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Dear Friends of the Arts,
We look forward to some wonderful events this month, including ChalkFest, Fete de la Musique, and our first Tactile Exhibit. It's been a busy place around here, and we love it that way! Be sure to scroll down for more info.
As our fiscal year runs from June 1 through May 31, June is always a time of change for the Center. We welcome three new members to our Board of Directors: B'Ann Dittmar, Birgit Radin, and Mark Sumpter. We appreciate their determination to support and guide the Center, and look forward to working with them on our many projects. We will introduce them to you in more depth in the coming months. Matt Carroll, who has been a valuable board member since 2017, will be revolving off the board. He has been a wonderful help as we have grown, and we know he will stay involved with the Center in the future.
The artwork is in for our new exhibit, and it is beautiful. You are invited to our opening on June 2 to help us celebrate the new work!
Wishing you an art-filled start to summer.
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Gallery Hours
We are now open from 11am to 4pm every
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
throughout the summer.
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Opening Reception
Friday, June 2, 5 to 7pm
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For the opening reception, we will have live music provided by Amanda Hauta on harp, and Viktoriia Slyvka playing the bandura, a traditional Ukrainian folk instrument. Music from various styles will be represented including traditional and modern Ukrainian music as well as Irish and American selections. The Regional Arts Gallery will be filled with new work from our many wonderful artists, and the special exhibit space will feature the Tactile Exhibit. The new exhibits continue through July 23. | |
A few pieces of new art waiting to find their places on the walls. | |
Tactile Exhibit
June 2 through July 23
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An art submission by Julie Ferring for the Tactile Exhibit. | |
The Center, in coordination with Audible Visions, is thrilled to offer a tactile exhibit for the first time. You won't see any "Do not touch" signage in this exhibit; in fact, the idea is for you to experience the art as much with your hands as your eyes. Adaptive features will be added to make the exhibit enjoyable for all.
On June 15 from noon to 4:00, please join us for a Tactile Tour when there will be audio descriptions of the artwork as well as 1-1 human guiding.
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Youth Art Gallery
will feature student artwork from
Stockton High School in June
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Students in Dorothy Ramey's Stockton Art classes are challenged to explore many forms of making art and to create pieces with personality. Students learn about traditional art forms, like drawing, painting, and ceramics, and specialized art forms like raku and glass fusing. They are encouraged to learn advanced and innovative techniques with their preferred art making materials and to experiment with unfamiliar materials. | |
Working on painting, Feb 2023, Mauricio Glass | |
Volunteer Recruitment Meeting
Tuesday, June 13, 5:30 to 6:30pm
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At Galena Center for the Arts, our volunteers are both valued and valuable. We could not fulfill our mission without them. As the Center grows in programming, our need for volunteers increases; therefore, on June 13th the Center is hosting a volunteer recruitment meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. After a brief introduction, potential volunteers can visit various tables to find out where they best fit, whether that be as a greeter, an usher, food and beverage server, etc. Volunteering is a wonderful way to support and experience all aspects of the arts. Please consider attending and becoming a valued member of our team. | |
Songwriters Showcase
Fête de la Musique (Open Mic)
Thursday, June 15
Sign in for the open mic at 6:30, music starts at 7 pm.
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Fete de la Musique is an annual international event, celebrating – and reveling in – music, arts and culture. It is a night to promote music by encouraging everyone to participate: as a performer, a listener, or simply a spectator. | |
The Center will celebrate by offering a free open mic evening, hosted by Lenny Wayne, on June 15. Bring your voice or instrument, or just come to listen and join in the fun. We’ll be outdoors if it’s nice weather, or we can go into the performance space if weather is bad. Bring a picnic if you like! Beverages will be available.
Free, donations appreciated.
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Chalking Workshop
Friday, June 23, 6 to 7pm
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ChalkFest featured artist John Soukup will be leading a free workshop in the parking lot at the Center. He will be sharing tricks and suggestions for success with chalk art. All ages welcome!
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Saturday, June 24, 8am to 4pm |
Plan to bring the family to chalk or to watch the chalkers in action, enjoy live music, and create in the kid’s drawing zone! Food and drink will be available for purchase. We welcome featured artist John Soukoup!
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If you have not yet signed up for Ann Thomas’ class Capturing Galena in Pen and Ink and Watercolor, it is not too late. We still have a few openings; the last day to register is June 6. The class will begin at the Center and from there go to locations around Galena…weather permitting. Click here to visit the Center’s website for more specifics, supply lists, and to reserve your spot! | |
The weekly figure drawing classes continue in the classroom from 1:30 - 3:30pm every Thursday. Cost for one 2-hour session is $10. Being able to sketch a live model is a wonderful opportunity you won’t want to miss!
If you are interested in being a paid model for these classes, please email Sandra at gallerymanager@galenacenterforthearts.com. Ideally, we’d like to provide the artists with models of varying ages, body types, and ethnicities.
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Summer Intern
Audrey ONeill
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Welcome Audrey ONeill, our new summer intern! She is standing next to one of her favorite pictures in the gallery.
Audrey will be a senior at Wahlert High School in Dubuque this year, and plans to apply to art schools the following year.
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Galena Center for the Arts
Junior Advisory Board
Informational meeting
Monday, June 5 at 5pm
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Join us on Monday June 5th at 5:00 p.m. for an information meeting about our new Junior Advisory Board. Snacks will be provided.
