June 2022
Summer of the Psalms Reading Plan
The psalms have often been called the prayer book of the Bible. This summer, our church is being called to read through all 150 psalms! The reading plan began on Monday, May 30, but it’s not too late to get started. Join us in reading through the psalms at Immanuel this summer by picking up a reading plan at the welcome center on Sunday. Let us all pray our way through this wonderful book of the Bible together this Summer!
Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Greg
The Tragedy of King Saul

We all know the story of King David. It is a story of victory and faith. But alongside David’s rise, the scriptures speak of the fall of another character, King Saul. On Wednesday, June 15, Pastor Greg will begin a new study on I Samuel from the perspective of King Saul. Just as the story of King David is life lesson on being a person after God’s own heart, by studying King Saul, we learn how not to be people after the flesh. The Wednesday night Bible study group meets in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm. All adults are invited to come and learn from the tragedy of King Saul with pastor Greg on Wednesday nights!
New Ladies Bible Study
Tuesdays at 11:00 am
Elijah by Priscilla Shirer

Every fervent believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm. Join Priscilla Shirer for this 7-session study through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now. This Bible study is for ladies and will meet in the Sonshine class room every Tuesday starting June 14. Sign up at Sign-Up-Central this Sunday!
Parent/Student Sunday School Lunch

Parents, you’re invited to join us THIS SUNDAY, June 5th, at 12:00 pm, and lunch is on us! At this lunch, you’ll have an opportunity to hear from your student’s Sunday School teacher about how God has been working in your student’s life! Pre-register online at www.ibcbenton.com/events for this amazing opportunity to connect with your student’s teacher! We hope you can join us!
Student Life Camp Important Dates

WE’RE TWO MONTHS AWAY FROM CAMP! If your student is signed up for Student Life Camp, then don’t miss these dates!

June 26th at 4:30 PM: We will have a Parent Meeting in the Connection Point room here at Immanuel to go over all of the details concerning Student Life Camp!

July 24th from 6-7 PM: Luggage Drop-Off this year will take place in the Youth Room!
Community Groups

We hope your student can join us for our remaining Community Groups for the summer! This is a great way for your student to MATURE in their faith as they study God’s Word with their peers. This summer, one of our high school students has written our study on “How to Identify False Teaching & How to Know Truth.” 
Summer Extended Hours

During the summer, we are extending our hours from 6:30-8:30 PM! We want to create an atmosphere where students can hangout and deepen their relationships with one another as we encourage each other to follow King Jesus!
Summer 2022!

Summer 2022 is here!! We are so excited for the opportunities we have in store for your student this summer to MAKE, MATURE, and MULTIPLY as disciple-makers in their faith! You will be receiving a letter with some more information about our summer plans. Here’s some of what we have going on in June!