
Dear Earthlight Friends

June is a HOT month, weather-wise and astrologically speaking. On June 10th we have a Solar Eclipse alongside Mercury in retrograde in Gemini it will be easier now for you to form new connections with other Light-minded beings to create a group, form a tribe to share knowledge that will assist us as a collective through this shift to 5-dimensional consciousness! So needed at this time!

Meeting in person without a mask is now acceptable so I plan to get out there and make new friends and connect with my other Light Minded Soul Friends! The downside of this Eclipse is the miscommunications and frazzled emotions that can happen, so pull out the tools from your toolbox that will keep you calm, centered, in the flow, and do not let your temper blow. If you like some help please email me or instant message me on FB. 

Summer is coming fast, time to eat the lighter foods, let loose of some of the " locked down pounds"!  Dante Baker Holistic Personal Trainer has an all-inclusive program for you on Zoom, and for those ready to meet outside in person for one on one training please come on over to the woods of Reston, and experience one on one yoga, calisthenics, sound healing, and esoteric knowledge see below.  

Plus more ways to stay holistically fit, Dr. Akmal, is offering zoom self-care sessions to assess your health using Chinese Medicine and Tui Na to flush out your organs and allow the Qi to flow in harmony throughout your body.  

Dr. Sarah Caffey can assist you with your posture while working from home and more with her credentials in Physical Therapy. So many of us, I included, have picked up bad habits while working from home with a laptop on a chair, bed, or sofa while trying to get our tasks done without sitting up straight. 

Health Tip The Month Of June Liver Flush: Get 8 ounces of distilled water, one whole organic lemon, 1 teaspoon of extra virgin organic good quality olive oil, 1 teaspoon grade A or B maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Peace, Love & Tranquility,

Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Coach, Founder Earthlight Promotions
Check out my website below

These Asian Elephants in China have walked over 300 miles since April and now they are entering populating cities, causing over 1.9 million dollars of damage along the way and stopping traffic! Where do you think they are going? What was the incentive for these 15 elephants to have left their habitat? What is this a symbol of? Does it mean as a collective we must break through the challenges that are stopping us from living our unique destiny to help raise our Blue Planet into Oneness, One Human Family, 5th-Dimensional Consciousness? Is there enough for all on this planet, so we can live in an egalitarian where there is enough for all? Are these rogue elephants representing, Ganesha giving the Chinese Government a message? Is the leader of these 15 elephants leading them astray like some of the world leaders are doing now through the mainstream media? Two of this herd had turned back already however one new baby elephant has been born while on this trek. I leave the answer up to you. The animal behaviorist says they have never seen this type of behavior and the Asian Elephant is one of the most endangered species on the planet for its habitat is being encroached upon by overpopulated cities filled with pollution. Are the animals telling us it is their time again to take over since humans are making a mess of mother earth? Something to ponder over! Does Ganesha have a message for humanity? What do you feel?


Spiritual Coaching Session
Spring Cleaning Time!

Beverly L Nickerson
Spiritual Coach,
Sacred Sensitive Shaman
Offering 1 Hour Complimentary Zoom
Using Sacred Tools Proven Techniques To Quickly Shift

A-Affirmations, Andean Medicine, Aroma Therapy, Attachment StyleTheory
B-Breathwork, Breathology, Sacred Flower Bath Healings
C-Child Inner Work Candle Magic, Chanting
D-Dance Therapy Estatic
E-Exercise Easy Yoga, Light Weights, Walking In Woods
F-Food Organic, Foresting, Feng Shui
G-Grounding Hug A Tree, Feet In Soil
H-House Clearing, Palo Santo Sage
I-I Am Consciousness I Am Love
J-Jumping For Joy Trampoline
K-Keep The Faith No Matter What
M-Mirror Affirmations, Meditation
N-Never Give Up
O-Open Heart
P-Prayer Technology
Q-Quiet Time
R-Rose Oil Smell The Rose, Raise Your Vibration
S-Sound Healing
T-Travel Sacred Locations
U-Universal Spiritual Principles
V-Vision Boards
W-Waking Up, To 5th D Consciousness Walking In Woods
X-X Ray Vision See Beyond The Veil
Y-Yearly Goal Setting
Z-Zen Philosophy
Just to name a few of the holistic healing techniques I have used myself for the past 22 years, will generously share them with you in a complimentary session on Zoom. If you choose to start working together, you can be assured your challenges will be heard and many natural medicines will be suggested from my ancient toolbox! Special Discounts With Packages.
Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Director
Click below for more details :



"A feather from an owl symbolizes wisdom, the ability to see things normally, a creature of the night - silent and swift."
I found an Owl Feather while walking through the woods on Friday, the Owl is the very first Totem I received from the Medicine Card deck by Jamie Sams & David Carson.
The Owl is the symbol of Wisdom in many cultures, it is because the Owl can see what others cannot, that is the essence of true wisdom. Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom with an Owl on her shoulder which reveals some universal truths to her to share with the world.

Sacred Senstive Shaman, Beverly is offering a 1-hour complimentary session on Zoom or in-person for us to access if we are a good match to work together. I can assist you to access some deep truths for you to begin to walk forward in this post shut down the world with confidence, peace, and balance with ignited passion to bravely embark on your personal soul mission on our blue planet!


Ocean Oracle Readings
Beverly L Nickerson,
Spiritual Coach,
Sacred Sensitive Shaman
Make Zoom Appointment 1 hour

Dr. Sarah Caffey, PT Website backinactionergo

Dante Baker Presents:
Holistic Fitness Program
Starts July 5th to Aug 4th, 2021
4-week program course- $300
Or $25 Per Class
Monday Wednesday, Friday
6-7 pm on Zoom

Most people know that physical activity is one of the main keystones of a healthy life. Although this is common knowledge, most people can’t seem to motivate themselves to get the physical activity they need. Why is this? Knowledge, discipline, accountability, and community are key elements that can support people in getting healthy and staying healthy. This holistic fitness program contains all of the crucial pieces that you need to strengthen your muscles, increase mobility and flexibility, develop cardiovascular endurance, and relax your nervous system for optimal recovery. The program incorporates Hatha Yoga, Qi Gong, calisthenics, resistance band training, stability ball training, and sound meditation.

The program will last four weeks, starting July 5th and ending Aug 4th. Each week will include two days of live training sessions, consisting of a 20-30 minute yoga sequence followed by an exercise routine. The third session will center around practicing breathing techniques, various forms of meditation to help with recovery, and habit-building discussions from the book "Atomic Habits."

Accessing the right knowledge is a key factor in getting fit and moving towards your own personal fitness goals. I have been a personal trainer since 2008 and what I’ve seen is when it comes to working out, most people just don’t know where to start. People often get overwhelmed and intimidated by the vast amount of information on the internet.
Together we will explore some of the basic tenets of movement and exercise. For example:
How to find your proper range of motion in any exercise/asana.
How to activate the proper muscles during any exercise/asana.
What to focus on during meditation.
How to properly breathe.
How to build muscle.
How to lose weight healthily.

You will be sent weekly exercise, asana, and breathe routines at the beginning of each week. There will be two live-streamed videos every Monday and Wednesday at 6 pm. If you miss a live session, no problem--every live session will be recorded and emailed to you after class. The exercise and asana can be done in real-time or on your own.
On Friday, I will teach specific meditation/breathwork. Afterward, I will allow everyone to share one habit they are building that supports their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
At the start of each we, you will receive an email with three delicious and nutritious plant-based recipes each week.

Certifications & Training:
2008- Completed Personal Training Certifications
2011- Completed Professional Massage Therapist training
2014- Completed Qi gong certification
2016- Completed 200hr Yoga Training
2020- Completed 300hr Yoga Training
First class-Free
4-week program course- $300
$25 Monday and Wednesday Class
$25 Friday Class

Click Below Join Insight Timer Sound Healing Free App
Website Click Link


Essential Selfcare Virtual Session
1 hr|$125

Essential Selfcare is a virtual program that allows you to receive an evaluation of your health through assessment of your tongue, as you provide additional health information at the time of your appointment. You should send 4 photos of your tongue (just your tongue not your face), however, the fifth photo is of your face. This is not to be disrespectful, the more of your tongue I can see the less I have to enlarge the photo causing distortion. Need to see from the tip of your tongue to the back of your mouth. You should do this before making an appointment. Send the photos to Make sure I can see the whole tip. Your tongue has all of your organ's health information and tells the health of your organ network.

Dr. Akmal T. Muwwakkil is the President and
Founder of The Energy Institute of the Healing Arts Foundation, Inc. a 14-year 501 (3) nonprofit Wholistic health care educational organization. He developed the Healen Arts Wellness Studio. Dr. Muwwakkil has been involved in Complementary Alternative Health Care (Functional Medicine) since 1974. He has a BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Nutrition from the American Holistic College of Nutrition and a herbalist. 


The Healing Cooperative®
Sunday's 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Professional Networking & Spiritual Support
For People Passionate About Holistic Healing
*Sacred Space Creation
*Psychotherapeutic Sharing 
*Guided Meditation
*Distance Healing Share
Call 571-225-0215 for ZOOM Meeting ID
Are you a Holistic Health Practitioner?
Would you like to be an upcoming speaker?
Join us!
Meetings announced on FACEBOOK
Susan Taylor-Gol, MsCMHC, NCC
Licensed Professional Counselor

Dr. Michael Liss Doctor of Classical Homeopathy Integrative Health Specialist
Homeopathy and Natural Medicine
Season Allergies Safe Solution
A safe, gentle, and inexpensive method for healing psychological, emotional, physical illnesses, allergies, and viruses.
Zoom Sessions Available

Allergy Season is upon us, Dr. Michael Liss Homepathic Practitioner with over 40 years of experience using Classical Homeopathy and natural supplements gets directly to the ROOT of allergies and other chronic illnesses by naturally building up your own innate immune system.

