDA and USDA Inspectors, auditors, or their representative during reasonable business hours
Note: Apply for your hemp registration online through the Hemp Online Portal (HOP) here. Enter your planting and harvest reports into your account using HOP.
Recruitment of Authorized Samplers
The Colorado Department of Agriculture (Department) plans to utilize authorized samplers, in a pilot program, in the fall of 2021 on a limited basis. Beginning January 1, 2022, individual samples of each lot of hemp must be sampled from each registration. The Hemp Authorized Sampler Program will allow hemp producers to coordinate directly with the authorized samplers for scheduling and transportation of the samples to the labs. To become a hemp authorized sampler you must: 1) Participate in any required training presentations and review all associated documents including forms, rules and protocols; 2) Receive a score of 80% or higher on the state administered hemp authorized sampler certification exam; and 3) Complete an application and sign a conflict of interest document. Certification will last one year. Appropriate recordkeeping and reporting, adherence to Department sampling protocol, and other standards provided in the training are required to maintain certification. Please contact Michael Roll at michael.roll@state.co.us if you are interested in participating in this program.
Hemp Center of Excellence Meeting and Input on the Strategic Plan
On Thursday, June 17, 2021, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the Department will be hosting a virtual meeting with the Hemp Center of Excellence (COE) steering committee members to discuss the strategic plan.
Refer to the Hemp Program Events page here for the Zoom link and Agenda Items.
Additionally, MPG Consulting (MPG), the contractor selected to create the strategic plan for the Hemp Center of Excellence, would like to receive input from stakeholders regarding the 5 Year Strategic Plan for the Colorado Hemp Center of Excellence. Feedback is needed by June 21, 2021.
MPG is pleased to present the initial draft of the 5 Year Strategic Plan for the Colorado Hemp Center of Excellence. MPG would very much appreciate your input as it shapes this draft into its final form. Here are a couple notes to help you with your review:
- MPG requests your feedback ASAP. The Public Comment period runs from 6/14-6/21. Afterwards the project team will begin to incorporate all pertinent suggestions into the final version.
MPG built an edit and suggestion tracker for you to use when reviewing the draft
- Please note that it is difficult to receive numerous spreadsheets with the same title. Therefore please share your comments by saving the excel document as follows: “-NAME.” For example “CHCoE Edit and Suggestion Tracker – Jane Smith.xlsx”
Please submit the excel tracker to the CHCoE’s email: cda_hempcoe@state.co.us
Thank you in advance for your input. We look forward to hearing from you.
The CHCoE 5 Year Strategic Plan Project
Meetings For The Hemp Program
Coming Soon: Hemp Advisory Committee Meeting
On Wednesday, July 7, 2021, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, the Hemp Advisory Committee will meet virtually via Zoom to discuss the status of the submission of the State Hemp Management Plan, upcoming Rule changes, and other hemp program items.
Click here to go to Hemp Upcoming Events where you will find the Zoom link and call-in information for Hemp Program Meetings.
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021