The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty hosted a week-long discussion in Rome early this June, kicking off the new Nyéléni process! More than 60 people from across the globe met, including NFFC staff and allies, to renew their commitment to the struggle for food sovereignty in the face of many challenges.
The process will continue as IPC plans to host a number of consultations with farmers, fishers, peasants, NGOs, academics, and many others to discuss and propose solutions and priorities for the collective struggle for food sovereignty. Learn more about the new Nyéléni Process at IPC's website.
We also recommend signing up for the Nyéléni newsletter - the voice of the international movement for food sovereignty which is collectively edited by allied groups like La Via Campesina, GRAIN, FIAN International and more.
The first, and so far only, Nyéléni Forum took place in 2007 with more than 600 delegates. The next Nyéléni Forum will take place in India, in 2025.