There isn’t any ailment that can’t be treated by natural means. The main principle of Homeopathy is “Likes can be Cured by Likes.” Our innate biological wisdom recognizes the pattern of energy inherent in a particular homeopathic remedy, that was
chosen based on our state and symptoms. This remedy in its natural state will bring on the same symptoms that we have. When this energetic match happens, our healing vital force is released, curing us.
Homeopathic remedies are perfectly safe because they are highly diluted, out of the range of chemical/pharmacological action. The remedies act on the energy body and the natural intelligence that directs those energies. Unlike conventional medications, homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s natural healing systems.
If you are suffering from any kind of psychological or physical health condition, natural medicine and homeopathy is a safe, gentle way to heal disease and emotional and psychological health problems. If you are ready to heal and experience vitality again, contact me by phone or email mention you found me in Earthlight Promotions News.


Stuart Hill On Zoom
Interactive Classes
Teaching Traditional Yoga Styles
Join For June 2021!
1 week class for FREE Email Stuart mention Earthlight News
Email  1 Week Sample Free
Offering 65 Yoga Classes Each Month!
On Zoom for just $50.00 Per Month

Looking for a source of online yoga? Increase strength, stamina, and flexibility; reduce stress and connect with the greater consciousness; prepare for and meditate if you like. Stuart Hill has been teaching Kundalini and Hatha Yoga for 10 years. His certifications include Hatha E-RYT 500 and Kundalini E-RYT 200, and Silver Yoga Certifications. 

Stuart is currently offering 17 classes per week, including:
- Three (3) Kundalini classes,
- Six (6) Gentle Yoga Level 1 & 2 classes,
- Seven (7) Hatha (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Restorative) classes,
- Monthly Live Concert
These classes are live and online using the Zoom platform. This allows the teacher to demonstrate poses, and for the teacher to view you and suggest any modifications to improve your practice. Classes are every morning and some evenings.

Please visit for timings of classes, detailed descriptions, and to register click below:

You have access to 65 classes per month for $50! If you would like to sample a couple of classes, please email Stuart ( for a couple of free class passes. All you need is a laptop, IPAD, or iPhone to join the classes. Classes often include live Native American Indian flute music, Tibetan bowls, and gong meditations during the relaxation period after each class. Students can join early to visit and hang around after for Q&A.
Azurae Windwalker's


Extraordinary times call for nonordinary solutions! Last year Azurae received strong guidance to share her life-changing curriculum with a wider audience for the benefit of personal and planetary healing and ascension.
The online series covers easy advanced methods of Power-Ups, Alchemical Personal and Property Shielding, Shamanic Earth-Sun Breathwork, Inner Energy Dances, Soul Retrieval, Warrior Protectors, shamanic journeys, Earthkeeper Alchemy, Clearing Energies and Cleansing Self, and much more. In each class, the ultra-high vibe of the Amethyst Center and Azurae's shamanic healing intent transfers directly to each student!
The benefits include increased well-being; freedom from fears; clarity, sharper and increased intuitive powers; self-confidence; release of blockages and chords holding you back; and higher understanding of your gifts, talents, and soul path. You can also expect to meet and cement working relations with your own team of Angels, Totems, White Light Masters, Nature Spirits, and Beneficial Star Nation Helpers!

WE'VE MADE A LOT OF PROGRESS! Azurae and her crew have filmed 20 exciting segments detailing various Practical Shamanism core techniques. Plus 12 hrs. are filmed and edited of 3 groups 2019 interactive classes. 20 easy to understand illustrations with how tos are included in the series. And 50 pages of text are completed. So now comes the fun part of sewing it all together in a teaching format. I'm excited! Are you? I would appreciate your prayer support that this be done in the most beneficial way for all my relations! Follow Azurae's progress and sign up for updates as how to register at

TESTIMONIALS: "Azurae Windwalker is an amazing teacher who teaches practical wisdom and techniques one can immediately incorporate into their daily lives. I highly recommend her workshops, particularly for those who are highly sensitive and empathic as you will learn shamanic techniques for protection as well as develop a stronger connection with your intuition and spiritual guides. I have been attending her weekly classes for several months now and have learned so much! Looking forward to attending this next one " Sue Whelan, senior student
The most spiritually beneficial class I ever took in my life (and I'm 50) " Adela Lohr
I took an intense workshop years ago with Azurae. I'm still using her teachings today. It's the most positive thing I've ever done for myself. I want to take another one. Blessings" Kimber, Richmond VA
Thanks in advance for your patronage and support. Follow for details about this enlightening healing series! Or contact Azurae at


Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Coach
Ageless Timeless Beauty

Intertwining the ancient traditional healing into our modern world