June 2019 Newsletter
ME'scope App Note 52
Order-Based ODS’s are a Summation of Mode Shapes
This App Note illustrates a universal law of all modal analysis, "all vibration is a summation of mode shapes" . The modal parameters of a structure can be obtained in two ways,
  1. Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA): Extracting EMA mode shapes by curve fitting a set of experimentally derived time waveforms or frequency spectra that characterize the structural dynamics
  2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA): Solving for the FEA mode shapes from a set of differential equations that characterize the structural dynamics
In this App Note the analytical FEA mode shapes of a rotating machine will be used to “decompose” and then "expand" experimental ODS data to include DOFs that were not determined experimentally. A unique advantage of this approach is that only mode shapes themselves are required. Modal frequency & damping are not required. Another unique advantage is that mode shapes from an FEA model with free-free boundary conditions and no damping can be used.
Click Here to access App Note 52.
ME'scope ODS and Modal Training Course
New to ME'scope or maybe you just need a little refresher? Join us for our next ME'scope ODS and Modal Analysis course, July 16-18th 2019. This 3-day hands on training seminar takes place at the Vibrant Headquarters in Centennial, CO just outside Denver.

This course takes a fundamental approach is understanding the details of ODS (Operating Deflection Shape) and Modal Analysis.  Many training courses spend 2-3 days discussing differential equations, Fourier Transforms, matrix mathematics, etc., etc. This course is different. We concentrate on fundamental dynamics relationships, simple guidelines and emphasize the underlying concepts with numerous case histories and visual animations. We believe that to do their job well, the vibration analyst needs to understand the basics of dynamic motion.

The ME’scope training portion of the course is built around a detailed project workbook (The ME'scope Workbook).  Each workbook project is presented as a step-by-step series of instructions using ME'scope. The various exercises will acquaint a new or novice user with the many functions of ME'scope.  

Course Date: June 25-27th 2019
Course Tuition: $1,695.00
Instructor: Dan Ambre, president of Full Spectrum Diagnostics, and Vibrant staff.
Laptop PC computers are required
Upcoming Conferences and Exhibitions
June 10-13th 2019 Grand Rapids, MI
SAE 2019 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition
Visit the Vibrant booth at the SAE Noise and Vibe show this Spring in Grand Rapids MI. Stop by and see a demo of ME'scope Rapid Test™
July 23-26th 2019 Lexington, KY
Vibration Institute Annual Training Conference
Join us in Lexington for the VIATC show. Stop by Booth #25 to say Hi and get a look at some of the latest developments with ME'scope.
New Vibrant Website Coming
A new and improved Vibrant website is coming!! Over the next few months we will be revamping the Vibrant website with more ME'scope training videos, downloadable 3D models, App Notes, and ME'scope Tech Papers. To access these resources, product enhancements, along with worldclass ME'scope technical support, you must be current on your SMS (Software Maintenance and Support). Renew today!

Contact  or your local reseller to get a quote for SMS.
Free 3D Models in the ME'scope Shared Models Library
The new ME'scope Shared Models Library is your first stop for downloading high quality 3D models. If you are current on ME'scope SMS, you can now download any model for free. Search for Bearings,Boilers,Compressors,Fans , Blowers,Piping and more. Available on the ME'scope Start-up Screen.
Have a cool model you would like to share with other ME'scope users? You can now upload and share your own models to the Share Models Library by going to File | Save in Model Library command in a Structure window.

Get your next ODS and Modal project up and running faster with the new ME'scope Shared Models Library!
ME'scope Visual Rapid Test™
Visual Rapid Test™
Vibrant has introduced a new ME’scope package called Visual Rapid Test™. This new method is faster, easier, more flexible, and less costly to implement than conventional ODS or modal testing methods. Since only the structural responses are acquired, it can be used for ODS testing of operating machinery, or for modal testing using an impactor or multiple shakers.
This package employs a new testing method called "TRN Chain testing". TRN Chain testing only requires two vibration response sensors and as little as a 2-channel acquisition hardware system. Either sensor or both sensors can be moved between acquisitions, thus forming a chain of Transmissibility measurements called a TRN chain. The TRN chain preserves the magnitude & phase relationship between pairs of structural responses in the chain.
After a chain has been acquired, it can be seeded with either an Auto spectrum, Cross spectrum, Fourier spectrum, or FRF to yield a single-reference set of measurements. These measurements can then be used to extract ODS’s and mode shapes of the test article.

Pricing is only $5995 for up to 8 channels. Contact or your local reseller for more information.

Check out the App Note 50 for more details on Rapid Test.

ME'scope Newsletter Archive

Never miss another ME'scope newsletter. Check out a full archive of the previous 12 months of ME'scope newsletters.
Vibrant Technology | (831) 430-9045 | (831) 430-9057 | |