Volume 31 | June 2021
Member Benefit Alert
Member Benefit! SBCA's Consumer Resources
In addition to supporting the businesses that make up the satellite industry in the United States, SBCA's mission is to provide concerned satellite customers, state legislators and taxpayers with information that allows them to form their own opinions about the latest issues related to satellite in their state and respond accordingly. Satellite customers and legislators can find information on issues currently facing satellite service on the state level on our website, so check out our arsenal of resources.
Galaxy1 Networking Event Returns to Record Crowd
On June 9, Galaxy1 hosted its annual networking event for industry executives. Due to the pandemic last year's event was canceled leading to record turn out this year. Attendees included senior executives from DISH Network, Hughes, SBCA and more. For most attendees this event marked the first in-person gathering they have attended in 15 months. Bryan Neylon, president of DISH Network succinctly proclaimed “We’re Back Baby”. This year's event was also used as a fundraiser for a local charity Humble Dwellings, which provides home furnishing to families who were previously homeless or from abusive situations. The SBCA Foundation donated $1,000 to the cause and the Galaxy1 event raised thousands more to help out local residents in need. SBCA wishes to thank Dennis Vos, Bob Byrd and the entire staff from Galaxy1 for their efforts in hosting this successful event. We look forward to attending other in-person meetings and gatherings as the year progresses.
SBCA and Other Broadband Providers Prevail in New York
On June 11, U.S. District Court Senior District Judge Denis R. Hurley, of the Eastern District of New York issued a preliminary injunction against the state of New York preventing the state from requiring that broadband providers offer a $15 high speed internet service to qualified households. The judge noted that the state could not regulate rates and that low-income individuals can now ask for $50 off their monthly bill under a new temporary federal benefit.

“SBCA was pleased to participate in the lawsuit to protect the interests of our member companies and ensure that states are not unfairly regulating our member companies” stated Steve Hill, president of SBCA.
Article via SmartBrief

The Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program will use $1 billion worth of grants from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to improve broadband access in tribal lands. Census figures show that about half the households in such areas have home internet subscriptions, and at least 20% lack broadband access.