A Backward Glance 
What's New at the Gallery

The gallery is getting a new look!

Margaret Mead once said, 
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world." 

Well, here at The Pink Rooster we believe there is no doubt that a small group of energetic, Linda-loving associates and artists can change the gallery! 

Come in and see the fruits of our labor.

Lolita Dickinson and Linda Rosetti 
Using their creativity. 

What a treat!
Artist, Stig Marcusson 
Lending a helping hand.

Billy Solitario
 Helping place new arrivals.

Happy Birthday, Pam!

She brings sunshine wherever she goes.

Special Delivery!

New pottery 
Anita Hughes


Off to the Post Office!

Valerie Winn, our resident author/ artist and book bottle artisan, sending off her latest book "The Dance Between" along with a hand-selected bottle to one of our out-of-state customers.  Happy reading! 

From paintings to pottery to perfume, we love packing and mailing orders to our customers. 

"The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke."  

Jerzy Kosinski

The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS

Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.