June 2023 Newsletter

The Coeur d’Alene Airport Association is an Idaho nonprofit organization

dedicated to promoting the Coeur d’Alene Airport and General Aviation


Featured KCOE Aircraft of the Month

by Oscar Campbell

This lovely lady is a 1943 Taylorcraft L2M, serial #5262, which I've owned for 4 ½ years. 

It was delivered to the Army Aircorp in June of 1943. She did her Wartime service in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, training pilots and targeting. The rear seat swiveled 180 degrees allowing the co-pilot to face rearward at a targeting desk. A 100 ft antenna was unreeled out of the back of the airplane. The targeter would call in the coordinates of enemy troops and equipment positions to ground or ship artillery.

After its time in the Army Aircorp she sat in a museum for almost a half century. For unknown reasons she was sold to a couple guys in the Los Angeles area. They intended to restore her but soon learned it was beyond their skill level. They sold her to a gentleman named Lane Tuffs.

Lane and his friend Dick Fisher restored her over the next 13 years. Lane and Dick were both retired Boeing Aero Engineers and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, graduates. They were aledged classmates of our own Burt Rutan.

The nose art is Jiminy Cricket. Disney images were provided to a lot of WW ll aircraft. Hey Bum is the name I gave her. I used to call my young son “Hey Bum.”

If you'd like your aircraft featured in an upcoming issue, please send an email with a couple photos and a brief history about it.

Send an email

"In the Pattern"

by Steve Anderson

If you are reading this column, you might be an aviation “nut”, like me. I am a 72 year old member of the KCOE flying community. As a board member of both the CdAAA and the Airport Advisory Board (AAB), I try to keep informed on the issues and concerns of my fellow aviators. 

This year (2023) has seen some significant changes that will affect KCOE stakeholders. In my opinion, it is widely believed that the addition of Bruce Mattare, new Kootenai County Commissioner and commissioner in charge of KCOE direction and oversight, has resulted in improved communications at all levels.

Commissioner Mattare has had a significant role in the selection of a new AAB as well as an Interim Airport Director to replace the Airport Director who resigned shortly after the County elections. 

We are at an early stage in the process of change. It remains to be seen whether a new County Commissioner, the appointment of an Interim Director and his ultimate replacement, and a new AAB will result in the positive changes sought by the majority. 

Among the changes hoped for are: 

  • improved safety through an “augmented" AWOS system 
  • implementation of user friendly gate access
  • implementation of revised landing fees to encourage continued use by Fire Fighting Contractors and recreational airport users with larger aircraft for fly-in events and air shows. 

The objective is to make KCOE a more user friendly airport for all, and to leave both visitors and tenants with a positive experience. 

Check back here each month to read the latest news from CdAAA regarding airport operations. If you would like to contact Steve call (208) 819-5808‬ or email stevenanderson11@yahoo.com

Upcoming Events

June CdAAA Meeting


Stancraft Jet Center, KCOE 3300 Aviation Way Hayden, ID


06/13/23 5:00pm - 06/13/23 6:00pm US/Eastern
The regular monthly meeting of the Coeur d'Alene Airport Association. Come and learn about happenings at the airport and meet new people!
I'll Be There!
I Can't Make It

Meeting Agenda

Joe from StanCraft will present operations at StanCraft

Old business

  • Discuss lease rate increases by 6.9 %
  • 12,500 lbs. landing fees
  • Evan present info about June 10 Fly-out

New business 

  • Discussion about new newsletter format
  • Presentation and suggestions for future speaker at CDAAA
  • Any additional new business items from members 

 CdA Airport Association

Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023

Call to Order: By President Harry Craviotto at 5:02 PM at Stancraft Jet Center, Aviation Way, KCOE

Present/Guests: See List in Secretary Files

Minutes from Previous Meeting: Motion to approve by Tom Loga, seconded by Jim Walsh

Treasurer’s Report: Balance Ckg acct: $1574.56. Balance Savings Acct: $4000.82

Board Report/Old Business: Harry introduced a Guest Speaker describing his work, and intentions to patent, on building a mechanism to protect important objects put into space that are in danger of being damaged by extra/defunct potentially colliding and destroying them. A pretty smart 6th grader! He could use some backing. If interested, contact him at rockpilerookies@gmail.com

CdA Advisory Board Monthly meeting of CdA Airport Advisory Board will be Wednesday, May 10. Mike Kincaid showed us a video presentation that he intends to present to the Advisory Board addressing the AWOS situation. We can obtain the system should count on a two month timeline for switching over to the new system. FAA recommends the Airport Director should help expedite a seamless change over. Should be able to work this in with a M/O budget of $1200/year. What we need is to keep maintenance costs low and still keep KCOE safer. There is a company in Spokane to do the maintenance or a KCOE employee can be trained to do it. But the County should be responsible for the cost.

Mike K. also gave a preview of what he intends to present to the Adv Board: landing fees are highest in the County (according to Fire fighting/Forest Service Tankers and a survey of local/similar airports) and we need to be more pilot friendly to encourage more aircraft of all kinds to come to KCOE.

In previous talks, Phil had addressed the keypad and RF ID cards, with some ideas to coordinate the pin numbers into the key pads.

Phil is also open to a grass strip, but must move the circle over about 100 feet.

New Business:


Looks like the Advisory Board may be asked to approve a 6.9% land lease rate this year. It is difficult to establish the increase rate % especially since the CPI is so volatile now.

Steve A advised that there are “Resolutions” available for the public to look at. The Adv Board Members can provide a motion to approve a resolution be recommended for adoption. Resolutions should be specific and have proper justification.

Aaron S gave a brief history to explain the establishment of the “operation/infrastructure fees”. He feels that going to the 12,500 lbs. will negate monies that could be used to improve KCOE.

We are reminded that the uncertainty of the economy means we should also be flexible. Lowering the fees seems logical to bring more planes into KCOE and therefore balance out the income/revenue.

Other: Fly-ins: Idaho Aviation Association has scheduled some back country air strip work parties if the WX holds. Also, WPA holds their association meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and has some interesting speaker. Pancake Breakfasts here at No Limits/fly-in to Boundary County (65S) should be starting up their Pancake Breakfast on the last Saturday of each month May through August/September.

Good of Order: Thanks to Joe R. and Nelson E. for the generous hosting at the Stancraft Jet Center venue tonight.

Next Meeting: When June 13th Where: Stancraft Jet Center. Don’t forget refreshments at Hardwood Café.

Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned at 6:20PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Elsbeth Roach


CdAAA Board 

June 3: Fly-out to Lewiston for pancake breakfast

Meet on South ramp at 7:30am. Bring your plane. Some seats available for those who need a ride,


June 10: Breakfast Fly-Out to Chewelah

8:30am KCOE (see poster)

June 10:Neighbor Days @KSFF

June 13: CdAAA meeting

5pm Stancraft Jet Center (see above)

June 14: Airport Advisory Board

5pm @ Airport Office

10375 Sensor Ave., Hayden

June 24: Challenge Air for Kids 

@ KSFF; Volunteers needed to fly/ramp work:

contact Elsbeth if you can help, roachie423@gmail.com

Visit our website for more information about the airport.


Meet a fascinating, humble KCOE pilot who has survived many a harrowing experience as an Alaska State Trooper.

A video about a pilot at Coeur d'Alene airport
Download the CdAAA Membership Application

The purpose of the association is to preserve the Coeur d’Alene airport, improve community relations, foster bilateral communications between this association and airport operations, participate in planned growth, enhance flying safety and promote fellowship among pilots and aviation enthusiasts.

