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What's Right for Me? Breast Augmentation
RSVP to our June 23rd Cool Sculpting information session with Cool Sculpt expert, Shannon Smyth, along with live demos!
Family Freezed will be catering this event with gormet popsicles to celebrate the inspiration behind the cryolipolysis technology of Coolsculpting!
Please come to either our 12PM or 2PM demos to learn more in a no pressure, no commitment environment.
Call our clinic to RSVP and for more info! 403-571-3141
Not long ago, many plastic surgery offices were hidden. There were no outside signage, and some with two doors so that the people going ‘in’ would not have to be seen when going ‘out’. While things have changed considerably, some people may still have stigmas attached to aesthetic surgery. Fear of being judged or shamed by others may cause patients to hide or deny that they have undergone a particular procedure. They may fear being labeled as rebellious, superficial, self-absorbed or having a poor self esteem. To some extent, this appears to be a North American cultural phenomenon – that having plastic surgery may interfere with classic North American ideals. For example, the idea that beauty cannot be bought or that it is something you are born with - or not.* The media, often shames celebrities that undergo plastic surgery or exploits poorly done procedures. This acts to perpetuate these harmful perceptions, with little or no attention given to address the benefits of plastic surgery in patient’s lives. In many countries, this is not the case. In Brazil, the general public perception is that plastic surgery can improve one’s overall quality of life. This perception is more grounded in fact and evidence rather than fear as this has been repeatedly studied and confirmed to be true. **
Most of my patients are not young women without children trying to look perfect. The vast majority of my patients are women in their 30s or 40s who have had children. While they may have had breast volume when they were younger, most have breast fed and/or gained and then lost weight. Their breasts are often ptotic (saggy) , lack volume (particularly in the ‘upper pole’ of the breast) and may be different sizes or present with other significant asymmetry. The goal for these women is not to win a beauty contest, but rather to feel a little more confident or to simply feel human again after the toll that child bearing takes on the body. For many of them, their biggest regret is that they did not have the procedure performed earlier. Seeing the positive change in people’s lives as a result of aesthetic surgery procedures is one of the most rewarding aspects of my practice. One of my patients summed up her breast augment experience as such: “Before my surgery, I always had little annoying issues with my breasts – clothes that didn’t fit or flatter, swimming was embarrassing, padded bras to deal with and I couldn’t breastfeed in all the positions. I thought about and struggled with these problems often. The biggest change, I feel, is that I no longer think about my breasts at all. The problems are just gone, and I love that!” Ultimately, much goes into the decision making process of an individual considering aesthetic surgery. There are many factors to consider and people weigh them all differently. If you are currently contemplating aesthetic surgery, no one can make this decision for you. You should not allow people to influence you towards surgery or away from it – especially a spouse/partner, or the media. Do your homework, be honest with yourself regarding expectations and reasoning, and consult only with a surgeon trained in a 5 year Plastic Surgery residency program with Canadian board certification by the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons. Don’t commit until you are sure it is right for you! *Motakef, Saba M.D.; Motakef, Sahar M.A.; Chung, Michael T. M.D.; Ingargiola, Michael J. M.D.; Rodriguez-Feliz, Jose M.D. The Cosmetic Surgery Stigma: An American Cultural Phenomenon? Plastic & Recon Surg. 2014; 134(5):854e-855e **Ozgür F, Tuncali D, Güler Gürsu K. Life satisfaction, self-esteem, and body image: A psychosocial evaluation of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery candidates. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 1998;22:412–419 **Bolton MA, Pruzinsky T, Cash TF, Persing JA. Measuring outcomes in plastic surgery: Body image and quality of life in abdominoplasty patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003;112:619–625; discussion 626
The Clarisonic Pro - Gently cleanses 6 times better then hands alone with adjustable 4-speed action, time settings, and power modes for face and body, revealing smoother, softer looking skin! It also includes SkinCeuticals simply clean cleanser AND the micro-exfoliationg scrub.
The Clarisonic Pro can only be purchased in select medical offices, not in department stores!
Welcome Lauren!
Dr. Dawes and his team are excited to introduce our new nurse, Lauren Smith, to the practice! Lauren studied nursing at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, and graduated with a four year Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. Lauren is the Cosmetic Patient Care Nurse and Assistant Mohs Nurse, caring for patients before and after their surgeries. She is compassionate, friendly and respectful towards all patients and staff. Outside of work she likes to ski and is talented musically in piano and voice. Lauren is an enthusiastic learner and a joy to work with. Welcome to the practice Lauren!
A member of our staff, Jill, will be participating in The Ride To Conquer Cancer. This will be her third time participating in the event. This is a 2-day cycling event spanning over 200 kilometers. The money raised for the Alberta Cancer Foundation through the ride will directly support patients and families at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton and 15 cancer centers throughout Alberta. If you would like to donate towards Jill’s goal of raising $2,500.00 - simply go to
www.conquercancer.ca - on the top right hand side of the page click “Alberta”, then click “Donate”, in the participant box type in “Jillian Szoke”. Thank you in advance for your support and good luck Jill!
102 - 47 Sunpark Dr. S.E. Calgary, AB T2X 3V4
Ph: 403-571-3141 Fx: 403-571-3140