Participating on the Galena Center for the Arts Junior Advisory Board will expose members to networking opportunities and increase their professional growth, business acumen, and community outreach. If applicable, time spent doing Board activities will go toward volunteer hours. This experience will provide additional skills needed for meaningful employment as well as connecting with our community and also look great on a resume.
For more information, please contact Stephanie Beck at officemanager@galenacenterforthearts.com
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Teen Theatre Intensive!
July 17-21
Ages 13-17
Each day will focus on a different skill with a variety of instructors
Some of the areas to be covered: Audition Intensive with Cindy Tegtmeyer, Stage Combat with Joe Klinebriel of Clarke College, Improvisation with Jay Dickerson, Physical Comedy and Clowning around with Cindy Tegtmeyer, Tech Tips with Jan Lavacek, and How to Sell a Song with Carole Sullivan.
Ages 13-17. Class size maximum of 12.
$125 for the week
scholarships available
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Youth Scene Study!
July 31-August 4
Ages 10-13
Use your voice, body, and imagination to create believable situations and characters. Learn how putting your attention on your partner builds a compelling relationship onstage. Friends and family are invited to attend a Friday afternoon showcase to watch students perform improvisational or scripted scenes. Instructor, Cindy Tegtmeyer
Ages 10-13. Class size maximum of 12
$125 for the week
scholarships available
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Recent Activities
at the Center
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On a perfect May evening, we were treated to great music provided by Bruce Kort, David Czech, and Scott Rische, with special guests Forrest Carter Rische and Ruth Ann Lillstrom. | |
River Glen & Band, "As Above, So Below" album release tour May 3 | |
Regional Artists Past Exhibit | |
The Center is thrilled to announce that thirty-four Tom Cunningham paintings have sold! On Sunday, May 21 a reception was held for the public to view the collection all together one last time before they go to their new homes. Tom and Susan's gift to the Center is sincerely appreciated. | |
Framing and Matting Class Held | |
Courtney Lomax-Moser, who has her framing studio in the Center, shared valuable information on how to enhance art through matting and framing choices, along with the many considerations when framing different mediums. The participants had fun choosing just the right mat and frame for their artwork and enjoyed seeing the finished products! | |
Barbara Mathews Teaches Watercolor Class | |
Based upon the laughter heard and the smiles seen on the students' faces, the Beginning Watercolor class taught by Barbara Mathews was a rousing success.
The students learned numerous techniques and left with five completed watercolors.
Clear to the students was not only Barbara's extensive knowledge and skill in watercolors, but also the pure joy she felt for her students and for teaching. She says, "I love what I do. I'm very blessed." After reflecting, Barbara added that "being involved in art makes you so human."
Watch the Center website for future classes with Barbara Mathews.
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The Galena Center for the Arts has generously opened a free library of art books! From artist biographies to historical texts to instructional guides, these shelves hold a wide variety with more additions coming. This is a great way to develop an artistic skill, as all informational facets of various mediums are all right there for you! Personally, I was blown away by the copy of Great Tapestries: The Web of History from 12th To the 20th Century by Edita Lausanne, and I was able to pick up a guide to tapestry making and a historical book about textile dyes just a few shelves over. And if you're planning a trip, check out local guides such as a stunning book on stained glass windows in Chicago. You can peruse and sit in a comfy chair in the library, or you can check out books to take home for 2 weeks. This space is open during gallery hours. Keep an eye out for upcoming events at the GCA library! ~ K. Kriesel
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- Bryan and Jenni Ackerman
- Lee Adami
- Matt Carroll
- Diane Banas
- John Cox
- David Czech
- B'Ann Dittmar
- Cathy Dorwick
- Janet Eggleston
- Cathie Elsbree
- Karen Greiner
- Barbra and Duane Grenier
- Sheila and Mark Haman
- Betsy Hansen
- Joan and Dick Harmet
- Terri Jackman
- Nancy Kenney
- Tom Kirkwood
- Bruce Kort
- K. Kreisel
- Kim Kreiser
- Helen Kupetis
- Patricia Lehnhart
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- Ruth Ann Lillstrom
- Courtney Lomax Moser
- Nancy and Paul McMenamin
- Stormy Mochal
- Kris Murdoch
- Gerry Oberman and Aleyda Gomez
- Ron and Kathy Pearson
- Birgit Radin
- Forrest Carter Rische
- Scott Rische
- Marion Roberts
- Alison Schoenrock
- Mark Sumpter
- Ronn Toebaas estate
- Sean Vanderpool
- Katherine Walker
- Dennis Waltman
- Connie Warnsing
- Lenny Wayne
- Andy Willis
- Sandy Winge
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- Volunteers needed to paint gallery pedestals.
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Time to get involved! We still need greeters for the gallery and volunteers to help with serving at openings, ushering at music and theatre events, garden maintenance, painting, and more!
If you would like to help out as a greeter, please go to
Signupgenius.com and scroll down to choose the dates you would like to help. It’s not hard, and it’s so much fun to meet other art lovers and show off our wonderful new space. For other volunteer opportunities, email Carole.
Thanks so much!
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Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
(815) 402-3111
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Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others! | |
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency. | |
This program is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. | |
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
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Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman | | | | |