June NJSPE Update
Congratulation to our newly elected 2021-2022 New Jersey Society of Professional Engineer’s officers

       President-Elect         Tejal Patel, PE                       
           Vice President          Erica Vigliorolo, EIT               
           Treasurer                   Jeffrey Laux, PE                    
           Secretary                   Carolyn Feigin, PE                
           Director At Large      Brian Van Nortwick, PE         
           NSPE Delegate         Mark Shourds, PE, F.NSPE  

Save the date!
September 30, 2021 Mercer Oaks CC awards dinner

The State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors have outlined requirements for continuing education for license renewal for PE’s. For your convenience, NJSPE is offering online trainings and educational resources

NJSPE is committed to providing courses that will cater to those with multiple licenses and differing state requirements.

The learning objective is to expose the seminar participants to various engineering related professional and statutory codes of ethics to indoctrinate ethics awareness and an understanding of ethical standards common to all jurisdictions, including those of the participants, so that the participants understand the boundaries of ethical engineering behavior. The program is broken into several parts. Introduction to common statutory and regulatory ethics rules; review of the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics with examples of common ethics rules, illustrative case studies to consider, with emphasis on the similarities and difference between governmental and professional society sanctions; practical reasons for ethical practice, how unethical practice can present professional liability, legal, licensure, moral and public health, safety and welfare issues.

This course will review the ways drones are being used in the construction industry, mainly in the engineering and surveying fields. This course will show examples of how drones are being utilized in various different situations to assist Engineers. You will learn the safety benefits of using drones in compromising health situations. You will learn some of the legal requirements for use of drone, applications of drones for specific Engineers needs, benefits of using drones, and you will see some of what the future can hold for drone technology in the engineering field.

This course will provide a general overview of the use and application of regulatory and warning signs, pavement marking and traffic signals. In addition, the course will include a discussion of common traffic engineering studies used to establish speed limits and determine design parameters used in implementing traffic control devices and roadway geometric features. Examples will be presented and concepts will be reinforced through hands-on exercises. Finally, the presentation will provide an overview of roundabouts, including design features, their application and advantages of using roundabouts over other conventional intersection treatments.

This course will review the recently adopted NJ Stormwater Management Rules that will become effective on March 2, 2021. The discussion will focus on the design paradigm shift necessary to successfully and efficiently implement green infrastructure including design team approaches to effectively utilize green infrastructure in stormwater management. The concept of decentralization and utilizing the required tiers of BMPs to accomplish stormwater management in a treatment train will be explained, including examples. The benefits of using green infrastructure from both a stormwater management and development standpoint will be explained.

Construction Quality Assurance and Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the Goethals Bridge Replacement
Learn how the Goethals Bridge Replacement Project required innovations in monitoring permitting, quality assurance, resource tracking, and Construction Engineering and Inspection scheduling.

  • How the Towers Fell, Lessons Learned from the 1993 and 9/11 Attacks
Available Starting Next Week
To understand “How the Towers Fell” we first need to examine how and why the WTC Complex and PATH Station were first constructed, the existing “New Jersey Tubes” they replaced, the details of the 1993 WTC bombing damage, the forensic Investigation by ATF & FBI, the recovery and repair effort, and the lessons learned on improving security and emergency response at the WTC complex that was a factor during the 9-11 attack. This will be followed by a description of evacuation of the WTC complex after the first plane hit the towers, and how the Twin Towers and Seven WTC collapsed with a first-hand in-depth description of the site damage.
We will examine the damage to lower Manhattan and the severe economic impact that the tragic event had on the community and will build upon the information presented on the 1993 Bombing and the 9/11 attacks. It will also cover, temporary shoring, flood protection, and site cleanup from the 9- 11 attacks followed by the construction of the Temporary PATH Station, reconstruction, repairs to the PATH tunnels and Exchange Place Station in NJ. It will cover recommended improvements in building codes. It will foster discussion about whether a standard high-rise tower could have survived the 1993 Bombing and why the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center all remained stable for different time periods only to collapse later in a manner resembling controlled demolition.

NJSPE Member Rate Non-Member Rate
$35 $50

NOTE: Your payment for any of the above courses are only good for ONE person. Sharing the video will NOT result in additional free PDH credits.

PLEASE READ: To successfully purchase and access a course, please purchase on a computer using a Google Chrome web browser. After you purchase a course, you will be taken to a new page to enter your email to receive the course link. Ensure that all popup blockers are disabled on your device
National Society of Professional Engineers Conference Registration Opens

Registration for the 2021 Virtual Professional Engineers Conference (August 3–5) is now open! The reimagined conference is a compact three-day event featuring concurrent sessions in the afternoon and two “MasterMind” sessions, in which a problem is crowd sourced for the group to discuss. We’ll also rally firms, chapters, and state societies to host watch parties and get together locally, watch a session, and celebrate PE Day. Early bird registration deadline is July 15.
• Tuesday – Exciting, highly interactive keynote by Shelley Row, P.E., on bridging the gap from technical skills to managerial skills to leadership skills.
• Wednesday – Keynote by James Livermore on cybersecurity, plus a two-hour ethics presentation on the tragic FIU bridge collapse.
• Thursday – All about innovation! Presentations on NASA and artificial intelligence as well as a closing session about how engineering and leadership skills helped one man scale Mount Everest.

Promoting Diversity and Tomorrow’s Engineer (Here is the link if we can condense? 

How To Meet the Increasing Demand for Engineers: In the spring issue of PE, member Jeff Roman, P.E., from the Professional Engineers of North Carolina, calls on engineering firms to make diversity a top priority. Diversity, he writes, can create better teams, accelerate innovation, and help meet an increasing demand for engineers as baby boomers retire. “To fill the pipeline with future engineers, we as engineers have to make outreach efforts a priority and take every opportunity to get kids excited about engineering. If just one student is inspired to pursue an engineering degree because of one outreach event, that’s one more who may not have ever considered our great profession otherwise.”

Multiple National Winners from New Jersey! 
The NJSPE is proud to announce that the first-place finisher in the National MATHCOUNTS competition is New Jersey’s Marvin Mao from Davidson Academy from our Bergen Hudson Chapter!  
Alexander Wang (Millburn Middle School – North Central Chapter) placed 4th in the nation.  
Also, the New Jersey team made up of Marvin MaoAlexander WangAndrew Lin (Timberlane Middle School – Mercer Chapter) and Evan Fan (William Annin Middle School – Mercer Chapter) are the top team in the country! Congratulations to the team and their coaches Daniel Plotnick, Stephanie Cucinella, Ying Lu and Audrey Fan. Ms. Cucinella also served as the state team coach. 
All of the MATHCOUNTS competitions were held online for 2020-2021. They began with monthly practice competitions from October through January. The Mathletes then moved through the Chapter Competitions, the Chapter Invitational Competition and finally the State Competition. The top for Mathletes comprised the team that advanced to Nationals. There, they competed against teams from all 50 states and the US Territories.  
New Jersey MATHCOUNTS is supported by the NJSPE Education Foundation.  


On Friday, April 30th New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed A-1285 into law. A-1285 establishes procedures for awarding of design-build contracts.

The New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers and its members have been fighting and crafting this legislation for over a decade. For all the efforts over the years, special thanks to Bob Thiel, PE, PMP from WSP, USA and our lobbyist / Executive Director Joe Simonetta.
In his statement below Governor Murphy signed the bill he specifically said “ Design-build projects are rarely, if ever, structured to award the project to the lowest bidder because cost is only one factor in the design-build approach, which places primary emphasis on design and quality.” The Design Build law is immediately in effect for new jobs moving forward.


On the Federal level, Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW), led his EPW Committee colleagues in a unanimous vote reaffirming support for S.914, the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021, the first infrastructure legislation advanced by a Senate committee this Congress. This bipartisan bill invests in strengthening our nation’s water systems to foster economic growth, build climate-resilient infrastructure, and ensure that all Americans have access to clean, safe water. Version of the bill can be found HERE


Sign Up Now for 2021 Emerging Leaders Program: 
The virtual NSPE Emerging Leaders Program is an intensive seven month, professionally facilitated, practical program for up-and-coming leaders.
Between August and February, participants will first benefit from an online leadership assessment and then, on a monthly basis, receive specific training and application tips on how to succeed at higher levels of leadership responsibility. Topics include ownership, team development, communication skills, giving/receiving feedback, and presentation skills.
Promising early-career professionals with 5–8 years of experience who are just beginning to lead and think strategically in the profession and their careers will benefit from this reality-based curriculum that focuses on the core skills necessary to think strategically, build effective teams, deliver great service for their most-valued clients, and lead successfully.

Important Dates

• May 31: Applications due
• June 15: Application decisions/acceptance
• July 1: Registration fees due ($950 member/$1,249 nonmember). Fee includes NSPE membership

For more information, to apply, and to meet last year’s class of leaders visit the Emerging Leaders page.
Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest Launches:

The Board of Ethical Review has kicked off the 2021 competition, with entries due on April 26. The author of the winning entry will receive a $2,000 prize. The three topics from among which the entrants may choose are artificial intelligence, the industrial exemption, and climate change. Entries must not be more than 1,000 words.

NJSPE has a new LinkedIn page. Give us a follow for industry updates, upcoming events, important New Jersey news, and more!
Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well!

National Engineering Society Announces
New Executive Director and CEO 

NJSPE Would Like to Welcome Its Newest Members
Thank you for your membership!
Matthew A. Danza PE
Van Cleef Engineering
Jason Robert Goss PE
T&M Associates
Laurence Gerard Murphy III PE

Reduced Cost Ethics Training for Professional Engineers
To help our members meet their requirements, the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers has launched a new online ethics training for professional engineers at a reduced cost. 
This two-hour online video, presented by the NJSPE counsel Larry Powers, will provide you with the two credits required for the ethics portion of your professional engineer license. Once the video is viewed in its entirety, you will be e-mailed a certificate proving you have met this licensing requirement. READ MORE
NJSPE Member Renewals
If you have received your renewal and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature. You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!
Job Opportunities

Mechanical Engineer
Posted: May 18, 2021
Location: Vineland, New Jersey
Type: Full Time

Quality Engineer
Posted: May 26, 2021
Location: Edison, New Jersey
Type: Full Time

Solving the structural mystery of glass

Glass is one of the most common subjects we see every day, but the detailed structure of this non-metallic and non-liquid material has always been a major mystery in science. A research team co-led by scientists at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has successfully discovered that the amorphous and crystalline metallic glass have the same structural building blocks. And it is the connectivity between these blocks that distinguishes the crystalline and amorphous states of the material. The findings shed light on the understanding of glass structure.

Efficiently 'switching on' bacteria to produce high-value chemicals

High-value chemicals used in biofuels and pharmaceuticals can be made from bacteria by switching their chemistry to produce novel products. Researchers have found a way to drastically cut the cost of turning on these switches.

Homebuilders Face Sky-High Lumber Prices

Booming house and apartment construction are one economic signature of the pandemic, but lumber’s price surge is causing homebuilders and contractors a market-wide case of agita. 

High-Speed Rail is "Having a Moment": Brightline CEO

Increasing the cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds and reforming federal loan programs could encourage more private investment in high-speed rail projects, according to the CEO of Brightline—currently the only privately built and operated high-speed rail system in the U.S.

Congratulations to the April Top Advocates!

NSPE’s Government Relations staff is excited to announce the Top Advocates for April, who are being recognized for their March activity. Eight members achieved this top status by consistently participating in the NSPE Advocacy Center campaigns during the month of March.

2021 QBS Award

Every year, we administer the QBS Awards, recognizing public and private entities that make exemplary use of the qualifications-based selection process at the federal, state and local levels. QBS Award winners serve as examples of how well the QBS process works, and they help us promote the practice of QBS in jurisdictions that do not use, or underutilize, QBS to procure engineering services. We are now seeking nominations for the 2021 QBS Awards. The deadline for nominations is Monday, June 7, 2021. Nominations must originate from an NSPE State Society, an ACEC Member Organization, a public or private entity, or an individual in the public or private sector. Self-nomination is not permitted. Please mail or email nominations Charles Kim with ACEC and Stephanie Hamilton with NSPE.

Does Licensing Need a Shake-Up?

Can the engineering licensing system handle the societal transformation brought on by emerging technologies?

Join NSPE’s Virtual PE Conference Experience

Get ready to join your professional colleagues for three days of learning and networking at NSPE’s Virtual 2021 Professional Engineers Conference, August 3–5.
Originally scheduled for Philadelphia, the conference shifted to a virtual format due to continued concerns for the health and safety of members, staff, and others during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
Robert V. Kiser, PE
William Delisky, PE
Erica Vigliorolo, EIT
Tejal Patel, PE
Jeffrey Laux, PE
Brian Van Nortwick, PE
Mark Shourds, PE, F.NSPE
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Past President
Vice President
NJSPE Director at Large
NSPE Delegate
Executive Director