The Newsletter of Franklinton Baptist Church

102 West Mason Street

Franklinton, North Carolina 27525

Volume Sixty, Issue Six

June, 2024

June 2024 – Newsletter for Franklinton Baptist Church

“Shaping Our Future – Metamorphosis”

In his book, ‘A Better World A Better You’, Louis E. Tice shares a charming tale about a farmer who enters a pumpkin contest at the county fair. Among the diverse array of pumpkins, one stands out – its shape and size are identical to a 2-gallon jug! When asked about his unusual growing method, the farmer reveals a clever trick: he simply placed the pumpkin inside a 2-gallon jug as it grew, resulting in a one-of-a-kind prize-winning entry.

Tice’s message resonates with the wisdom of the Apostle Paul’s words to the Romans, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). This timeless advice is often overlooked, perhaps because we crave the comfort and security of a controlled environment. We tend to prefer predictable surroundings much like the confines of a gallon jug or cocoon leaving little room for surprise or growth. It’s a natural inclination, but one that can limit our potential for transformation and renewal.

God’s call to each of us is a transformative journey – a metamorphosis, inviting us to break free from our limitations and emerge anew. This process begins in our minds, where new thoughts and perspectives lead to changed behaviors and renewed life. As Philippians 4:13 reminds us, “we can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness through Christ who empowers us.” May we embrace this metamorphosis and soar to new heights with God’s guidance and strength.

Pastor in the Interim,

Richard Childress


O God, we thank Thee for the glory and vigor of the new day. As we set our faces once more toward our daily work, we pray Thee for the strength sufficient for our tasks. May Christ’s spirit of duty and service enable all we do. Uphold us by the consciousness that our work is useful work and a blessing to all. May there be nothing in this day’s work of which we shall be ashamed when the sun has set, nor in the eventide of our life when our task is done and when we go to our home to meet Thy face. Amen. 

Walter Rauschenbusch

A Word from Our Music Director

Patrick Woods

Let There Be No Divisions Among Us.

(1 Corinthians 1:10)

In Ephesians 4:1-6 Paul lays out seven fundamental truths that unite all true Christians - one Body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism and one God and Father. He further encourages us in verse 14 not to let the wind of doctrine and the trickery of people to disturb the maturity, stability and cooperation that should characterize a church that is unified by the spirit of His love.

Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with chords that cannot be broken.

Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with love.

There is only one God, there is only one King,

There is only one body, that is why we can sing.

                                                    - Bob Gillman


3 Jannie Hicks

3 Susan Bell Kearney

3 Meador Martin

6 Jimmy McGhee

8 Emily Grissom

11 Brad Kearney

12 Sadie Outhouse

14 Warren Newton

16 Barbara Sinclair

18 Kipton Hymiller

20 Irene Dickerson

21 Ava Claire Grissom

21 Linda Manson

22 Tina Kearney

22 Donald Starling

23 Jeremy Jackson, Jr.

24 Sharron Champion

24 Mae Wheeler

25 Gaye Champion

26 Carol Abbott

30 Richard Morgan, III

Our Giving Continues

April 21: $ 2,175.00

April 22: $ 6,315.00 (Youth Fundraiser)

April 28: $ 2,636.00

May 5: $ 5,101.00

May 12: $ 3,997.00

May 19: $ 1,701.00


Dr. Richard Childress

Patrick Woods

Cheryl Hollar

Anita Fuller

Danny Fuller

Kaye Mendenhall

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