It has been a very exciting year and I cannot believe the 2016-17 school year is coming to a close in just a few weeks. As ACSA Region 6 President this year, I was able to reach out to many administrators across Alameda and Contra Costa counties. This was a great experience for me as I was able to get to know many of the talented and knowledgeable individuals across the two counties.
Our region’s focus this year has been on professional development, communication and advocacy. Rose Lock, Region Consultant, spent countless hours in preparing our newsletters and using many different forms of technology to get this and updates out to all administrators. Karen Sakata planned one of the best Legislation Days I have ever attended and Pam Comfort, as usual, has planned an exceptional two-day Leadership Summit for our region which will held on June 14th and 15th in Pleasanton. If you have not registered, there is still time!
On a sad note, Nels Nelson and Dr. Joe Ovick passed away recently. Both were a big part of shaping Region 6 and were very involved in ACSA activities at the local and state level. Both will be greatly missed.
Finally, I want to recognize Bob Giannini, Region Executive, and the rest of the Executive Board who have supported me this year and have put in a lot of hard work to support the administrators and students within our region. Enjoy the summer!
Region 6 Recognizes Outstanding Students
Every Student Succeeding
At our recent awards luncheon, the following students were recognized by ACSA's Every Student Succeeding Program. Every one of these students demonstrated tremendous resilience and courage in overcoming challenges in their life's journey to achieving success. Each student was awarded $250. Congratulations go to:
- Silvia Romero (Bay Elementary School - Kimberly Yearns, Principal)
- Maori Freeman (Dublin High School - Maureen Byrne, Principal)
- Ethan De Guzman (Hercules Middle School - Renee Lama, Principal)
- Hector Aguirre Gomez (Carquinez Middle School- Annie Flores-Aikey, Principal)
- Cody Claudino (Willow High School - Barbara Walker, Director of Special Ed)
- Songnhi Tran (Pinole Valley HS - Kibby Kleiman, Principal)
- Ricardo Duarte (Willow High School - Ken Nelson, Principal)
- Raymond Williams (Marina Vista Elementary - Kirsten Wolllenweber, Principal)
Carnisha Martin, a graduating senior from John Swett High School, was selected as the Region 6 winner. She was awarded $1000 and will be recognized along with winners from the 19 ACSA regions at the annual ACSA Leadership Summit in the fall. A video about Carnisha will be featured on the ACSA website.
Bob Blackburn Student Scholarships
Region 6 was pleased to present eight $1000 scholarships to children of ACSA members at this year's awards luncheon. Congratulations to these outstanding students:
- Jackson Smith (son of Mary Smith)
- Lauren Granger (daughter of Linda Granger)
- Connor Chamberlain (son of Matt Chamberlain)
- Sarah Grier (daughter of Kevin Grier)
- Gabriel Grotke (son of Garry Grotke)
- Marlon Doppe (son of Tom Doppe)
- Ariana Brill (daughter of Fred Brill)
- Ashley Brauning (daughter of Jeff Brauning)
ESS Students and Scholarship Recipients
John Swett HS Principal Jeff Brauning introducing Reg 6 ESS winner Carnisha Martin and her mother
Remembering Three Legends
ACSA Region 6 lost three legendary and well-respected educational leaders this past year.
Dr. Bob Blackburn devoted his life to nurturing and supporting the dreams of young people. He had an uncanny ability to see each person's gifts. Once you knew him, he was a teacher, mentor and friend for life. Bob was a lifetime ACSA member and the recipient of the prestigious Marcus Foster Educational Excellence Award. Bob served as the Superintendent of Oakland USD twice and taught Educational Leadership at UC Berkeley and CSU East Bay. He loved his family dearly and treasured his friends. Bob's sense of humor is legendary. In remembering Dr. Blackburn, Region 6 renamed our student scholarship program this year as the Bob Blackburn Student Scholarship Program.
The education community also lost Dr. Joseph Ovick, former Superintendent of Contra Costa County Schools, this past March. Joe was an educator for 45 years, beginning as a special education teacher. He was well known for developing strong coalitions of educators, community members and legislators in support of public schools. He received numerous awards during his career, including the
Government Service Award in Recognition of Outstanding Community Service from Congressman George Miller. In ACSA Region 6, Joe served as President in 2003-04 and was recognized as Superintendent of the Year in 2006. Dr. Ovick left behind a rich legacy of leadership and advocacy on behalf of children and families.
