All About Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud is a popular online program where you pay monthly to get access to Adobe’s programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and more. For this month’s article, I wanted to highlight some important features and unique programs that are offered in your subscription. From the basic programs that are well known to more specific programs, I will discuss how I make use of all of the aspects of my creative cloud account.
First, the most well know programs are Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. These three programs are some of the most well-known and can be used in many different fields. While these programs do have major benefits and are extremely useful, there are many more programs that can even further improve your projects.
Some programs that I have used for graphic design and can be used for promotional materials are Adobe Express, Fonts, Color, and Stock. Adobe Express is similar to Canva, where you can create posters and graphics for organizations, resumes, and even social media posts quickly. With Creative Cloud, you have access to all templates for your projects. For Adobe Fonts and Stock, you can access different fonts and stock photos to use in your projects. This is useful for graphic design, resumes, or even building a mockup of a project. Adobe Color is also useful when mocking up projects, where you can use different concepts in color theory to create color pallets using their tools.
Next, some more specific programs include, Mixamo, Aero, Dimension, and Animate. These tools are mostly used in game design and animation, and these tools range from working with 3D asset animation, general animation, AR, and general 3D. I personally have tested out these programs, and they are useful for experimenting with using 3D art in different projects.
Lastly, some more day-to-day focused programs include Adobe Portfolio, Fill & Sign, and Scan. These programs are all simple to use and are perfect for everyday use, and help you get even more out of your creative cloud membership. Adobe Portfolio is a portfolio creation program where you can set up all of your art and use a free domain included in your subscription (custom-paid domains can also be used). Adobe Fill & Sign is an app on your phone where you can sign your documents easily. This can be helpful to have on the go and use whenever needed. Lastly, Adobe Scan is used to scan documents, which can be helpful to have high-quality scans right from your phone and easily track documents with your phone.
There are still many more programs on Creative Cloud that you can download and use for all of your projects. I highly recommend experimenting with as many as you can and making use of the various features as well as the various apps that they have been adding to the subscription. I have personally found many of these programs very useful and look forward to all of the new programs they will be creating.
All information on these programs came from the Adobe Creative Cloud Page: