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While summer will not officially start for another week, our Clubs are in full summer swing. Most schools have concluded their annual calendars and many Clubs have started their Summer Fun Clubs. Our team has a great summer planned for our members filled with great educational programs, art activities and fun field trips. Our members always look forward to the weekly trips to museums, dairy farms and the ever-popular trips to the beach and water parks.

Summer Fun Club represents the busiest time in our Clubs, providing great opportunities to positively influence our members. The increased intensity brings risk as well. We educate our team members on safety and security guidelines, placing special focus on high-risk activities like swimming and field trips. The safety of our members represents our greatest priority.

We recognize that many of our members have not had the opportunity to become proficient swimmers. Thanks to a generous donor, we will resume our Swim For Life program that provides swimming lessons and water safety education for all of our members. Our goal is to have all of our members “swim safe” before returning to school in the fall.

Best wishes to all of you for a great summer season!!

John Wellons,

President & CEO

May Highlight: Providing Internet Essentials

Reliable internet access is key to the success of our youth. Thanks to Internet Essentials from Comcast, our Club kids and their families can have free internet access to ensure that they have all of the tools they need for a successful future.

Program Feature: Triple Play

Recently, three of our school site locations participated in the Triple Play program. Club youth improved their knowledge of healthy habits, increased their daily amount of physical activity, and strengthened their ability to have positive relationships with others. Taught by teens from our Wowzers! program, our club youth enjoyed a variety of activities and games while having lots of fun!

Club Activity: Brader Elementary Jr. Youth of the Year

Our Brader Elementary School Site recently held their Jr. Youth of the Year program! Each finalist presented their speech to a panel of judges and answered their various questions. We are very proud of our elementary aged youth who participate in this program each year, preparing them to hopefully one day compete in Youth of the Year!

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