
JUNE 2021

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Award-winning architect and author of Native Places, Frank Harmon, FAIA, wants to change the way we see. That is why he started his online journal, six years ago and more recently created his book, “Native Places: Drawing as a Way to See.” Join us for this webinar as Frank shares a collection of thoughts and hand-drawn sketches that illustrate the value of looking closely at buildings and places, and the making of architecture. Its goal is to inspire architects by offering a sense of hope and possibility in the closely observed world outside of our window.

Beginning with simple sketches, Frank has designed sustainable modern buildings across the Southeast for 30 years. His buildings are materially specific to their region, using hurricane-felled cypress and rock from local quarries to connect the structure to its landscape. The airy breezeways, outdoor living spaces, deep overhangs, and wide lawns embody the romanticism of the South while maintaining a distinguished modesty.

Frank is recognized as a purveyor of good design by his students, peers, and clients. In 2013, he received the F. Carter Williams Gold Medal from the North Carolina chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANC), the highest honor bestowed upon a North Carolina architect. He holds numerous awards recognizing his contributions to design and sustainability. His firm, Frank Harmon Architect has been named to Architect magazine’s “Top 50” list three times. 


A graduate of the Architectural Association in London, he is a professor at the NC State College of Design, taught at the Architectural Association, and has been a visiting critic at Harvard, the University of Virginia and the Rural Studio at Auburn University.

“Frank Harmon delighted our audience with inspired thinking while sharing easy tips to challenge the way we see the world.” – Scott Clowney, AIADC, Director of Public Programs

“I find my sense of hope and possibility renewed in these simple, evocative drawings and the wisdom that accompanies them.” – Marlon Blackwell, FAIA, AIA 2020 Gold Medalist

Hosted by the AIA Louisiana Associates and Emerging Professional Committee

Thursday, June 24, 2021

11:00 a.m. – 12 Noon / 1 LU


$25.00 – AIA Louisiana Members

$50.00 – Non-Members

Register Here >>

A’21 National Conference STARTS THURSDAY

Get your ticket to the architecture & design event of the year!

AIA is hosting an all-digital event featuring some of the biggest names in architecture and design. Over four days, we'll cover the timely topics that matter to your practice now: Firm resilience, sustainable practice, community engagement, and building efficiencies. Each day includes seminars, product demos, activities, and more. There are also eight keynote events—let's just say we've cooked up something special. 

Get your ticket >

AIA LA State Conference – JOIN US IN-PERSON and/or VIRTUAL!

Thank you to everyone that offered input into the formatting/structure for the 2021 State Conference on Architecture. As a result of your input, the AIA LA Executive Committee has approved a slightly “hybrid” schedule for State Conference to hopefully accommodate as many members as possible; we are proud of the work that the Conference Committee has done thus far to bring you an amazing event! Registration will open in the near future; however, sponsorships as well as booths (yes, there will even be an Expo!) are available now! Click HERE for details on those.


Thursday, September 23rd: VIRTUAL DAY (all sessions will be virtual)

Friday, September 24th: IN-PERSON DAY (all sessions will be in-person at Lafayette venue)

Sponsorship and Exhibitor information: Click here to find out about sponsorships.

Tickets: Here are the goods on what those will look like when registration opens!

Virtual One-Day Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you are not comfortable meeting in-person or your schedule just won’t allow for travel.

In-Person One-Day Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you only want to attend an in-person event and don’t want to attend the virtual sessions.

All-Access Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you want to attend anything/everything Conference related no matter the format! You’ll be able to attend the Thursday sessions wherever you are…even if you want to come to the Conference venue and join the group viewing! You’ll also be able to attend the Friday in-person sessions as well.

Honor Awards: 

  • There will be no boards to submit for projects again this year. Details are being worked on for digital displays, so keep an eye out for that.
  • Deadline to submit entry applications is June 17th (see below article on Call for Entries).
  • There will be an Awards Dinner (rather than previous “luncheon”) this year on Friday, September 24th at the Hilton Doubletree in Lafayette (the Friday evening of Conference at the conference venue).

AIA Louisiana Honor Awards Call For Entries

To encourage excellence in architecture, the Louisiana Chapter of the American Institute of Architects conducts an annual Awards Program. Through this program, AIA Louisiana seeks to honor works of distinction by its members and bring to public attention outstanding examples of architecture.

Any architectural project completed within the last 5 calendar years (January 2016) which has been produced by, or in collaboration with, a member firm of AIA Louisiana is eligible for submission. Projects may be located outside of Louisiana but must be submitted by an AIA Louisiana member who served as either the Design Architect or the Architect-of-Record for the project. Members are encouraged to submit previously submitted non-winning projects, or ones that have won awards in other programs.

The cost is $200 per entry. 


  • Entry form submitted – June 17 THIS THURSDAY
  • PowerPoint Presentations submitted – 4:00 pm, July 15
  • There will be no boards to submit for projects again this year.

Categories are: 


Submit Entry Here

Review Program Rules Here

2021 AIA Louisiana Professional Achievement

The AIA Louisiana Professional Achievement Awards recognize individuals for their excellent work and service to the profession, and their dedication to the practice of architecture. Participation in each category is limited to current membership in AIA Louisiana.

It is through the recognition of excellence and distinguished service that we promote the value of the profession as a whole. Please help us recognize the efforts of your peers.


The submission deadline for AIA Louisiana Professional Achievement Awards is August 3, 2021, 4:00 p.m. All deadlines are strictly observed.

Read More about the AIA Louisiana Associates Award

Read More about the Emerging Professionals Award

Save The Dates


17 Honor Award Entry Forms Due

17 AIA National Conference Event #1

24 Native Places: Drawing as a Way to See (Webinar)

30 Conference Brochure Deadline


8 Emerging Leaders Virtual Meeting

8 AIA National Conference Event #2

15 Honor Award Submissions Due

16 Board Meeting

29 Trivia Event

29 AIA National Conference Event #3


3 AIA Louisiana Professional Achievement Submissions Due

18/19 Emerging Leaders Session II

19 AIA National Conference Event #4

31 State Conference Early Registration Closes


15 Conference Online Registration Closes

23 Board Meeting

23/24 State Conference on Architecture


26 Codes Workshop


2 Executive Planning Session