Jun 20, 2023 10:30 AM
Kevin Hedges, Occupational Hygienist, OHCOW
Respiratory Protective Equipment for all healthcare workers during a pandemic (and beyond) – a risk-based approach using Canadian Standard CSA 94.4 using Control Banding
Dr. Joe Vipond, Emergency Physician, Rockyview General Hospital in Alberta
For over three years, we have been fighting the virus incorrectly. Only by accepting and mitigating the dominant form of transmission, airborne, will we lower hospital-acquired infections and the resulting mortality, and in addition lower staff infection and long COVID rates. It can be done, if we only try.
Dr. Allen Kraut, Physician, Occupational Health Centre in Manitoba
Giving the updates on the risk of COVID in healthcare, the current COVID situation and guidance, and the risk perspective changed over time in Manitoba.