One Day Training Sessions
SAVE THE DATE for next year's expos:
Southern Operator Expo - May 18, 2023
Northern Operator Expo - May 25, 2023
2022 Operator Expos Wrap Up!
Our Southern & Northern Expos held last month were both big successes, and though the weather didn't cooperate for us each afternoon, we got in full mornings of demonstrations, contests, a great lunch, and of course, seeing old friends & making new ones!
We had over 250 people in attendance at each expo! Both events featured our 'famous' hog roast, graciously donated and cooked by Water Solutions Unlimited.
Congrats to all of our contest prize winners again, & thanks to all who participated!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page & our website for the event photos thanks to Board Member, Tom Speer!
Alliance Staff Out-Of-Office Next Week
The Alliance Team is headed to the National Rural Water Association's In-Service Training in Anaheim, California! We will be "out-of-office" from Monday, June 6 - Friday, June 10 learning the latest on regulations, technology and resources, all to better assist our members!
Registration is open for Leadership Summit 2022
Plan to join us for 2 days of focused learning specifically for water & wastewater utility decision-makers, July 27 & 28 in Bloomington at the Monroe County Convention Center!
Topics will include:
- Planning for an uncertain future
- The Great Resignation
- The benefit of benefits
- Finding the funding
- Latest on Lead & Copper Rule Revisions
- Ratemaking 101
- & so much more!
Just $195 for Both Days! (member pricing)
Registration includes both days of classes, networking, and meals.
Earn 10 General W & WW Contact Hours
Attendees will also receive a certificate of completion.
2022 Regional Water Taste Tests
We have just two more "regional" taste tests before the "Best Tasting Water in Indiana" Competition during our conference this fall. The City of Fort Wayne was the proud winner of the 1st Regional Taste Test held at our Spring Conference and Garrett Water Works was the winner of the 2nd Regional Taste Test in Akron at the Northern Operator Expo. Congratulations to them!
2022 Regional Taste Test Schedule
March 17th - French Lick @ Spring Conference
May 26 - Akron @ Operator Expo
June 16 - Upland @ training
August 24 - Connersville @ training
*Systems may choose to compete in any of the regional competitions. Submissions MUST NOT have any major violations of bacteriological testing or chemical monitoring for two years prior to the Taste Test. Winners from each region will advance to compete in the “Best Tasting Water in Indiana” at our annual Fall Conference, October 26 & 27, 2022 in Fort Wayne, IN.
(Regional winners will receive one free fall conference registration)
Send us pictures for our 2023 Calendar!
We're working on creating our 2023 Alliance Calendar, and we'd love to feature photos from our members! Pictures of your water plant, staff working on a project, scenic pictures of a local water tower, fire hydrant...you name it, we want it!
Send us your photos with the subject line "Calendar Photo Submission" to alliance@inh2o.org, and your picture might just be featured!
Support for the son of Bob Jordan (Covalen)
Friends of the Alliance, we are sharing the Go Fund Me donation site for Bobby Jordan, the son of Covalen's Bob Jordan.
It was recently discovered that he has small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer, which is a particularly aggressive form of cancer.
As he navigates this recent news, he is doing so without insurance. He is currently not working and is focusing on cancer treatment. His sister has started the page to help ease the stress of thinking about finances.
Bob and the Covalen family have provided a significant amount of support to our organization and our industry. We want to do what we can to support his family during this unfortunate time. If you are able to donate, please do so at this link: Fundraiser by Katie Mercer : Local Golf Coach needs your support (gofundme.com). If you're unable to, we would greatly appreciate it if you would share the page. Thank you!
Indiana Finance Authority Regional Water Planning Meetings
Regional Water Planning Meetings for the Indiana Finance Authority dates and locations are now available on the IFA website. Please review the map to find the meeting scheduled for your area and plan to attend.
As a reminder, utilities are required to attend at least one regional meeting a year. If you have questions, please email WaterResources@ifa.in.gov.
Alliance Secures 4.1 million for Communities to Train the Next Generation
The Alliance has secured a total of 4.1 million dollars in reimbursement grants from the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) for communities across the state to utilize in order to gain more licensed water operators. The IFA, whose mission is “to oversee state-related debt issuance and provide efficient and effective financing solutions to facilitate state, local government and business investment in Indiana (in.gov),” has offered this grant opportunity to help subsidize utilities’ participation in the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water’s Apprenticeship Program, as approved by the U.S Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship.
Free webinars are typically held on the last Tuesday of the month from 2:00-3:00 pm ET (Optional Q&A session from 3:00-3:30 pm ET). Attendees have the option of receiving a certificate for one contact hour for each live webcast attended.
The next FREE Small System monthly webinar will be on Tuesday, June 28 - Water Security.
EPA Water Research Webinar Series
A webinar will be offered every other month that will focus on EPA water research. The 2022 schedule is at the link below.
If you attend these webinars, you must submit the certificate and the credit form yourself. If you do not submit the form with the verification document, you will not get the credit.
(EPA Webinars must also be pre-approved to obtain wastewater credit.)
World Environment Day (6/5): This day encourages us to protect our natural surroundings. The protection and health of our environment is a major global issue, which affects the well-being of all people and economic development throughout the world. World Environment Day is both a global celebration and a platform for public outreach.
World Ocean Day (6/8): One Ocean, One Climate, One Future - Together! This day rallies the world to protect and restore our shared oceans! It is a reminder of how essential the oceans are to maintain life on our planet. Many places around the world host activities such as beach cleanups, symposiums and lectures to recognize this movement and continue to provide education.
UN Public Service Day (6/23): This day highlights the contribution of public service in the development process, recognizes the work of public servants and encourages young people to pursue careers in public sectors. Thank you to our public service employees!
Some helpful resources from 120 Water
Affinity Partners/Programs & Services Portfolio
As the only affiliate of National Rural Water Association in the state, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water is proud to offer our members an array of products and services that have been vetted and specifically chosen as partners that work well with and for rural water and wastewater utilities. If you have any questions about any of these programs, please contact our office at 888-937-4992 or ask your circuit rider.
Don't forget to check out the latest version of our membership magazine, the Hoosier Pipeline!
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