
June, 2023

Vol 39, No 6

Check out the latest Outdoor Buddies outdoor adventures!

Get Your Raffle Tickets Now!

Drawing Is Coming Up on August 5th

The Outdoor Buddies annual raffle is now live, and tickets are available for purchase! We have some great prizes that you can win this year, and the proceeds of this fundraiser raffle enable Outdoor Buddies to continue to fulfill its mission of getting mobility impaired hunters the opportunity to go on outdoor adventures. As an all-volunteer non-profit organization, Outdoor Buddies relies on folks like you to support our programs and make the dreams of mobility impaired outdoorsmen come true.

Please have a look at the fabulous prizes below, and get your raffle tickets soon! Don't forget to share this email with your friends!

All prizes will be drawn at the annual Clay Shoot fundraiser, which will take place on August 5th, 2023. Do not need to be present to win.

Call for Tickets:

Terry Gleason


Click HERE to Buy Tickets
Click HERE for Clay Shoot Registration
Click HERE to Buy Tickets
Click HERE for Clay Shoot Registration

Sign Up Now! Shoot From a Vehicle Hunt Prep Event

July 29th, 2023

Highly Encouraged for All Big Game Hunt Participants

Ask anyone who has been on an Outdoor Buddies hunt--it is harder to shoot from a vehicle than you might think! It is one thing to shoot tight groups from a bench rest on the range; it is quite another to line up a successful shot in the field. The position of the vehicle, the use of adaptive equipment, the communication between the helpers and the hunter--it all has to come together to lead to success. We highly encourage both participants and helpers alike to come to this important event to work out your shooting system before that big moment when you are out hunting!

We will be offering an event to give participants the chance to practice shooting from a vehicle at silhouette targets. If you have your own equipment, please bring the rifle and gear you plan to use on your hunt.

Saturday, July 29th

Meadow Springs Ranch

Contact Larry Sanford to sign up 970-218-5356

Spots are limited and preference will be given to those who have an upcoming Outdoor Buddies big game hunt in the 2022/2023 season.

After signing up, more information will follow on where to meet.

Catching the Limit at the May 2023 Tarryall Fishing Trip

The fishing outing at Tarryall reservoir was awesome. Folks showed up

around 9 o’clock in the morning, and it was a beautiful day, with plenty of sun,

calm water for the most part, and no mosquitoes. There were gnats buzzing

around, which is good for fishing, as it drives fish to the surface to feed.

Most of us caught our limit of trout, which are mostly rainbow with a few

brown trout as well. These trout were not stockers, but good sized fish.

Mobility impaired participants, one youth, and a couple of helpers showed up.

A big thanks to Lew Kleinhans who was in big demand helping buddies on the

pier, as they were catching fish right and left, while Edgar and Junior helped

others who were fishing off of the dock.

-Jim Piper

Thank You For a Great Family Day at Swift Ponds!

Luke Schreiner with Isaaic, Levi, and Audrey Costley

Everyone had a great time at this year's annual Outdoor Buddies family day. The event included lots of fishing, trap shooting, BB gun shooting, archery, and good barbecue for everyone to enjoy. Though the weather was supposed to get rainy in the afternoon, it proved to be a beautiful day. Thank you to everyone who was able to come!

Events like this one are part of the heart and soul of Outdoor Buddies--bringing people of all walks of life together to enjoy the outdoors!

Thank you to all the volunteers who came to make this event a success.

Tony and Gail Berberich with their grandson, Dave

Brook and John Kinabrew with David and Josiah

Merriam Turkeys in the Colorado Mud

Bob Parker's Turkey Hunt

Bob Parker supported Outdoor Buddies by purchasing raffle tickets last year. This is the story of the hunt that he won in the 2022 raffle!

I can’t take all the credit for the massive rain event in the Colorado Mountains in mid May of 2023, but I do feel my Merriam's turkey hunt with my guide Chris Nowak had a lot to do with it. You see, in my home state of Missouri we have been troubled with days of rain and cold but I knew as soon as I traveled out West to attempt to take my final species for my Grand Slam, rain wouldn’t be much of an issue. I was wrong, the rain followed me West…you're welcome, Colorado.

Anyway, I arrived to meet my Guide Chris at the ranch we were hunting in the pre-dawn blackness. It was really black as my phone didn’t add the extra hour of Mountain time and I was an extra hour early. Dang technology!

Chris however arrived right on time an hour later with sweet rolls and other breakfast treats. I could see his big smile in the dim tail lights as we made introductions around his tailgate. I told him the early bird always gets the worm...or so I hoped.

Off we went to a distant corner of the ranch Chris had scouted out a few days before. Long story short, we heard birds, we saw birds, we had birds answer our luck getting any in range. By late afternoon we figured out where they seemed to hang out and as we prepared for a new frontal attack the rain moved in and it was time for us to move out for a better day tomorrow.

That night and next day was a massive rain event they hadn’t had for decades. Dang that Missouri rain the followed me! I guessed it rained at least 5 inches or more. We didn’t hunt.

The third day was more rain and a muddy ranch too wet to hunt. My long drive from the Missouri Ozarks to the Colorado foot hills was looking like a wash out. Only one more day to hunt, would it rain some more?

Saturday broke partly cloudy and some sun. We walked up a little canyon the

gobblers seemed to like three days ago. Would they still be there? We walked up the narrow valley and set up our decoys. As it started to get light a distant gobble filled the air, then another, then another! The excitement was growing as we heard the gobblers warming up, they were still here!

An hour later an excited gobbler showed up looking for love, as he strutted past at 20 yards his 4 inch beard exposed his youth. We weren’t hunting Jakes, we needed an adult bird. I shed a tear as he walked away, trying to stretch his tiny beard with my mental powers.

Another gobbler across the canyon sailed down to our little valley a few minutes later, landing behind me. Chris poked my ribs to let me know we had a gobbler 45 yards out. I couldn’t tell if he was a shooter or not as I tried to look behind me. Later Chris said he was another Jake as he teamed up with the first Jake and walked away. I shed another tear. Two birds called in after 3 days and no shooters. I had the agony of defeat down pretty well now, how about the thrill of victory next?

The rain was coming back around noon the forecast said...time was slipping away.

Chris and I decided to stay put, take a little break and then start calling again. After 20 minutes Chris hit his slate call with some raspy yelps of a lovesick hen and another gobbler sounded off. We knew this was a different bird as he came from up the canyon, with big eyes and smiles we got ready...again.

It didn’t take long for this new bird to come in. He gobbled all the way in but he climbed the steep canyon wall to my right circling just before arriving. I looked up and saw him in range but I couldn’t see a beard because of the brush and logs. He slowly headed down towards me as I froze hoping my cheap Wal-Mart clothing would be enough to hide me. It was and he walked past my shotgun barrel at 25 yards. I could see his beard and knew he wasn’t a Jake when I touched off old Lightening, my Mossberg Ulti-Mag.

The box on the bucket list got checked off that morning. My Grand Slam was Complete! Easterrn’s, Rio Grande’s, Osceola’s, and now a wonderful mountain turkey called Merriams. My guide Chris was an awesome host and guide. I hope he didn’t see my final tear but it was one of joy this time. Sometimes it takes awhile for your bird to show up. Thankfully mine finally did. Now what about those Mexican Turkey’s and that Super Slam deal?

-Bob Parker

You're Invited Catch, Cook, and Clean Event

Swit Ponds

 September 16, 2023

This event is geared towards families with kids of all ages. All Outdoor Buddies members and their families are invited to a fishing event where fish will be caught, cleaned, and cooked at the beautiful Colorado Youth Outdoors facility at Swift Ponds. It is a special experience for kids and adults alike to learn skills in practical skills in the outdoors and build memories that will last a lifetime.

