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Awakening the World to the Power of God's Word
June 2014
Marines and B90:

by David Winkle, Director of Operations 


A group of United States Marines at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, is currently going through the Bible in 90 Days (B90). They are part of the VMM 261 (Raging Bulls), a Marine Medium, Tiltrotor Squadron (V 22 Osprey). The class sessions are being led by Staff Sergeant Bryce Rogers, who serves as the Avionics Senior Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (SNCOIC). Staff Sergeant Rogers previously went through B90 in his home congregation.


As they conclude their deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, some of the Marines thought that B90 would be a good way to end their time of service in Afghanistan. As the Marines of VMM 261 are nearing the end of their deployment, their APO address for shipping will soon close. This made shipping B90 Bibles, Participants' Guides, and DVDs virtually impossible.


This brought the unofficial Marine motto: "Improvise, Adapt and Overcome" into play for the Marine participants and for the Scripture Awakening staff as well. The question for the staff was, "How do we make these materials available in this situation?" The question for the participants was, "How can we insure our successful completion of B90 without all of the materials available?"


To help solve this dilemma, the Scripture Awakening staff brainstormed to find the best solution possible. First, the B90 video lectures were posted privately on YouTube, and the Internet address was sent to Staff Sergeant Rogers who was able to download them via the USO's Internet connection. Next, PDF files of the necessary printed materials were privately posted on the Internet, so they could be downloaded in the same way.


The only thing the Marines do not have access to is the B90 Bible itself. Ordinarily a significant part of the program, the B90 Bible is specifically designed for ease of reading, in order to help insure the success of participants. The only option available to these Marines is to utilize the Bibles they have on hand. Realizing that their successful completion of B90 will require more discipline and commitment than most, they came up with a Marine solution. They have made a covenant agreement that each one of them will make sure that all of them are successful. This esprit de corps is instilled in every Marine in their training, and will certainly benefit them in this endeavor.


One of the long-range goals of Scripture Awakening is to develop and publish B90 materials specifically for use in the military. Hopefully, feedback from military units like VMM 261 will assist us in this process.  


Camp Bastion, the British headquarters in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan happens to be located in the middle of a desert. In Scripture, God does some of His best work with people when they are in the desert. Let us pray that this will be true for these Marines of VMM 261. Let us pray that God's Word might be a refreshing oasis in the midst of war and the wilderness.


In honor of our new Marine participants:
Christ called Peter. When the Lord placed His direct hand on the life of Peter, there was not an area left untouched. Peter urges believers everywhere to strive for the same moral excellence that Christ had expected of him.

Mark Lucas - Art Direction


From my youth I have ever had an artistic/creative affinity, which I always imagined artistic expression would be my preferred vocation. After becoming a Christ-follower in the late 70s, while the call to ministry was immediate, it was woefully delayed. That lack eventually awakened me to my need of discipleship, and the arc of my life intersected with Jesus' command to make disciples. In 1991 God gave me my amazing wife Kathy who was a further catalyst toward discipleship and mission. Our Father had captured us both to strengthen His Church wherever we had opportunity. We founded a ministry where disciple-making is modeled as family. So whether ministering on the street, in the pulpit, or around the kitchen table, our hearts beat to help believers know their identity, grow in the fullness of the faith, hope, and love of Jesus.


While disciple-making remains as a primary ministry focus, I have served in pro-life activism, as pastor-teacher, in international adoption, cross-cultural missions, as well as helping unite local Christian leaders to learn, understand, and value Christ in one another and their respective ministries. I'm gratified to now apply my creative skills to help the various ministries of Scripture Awakening as it strengthens the Body of Christ, and extends the Kingdom of God locally and globally.  My wife and I have one delightful daughter, Constance Joy, who has also been involved in various ministries. We hope to soon return to western North Carolina to make our home.  


Also let us know if you are involved in or plan to start a B90 reading group. We will list it on our website so others can join if they are in your area.

Please email information to: 


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Blessings in Christ,




William P. Campbell




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