Volume 1 | April 27, 2017
Grassroots  Connection
Welcome! Iowa  Heartland  RC&D is excited to bring to you our new and informative monthly e-newsletter, Grassroots Connection, for important and engaging events you won't want to miss.  We'll feature programs and projects of interest in your area and Central Iowa including snapshots of articles about people making a positive impact.  We'll keep you informed so you can stay connected!
Upcoming Events
There's a lot going on in our Central Iowa area this summer beginning in June for Arts and Culture, habitat restoration, environmental sustainability initiatives, historical landmarks, outdoor recreation, farmers markets and much more! 

We'll do our best to keep you informed of special events you won't want to miss.  Be sure to send us your information too so that we can list what's happening in your area in our newsletter and on our website.  Visit our website for more up to date calendar events and details with the link below!

Calendar of Events

It's All About Trails!
There's no better time than now to get out and enjoy our beautiful area trails.  What ever you enjoy doing most, whether it's biking, hiking, running, skating or just being with family and friends outdoors on a trail, enjoy the great outdoors and the numerous communities along Central Iowa's trail system!  Check out our website for more details on local community and trail events iowaheartlandrcd.org 

Noteworthy News
Even though the 2017 Principal Charity Classic is officially over, you can still go online and donate through their Birdies For Charity Program to support IHRC&D.  Visit the PCC website to find how to continue your donating to IHRC&D.

Principal Charity Classic

Support Iowa Heartland RC&D
Father's Day is over but you can still donate to IHRC&D in honor of Dad by going to http://smile.amazon.com.  You shop and Amazon gives.

Make a lasting gift to support your passion and what's important to you through IHRCD.  With your gift we can help make what you care about a reality for future generations and support new and exciting programs that fit our Mission and yours.  Visit our donation page on our website for more gift giving details and options. IHRCD.ORG.
"Is this Heaven?  No, it's Iowa", from Field of Dreams.  Consider being a part of Iowa Heartland RC&D by joining our Board, committees or volunteering on many of our Central Iowa projects!  For more details on how you can make a difference contact Ann Wolf [email protected] 

Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development  |  515-321-9070 | [email protected]| ihrcd.org