Anyone and everyone is welcome at this event! Come on out, bring your families, and enjoy a good time outdoors. Please RSVP in advance.

Directions to Swift Ponds: Take Interstate 25 north to Windsor Exit 262, turn right onto Highway 392. Take Highway 392 east to County Rd. 5, turn left onto County Rd. 5. Take County Rd. 5 north to County Rd. 36 (Ketchter Road). Turn Left onto County Rd. 36, the Swift Ponds gate will be on your left.

For more information, please contact

Larry Sanford at (970) 218-5356

Recipe: Turkey Jalapeno Poppers

Recipe by: Wes Kolste

Credit: http://

As you know, finding good wild turkey recipes can be challenging. These birds get a bad rap, and you’ll often hear they’re not nearly as good as their domesticated cousins.

But, it’s all about how you cook ’em.


  • 1.5 lbs thick cut pepper bacon
  • 2.5 lbs wild turkey breast
  • 6 whole jalapenos
  • 6 oz cream cheese
  • 30 Toothpicks


  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 4 tbsp white vinegar
  • 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp ground pepper
  • 4 cloves garlic or 2 tsp garlic powder (I prefer garlic powder)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar


  1. Start off by cutting the wild turkey breast into 1″ cubes. Mix up the marinade and toss them in. Let the meat marinade for at least 3 hours.
  2. Now since this a bacon wrapped turkey breast recipe, we’re going to cut each slice of bacon in half and then our jalapenos into quarters (I remove the seeds).
  3. Spread some cream cheese across the jalapeno, place a piece of wild turkey breast onto it, wrap it in the bacon, and stick a toothpick through it to hold it all together.
  4. Heat the grill up to 300-350°F. Place the turkey jalapeno poppers on the grill, and rotate every few minutes. Once the bacon is done, the turkey should also be done.
  5. Enjoy.

Upcoming Events

Outdoor Buddies Board of Directors Meeting - Lone Tree Cabela's

Board meeting starting at 6:30pm. Non-board members are welcome in-person or via phone; please RSVP in advance. See full meeting schedule below.

July 11

Larry Sanford

(970) 218-5356

Shoot From a Vehicle Event

Participants and volunteers will have the opportunity to practice the process of shooting from a vehicle. Contact Larry Sanford to sign up.

July 29

Larry Sanford

(970) 218-5356

Outdoor Buddies Board of Directors Meeting - Thornton Cabela's

Board meeting starting at 6:30pm. Non-board members are welcome in-person or via phone; please RSVP in advance. See full meeting schedule below.

August 1

Larry Sanford

(970) 218-5356

Outdoor Buddies Sporting Clays Event at Colorado Clays Shooting Park

*Raffle Drawing*

All day sporting clays shoot and fundraiser event at Colorado Clays LLC 13600 Lanewood Street Brighton, Colorado.

Aug 5

Larry Sanford

(970) 218-5356

Swift Ponds Catch, Clean, and Cook Fishing Event

Families are welcome! Bring your kids to learn to catch, clean, and cook a fish together at the beautiful CYO swift ponds property.

September 16

Larry Sanford

(970) 218-5356

Outdoor Buddies is managed by its Board of Directors

Larry Sanford



Nate Lucht

Vice President

(970) 219-8817

Christopher Nowak



Terry Gleason



Kevin Kassner


(303) 946-2502 

Matt Camilleri



Tony Hodges



Nicholas Filler



Steve Medberry



Edgar Munoz



Jim Piper



Frederick Solheim

Director-Warriors on Cataract


Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

Non-board members are welcome. Please RSVP in advance.

Meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the locations and dates below.

July 11 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)

August 1 - Cabela's (Thornton)

September 12 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)

October (no meeting)

November 14 - Sportsman's Warehouse (Thornton)

December 12 - Sportsman's Warehouse (Thornton)

Event Calendar
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