ACSA regions would not operate effectively without their region executives. Dr. Nels Nelson served as the Region 6 Executive for 20 years. This was after he retired from a long and distinguished career as a teacher and administrator! He also taught graduate students for many years at UC Berkeley, Holy Names College and Cal State Hayward. In his "retirement", he was also involved in numerous community organizations including the Hayward Historical Society and Hayward Dance Club. He was a Rotarian for 60 years. Nels also wrote and published two books in his retirement! He was such a role model as someone who lived a full life and gave so much in his 98 years. He loved ACSA and his legacy will live on in the Nels Nelson Award in Region 6.
ACSA Legislative Action Day
On April 3, nearly 400 educational leaders gathered in Sacramento for the annual ACSA Legislative Action Day. Region 6 was well represented and our team met with lawmakers from Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
On the agenda for our advocacy effort were three major issues:
- State budget - investments needed to match expectations of diverse students
- Extend the probationary period for new teachers
- Continue English learner reform efforts including improvement of the criteria for entry and reclassification of ELs.
To follow up on this annual event, regions are encouraged to follow up with their legislators in their advocacy work throughout the year.
Our team represented Region 6 administrators at Leg Action Day
Region 6 Team from MDUSD and CCCOE met with Assemblymember Tim Grayson from Concord
Thriving on the Vine: Leading for Equity, Engagement & Belonging
Many of us have cherished professional book collections that are hard to part with. Consider sharing them with other educational leaders. Bring these professional books (relatively current) to the Summit. We will have a table set up so attendees can give and take these valuable resources.
June 14-15, 2017
Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery in Pleasanton
Get Involved in Region Activities
omen's Leadership Network
Region 6's Women's Leadership Network will be relaunched at our annual Leadership Summit on June 14 and 15. Wendy Tokuda, retired KPIX anchor, will keynote a special session on the afternoon of day 2. We will also preview WLN activities for 2017-18. Both men and women leaders are welcome at all WLN events. Check our website regularly for updates on activities.
Equity Committee
ACSA Leadership recently revised our organization's vision statement:
"We serve educational leaders in the pursuit of equity and excellence to meet the diverse needs of all California students."
Tovi Scruggs, Region 6 Representative to the ACSA Equity Committee, will convene a committee to identify our region's needs and support in alignment with
ACSA's Equity Project.
Region 6 Offers Exemplary Mentor Program
- Moving into a new position or facing new challenges next year?
- Interested in collaborating with an experienced mentor?
- Looking to reduce job isolation with a trusted mentor who has walked in your shoes?
- Want to continue to grow as an educational leader?
ACSA Region 6 offers a premier mentor program to support our members in their professional development. Our cadre of mentors includes working and retired administrators with broad and successful experiences.
If you are interested in ACSA's Mentor Program, either as a protege or a mentor, click here to sign up. For more information, you can contact Julie Braun Martin, Coordinator for Region 6's Mentor Program.
Pleasanton PD Offers Free Training
The Amador Valley Charter is sharing this opportunity from the Pleasanton Police Department with school leaders in our region. This free 2-day training will address school and juvenile legal issues, drug recognition and threat. Click here for flyer.
August 1 - 2, 2017 8:00 - 5:00 at Dublin High School
From the Desk of Bob Giannini, Region Executive
It is a pleasure for me to highlight and commend the great work that your Executive Committee members have provided Region 6 for the 2016-17 school year. This body meets monthly to help support and nurture our region's administrators.
Past President – Janet Haun (Outstanding service, off board)
President Elect – Steve Collins
V.P. Programs – Cindy Matteoni
President Elect – Essence Phillips
V.P. Membership – Kevin Grier
V.P. Staff Development – Pam Comfort
Comptroller – Soleste Hilberg
Treasurer – Pam Vandekamp
Secretary – Pam Hughes
State Board of Director – Rob Stockberger (Outstanding service, retiring)
At Large Rep. Contra Costa – Kris Martin-Meyer
At Large Rep. Alameda County – Krista Taylor
At Large Rep. Alameda County – Tovi Scruggs
Newsletter Editor/ Consultant – Rose Lock
Social Media Manager – Steven France (Outstanding service, off board)
I also want to recognize the outgoing Charter Presidents for their commitment to our organization and its members.
Judith Goodwin - Alameda Charter
Jacob Berg - Amador Charter
Kathy Farwell – Diablo Valley Charter
Greg Ko - Castro Valley Charter
Lisa Tess - Hayward Charter
Dayna Taylor - Livermore Charter
Lynda Hornada – San Leandro Charter
Sonja Neely Johnson - West Contra Costa Charter
Our region was well represented by these region committee chairs to their state committee/council.
Annette Heldman - Classified Leaders
Kara Holthe - Co-Administrators
Nia Rashidchi - Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability
Tess Johnson - Equity
Debra Harrington - Legislative Policy
Felicia Stuckey Smith - Student Service/Special Ed
Jeff Brauning - Secondary Ed
Parvin Ahmadi - Superintendency
Lisa Murphy Oates - ACSA/CAPEA
Luann Duggan – Retiree Committee
A special thanks also goes out to Sonja Neely-Johnson, Soleste Hilberg, Pam Vandekamp, Kevin Grier, Pam Comfort, Essence Phillips, Steve Collins for their commitment to the ACSA Leadership Assembly.
We also want to commend Julie Braun Martin, Mentor Program Coordinator and Hilary Dito, Web Manager for their dedication and commitment to our Region 6 success.
Finally, I am pleased to commend Pam Comfort and Janet Haun for their tireless efforts to make our yearly Leadership Summit and Region 6 Awards nights the best that it can be for all year after year.
As you can see from the above outstanding administrators: “Leadership Matters.”
Bob Giannini, Region Executive
What's Happening in Our Charters?
Diablo Valley Charter - Kathy Farwell, President
On May 11, 2017, ACSA Diablo Valley Charter honored the outstanding service of ten of its members and one partner in education. DVC ACSA members gathered at The Cobra Experience in Martinez (a wonderful museum of Shelby Cobra autos) for refreshments. Prior to the awards recognition, Terry Koehne, Chief Communications Officer and Jonathan Lance, Communications Specialist with the Contra Costa County Office of Education presented an informative session on effectively handling the media.
The following were nominated by their peers and honored for their exemplary performance:
From the Contra Costa County Office of Education:
Margo Olson - Outstanding Central Office Administrator
Christine Rea - Outstanding Classified Leader
Thomas Scruggs - Outstanding Special Education Administrator
Marsha Tokuyoshi - Outstanding Curriculum and Instruction Administrator
From Lafayette School District:
David Scragg - Outstanding Middle School Principal
Rapport - Outstanding Partners in Education
From San Ramon Unified School District:
Christopher George - Outstanding Middle School Principal
Sue Goldman - Outstanding Middle School Principal
Nadine Rosenzweig - Outstanding Elementary Principal
Aaron Tarzian - Outstanding Elementary Principal
Justin White - Outstanding Co-Administrator
Retiree Charter -
Frank Brunetti, President
At the May Retiree Charter meeting, members were honored to hear from three Region 6 superintendents on current educational issues facing districts and administrators. The panel consisted of CJ Cammack, Superintendent of Martinez USD; Leslie Boozer, Superintendent of Dublin USD; and Rob Stockberger, Superintendent of John Swett USD. Thank you for providing the group with valuable insights into the current educational landscape.
Welcome to new ACSA members
Region 6 welcomes the following new members in March and April:
Antioch USD
Amy Bettencourt
Berkeley USD Susanne Reed
Edith Smiley
Dublin USD Sarah Breed
Emery USD Anthony Rodgers
John Swett USD
David Hobson
Knightsen ESD
Jason Davis
Mt. Diablo USD Lourdes Beleche
Aurelia Buscemi
Jennifer Sagendorf
Newark USD Janet Handley
Oakland USD Devin Dillon
Matthew Wienclawski
San Leandro USD
Sandra Anderson-Knox
San Lorenzo USD Evelyn Baffico
Kevin Moore
San Ramon USD Evan Powell
West Contra Costa USD Carrine King
We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Region 6 Leadership
Steve Collins
Essence Phillips
Past President: Janet Haun
Vice President, Staff Development: Pam Comfort
Vice President, Programs: Cindy Matteoni
Vice President, Legislation: Karen Sakata
Vice President, Membership: Kevin Grier
Secretary: Pam Hughes
Treasurer: Pam VandeKamp
Soleste Hilberg
ACSA Board Director: Rob Stockberger
Representatives: Fred Brill, Kris Martin-Meyer, Krista Taylor, Tovi Scruggs
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela